I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 270 Apply for Check-out

[The customer of family room 3010 has applied for check-out. No deposit is required. Please go to process it]

The hotel operation interface suddenly popped up in front of Xia Yan. ‘6’ ‘9’ ‘s’ ‘h’ ‘u’ ‘x’ ‘.’ ‘c’ ‘o’ ‘m’

A line of bold red words floated on the light blue display screen.

She clicked in and saw that the owner was Fan Jie.

[The customer Fan Jie has applied to cancel the points card. The remaining points are less than 100 and cannot be refunded. Please ask the boss to communicate with the customer about the refund method]

[The customer Fan Jie has withdrawn the application for refund of points. The remaining points are included in the hotel's non-operating income]

Before she clicked to confirm, a series of information popped up.

So fast?

He didn't want the points, but was in a hurry to run away?

He was afraid that she would deal with him according to the hotel rules.

Xia Yan thought about it, this is called a guilty conscience.

From the surveillance content, there is no way to prove that the deaths of the two people were directly related to him. She just suspected it. I didn't expect him to use running away to prove that the incident was indeed caused by him, or that he was an insider.

I still don't understand the store rules thoroughly enough.

He actually thought she was a police officer.

Xia Yan thought it was too funny.

"Xiongxiong, take care of this, and then take out all the boxes in front with Zhikang, mark them and wait for me to deal with them tomorrow."

She gave a few simple instructions, yawned and prepared to go back to rest.

As for the disputes and secrets between the three people, let it be whatever it is, she didn't want to waste her energy on things that had nothing to do with her.

Two people are dead, one person ran away with a guilty conscience, oh, and took his wife and children with him. Since it doesn't count as a violation of the store rules, what does it have to do with her as the boss.

Go back to sleep.

Chu Wanfu, who watched the whole process silently, followed up and looked up at the windows of the whole building. How many pairs of eyes would be staring at this place behind the dark curtains?

Through tonight, he can be sure of one thing, that is, Boss Xia is indeed in a neutral position.

Since he is neutral... he has to speed up the pace of building a base.


A kilometer away from the hotel, a family of three fled frantically.

With the sparse starlight in the sky, a human figure could be vaguely seen stumbling in the dense grass around, chasing the figure in front of him who was fleeing for his life.

"Huh, huh, where are we going?" The woman held the child's hand tightly, pulling up the coat that was about to slide off her shoulders. The coat flew backwards without being pulled up in time, and the metal zipper head hit the same position on her back with the movement, causing a dull pain.

Her voice, which she tried to suppress, still aroused Fan Jie's anger.

"Shut up! If you don't want to die, follow me closely!"

He turned around and saw those ghosts getting closer and closer, with roars coming one after another, densely packed.

Why, why are there so many? !

Fan Jie couldn't help but feel his scalp numb, and layers of goose bumps appeared all over his body. The coldness climbed from the soles of his feet to his spine, and wrapped around his neck with malice and coldness, trying to make him unable to breathe and suffocate to death.


A highly decayed zombie suddenly jumped out of the bushes nearby. Its sharp teeth gleamed like a dagger in the moonlight, and it pounced on the shortest boy.

The woman's originally sore limbs suddenly surged with endless strength. She pulled him to her side, and then hit the zombie's chest hard, knocking it back into the bushes.

She fell heavily to the ground, sliding forward one or two meters without losing inertia. Her face was immediately cut by the sharp leaves, and it started to sting after it was cold.

The boy who escaped from the thrilling escape finally couldn't hold back the fear in his heart, and cried out.

He was sleeping in a warm room, why was he suddenly pulled out of bed by his father, and was forced to leave the hotel without even putting on his clothes, and perform a zombie escape in the middle of the night?

"I want to go back to the hotel, I don't want to be here, I don't want to die..."

When the unrestrained voice exploded in the silent wilderness, the zombies were instantly ignited, and they roared violently. Fan Jie's tense nerves finally broke.

With a crisp sound, he slapped the boy's head to one side, and blood oozed from the corner of his mouth.

In the darkness, his eyes were scarlet, and the veins on his neck were bulging. With his crazy and hideous expression and shaking body, he looked like a crazy zombie.

The boy swallowed the sobs that were about to cry out of his throat and looked at the strange father in front of him in horror.

"Let's go."

He shifted his sight with a gloomy look, stared at the front, and ran desperately towards the destination.

The woman was also frightened. She didn't care about her sore limbs. She hurriedly got up and pulled her son's hand to catch up.

Almost as soon as the two of them stood up and left, several zombies followed them and fell on the grass that scratched her face, as if attracted by the blood left on it.

More and more zombies surrounded them. They kept running wildly and dared not stop. The heavy breathing became more and more obvious in the dark night. The eardrums were congested and buzzing. The slightly cool wind was like countless sharp knife tips piercing into the trachea and lungs. Every physiological breath brought hellish pain!

Not yet.

There were dangers everywhere around them, and the zombies kept approaching. The man in front of them only left them with a residual shadow, but that was the last ray of straw in their helplessness, forcing them not to stop at all, let alone run back to the hotel, so they could only chase him desperately.

Recalling what had just happened, the woman only hated why men could not live in peace and kill people for no reason?

At first, the man pulled her out of bed in a serious manner and said that Boss Xia asked everyone to go downstairs to discuss. She was so sleepy that she didn't have time to react and was dragged downstairs. Then he lied to them that everyone was in the safe zone. When the two of them were not paying attention, he pushed out the protective shield, and his hands like iron clamps tightly clamped their arms and said something.

He violated the store rules. If he didn't run quickly and was caught by Boss Xia, he would be fed to zombies.

What? How could it be? !

She woke up from her sleep immediately.

Fan Jie hushed and signaled them to keep their voices down, and took the two of them to the back of the hotel and pointed at the wreckage on the ground.


The woman was immediately struck by lightning, her face pale and trembling, asking why she didn't say it just now, she still had a lot of things to pack, and she didn't drink the champagne she just bought...

Fan Jie shook her shoulders heavily, asking her to wake up. If she said that kind of thing in the store, could they still walk out of the hotel alive?

In this way, the family of three embarked on the road to escape.

Suddenly, the son screamed and pulled the woman out of her memories.

Two zombies jumped up in front of her and pounced fiercely.

The woman subconsciously pushed her son away, and they both fell to one side, barely avoiding the zombies' claws. Before she could breathe a sigh of relief and get up from the ground, her son on the other side smacked his mouth and pointed behind her in horror.

At this time, a low roar came from above her head, and a gust of fishy wind blew. She tried her best to avoid it, but was still bitten hard on the neck.


"Son! Run!!"

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