The boy got up from the ground in a panic and stumbled forward.


He didn't dare to look back, his ears were filled with his mother's sharp screams and the chewing sounds of zombies biting.

"Come on, all of you come here! Come and eat me! All of you come and eat me, ah-ah!"

The boy's eyes were full of tears, and he could hardly see the road under his feet. His mind was full of the image of his mother crying and shouting at him to run.

I'm sorry--

The boy cried and blocked his ears hard, leaving no gap, and dared not listen to any sound.


A dazzling light suddenly lit up in front of him, and he reflexively tilted his head and closed his eyes.

Behind him, the zombies that were crawling together raised their heads when they heard the sound. Their rotten and dirty faces were covered with red liquid, and there were pieces of meat that were slightly throbbing in their teeth. Their gray eyes were fixed on the things behind the light. Suddenly, they all ran away and rushed over in a black mass.

"Damn, there are still so many zombies."

The man in charge of the car cursed, "That kid, run faster. If you can't catch up, I will leave you here to feed the zombies."

The man's light words did not seem to be joking. He was indeed turning around, and the car body was shaking violently.

"... No, wait for me!"

The boy stretched out his hand with bloodshot eyes, and cast a look of help to the panting father in the back seat. The latter looked at him coldly, without any intention of getting out of the car to help or say a word, like a stranger.

Then why did he have to drag himself and his mother along?

The boy was confused, but he ran desperately. Finally, he opened the door and fell into the car just before the driver ran out of patience. The car rushed out like a cannonball, and he was thrown hard on the seat, and then pushed away by his father.

"Why are there only two of you? Where is your wife?" The driver's eyes shot through the rearview mirror.

Fan Jie leaned forward, "There were too many zombies on the road. She stepped on a stone and fell and was bitten to death."

The boy raised his eyes to look at him.

"It's a happy death," the driver's eyes moved slightly, looking up and down at the boy next to him, "It's well-fed, one can do it."

Fan Jie was overjoyed and patted him on the back with an expression full of praise and encouragement.

The boy looked confused and didn't understand what the two were talking about. He just felt uneasy.

He half stood up and looked at the rear window. Under the red taillights, he saw the familiar man following behind him fiercely, twitching in pain.

Full of flesh.

A happy death?

The next second, 'she' was thrown far away.


Xia Yan woke up in the morning light, rolled comfortably in the quilt, stretched her body, and after the ten-second boot time was over, she got out of bed and washed up refreshed.

While brushing her teeth, she opened the hotel panel and prepared to process the information on the points card application.

Unexpectedly, two red message interfaces popped up one after another.

One, a new non-operating income was received.

Two, the customer applied to cancel the card, and the balance on the card was automatically abandoned.

β€”β€”User 3010.

Xia Yan spit out white foam, rinsed her mouth with a gurgle, and clicked on Confirm.

Fifteen minutes later, she appeared on the second floor of the lobby and ate some fried dough sticks and soy milk for breakfast.

There were not many customers dining in the restaurant, most of them were new customers. They were originally sitting side by side, talking quietly together. When they saw Boss Xia coming out with a ding-dong, they immediately pretended to enjoy breakfast as if nothing had happened.

Xia Yan was too lazy to pay attention to them, and ignored the subtle atmosphere.

There was another ding-dong.

As soon as the elevator door opened, a joyful voice rushed out.

"The cars downstairs are so cool! I've only seen them on my phone before, but now I can actually touch them!"

"Are those all Mr. Xia's cars?"

"Almost. Most people can't afford to fill up the gas tank. These cars all use up gas."

"It's nice to be able to see them to your heart's content."

Qi Hua's team walked and talked excitedly, praising those luxury cars.

They also wanted to get a car. If they went out to find supplies, they couldn't just rely on their legs. The nearby farms had been turned upside down, and there was really nothing good left.

It's better to walk outside.

As they were talking, Qi Hua, who was walking at the end of the team, suddenly felt someone patting his shoulder.

"The car is for rent. If you're interested, come down and find out later." Xia Yan nodded, sent the plate back, and went downstairs.

"Wait, what did Mr. Xia say?" Wang Yi stuttered, his face flushed with excitement.

"For rent!"

"OMG, for rent!"

"Then why are we still eating? Let's pack up and rent a car to go! I'm getting bored here!"

"Go out into the world! Sweep everything and be yourself!"

The team members showed unprecedented enthusiasm for the unknown outside.

They have been here for a long time and really want to see what the scenery outside is like.

Qi Hua suppressed his restless heart and asked, "What if we encounter that group of local forces?"

They have guns in hand.


The teammates realized this and suddenly became at a loss.

Li Qiang disagreed, "It's not just us who are going out. Doesn't General Chu send people out to collect supplies? There are always more people over there than us. Be careful and it's okay."

That makes sense!

When the two forces know that the existence of the other party will bring threats to themselves, who will care about them, a group of people who live in shame.

Qi Hua's team hit it off and hurried downstairs.

The new customers who had been listening in the restaurant gathered their heads again and muttered in a breath.

Suddenly someone got excited and stood up, saying, "I won't leave even if you kill me!"

The voice immediately attracted the attention of others, who became secretly suspicious.

Lin huddled in the corner without being disturbed by the outside world, holding a white steamed bun in her hand and staring at the densely written paper in front of her in a daze.


"The leasing conditions are almost like this. Five hundred points per day, gasoline needs to be purchased separately, and a third-level crystal core is required as a deposit."

Xia Yan stood opposite everyone, briefly introduced and then added something.

"If someone modifies a car and increases its defense by 70%, he will have priority to rent the car in the future, and the rental amount will be reduced to 300 points each time."

The main reason is that there are too many zombies in the city. If they are rampaging, no matter how sturdy the car is, they cannot withstand it.

These luxury cars are a small part of the store, and their main focus is just a pretense.

I still hope that customers will take good care of it.

As soon as he finished speaking, customers with ideas rushed forward.

Sang Zhengyi led the people straight to a Predator that he had been optimistic about for a long time. It had a high chassis and a strong frame. He would go back to the city to get some steel bars to make a reinforced frame and use it as his own car in the future.

Qi Hua's team also took the opportunity to choose a Xiaolong. After getting in the car, they couldn't put it down and caressed it back and forth, making monkey noises in excitement.

Xi Zhi took the lead and stepped onto the predator, for no other reason than to match his temperament.

Ye Qi was moving and moving, and finally squeezed into the same car as Bai Zuo and Baiyou.

The two sides looked at each other displeasedly. It was too late to get out of the car and choose another car. Neither one wanted to give up, so they had to stare at each other to discuss the cooperation plan.

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