I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 272 Two Black Seals

Gasoline is available in the supermarket on Lidai Island.

Upon hearing the news, everyone rushed over without stopping, fearing that they would not be able to buy gasoline if they were late.

Xia Yan stayed in the safe zone to deal with the boxes sorted out by Zhikang and Xiongxiong last night.

But the out-of-stock information that popped up from time to time disturbed her.

I don’t know what mechanism was triggered, but gasoline does not need to be purchased collectively, and buyers can "urge delivery".

𝟔𝟗 Book Bar

Messages popped up one after another, and Xia Yan had no time to deal with other things. As long as the information popped up, she would press it with one finger to confirm the delivery.

The supermarket's turnover kept increasing and decreasing, like an electrocardiogram.

She tried to increase the purchase volume, but was prompted that the purchase limit was exceeded and the application was rejected.

Xia Yan narrowed her eyes dangerously, really doubting the system's motives.



At this time, a buzzing sound of a car starting up came from the safe zone, like a leopard with a low roar, arching its back, and its strong and powerful hind legs tightened like springs, suddenly rushing out!

He stepped on the accelerator and reached 130 miles per hour.

Two lines of black car prints were left on the clean and tidy floor.

From the back to the front of the hotel, there were two semi-arc black prints.

Xiongxiong carried an iron brush and tried hard to clean it.

Xia Yan walked over expressionlessly, silent, and opened the panel---

The resident Xi Zhi was fined 5,000 points.

Seeing this, the convoys that were about to set off released the accelerator and slipped out of Boss Xia's territory at the lowest mileage.

In the safe zone, a group of people waved their arms and said goodbye with tears in their eyes. They were reluctant to leave, and their eyes glanced at the boxes placed on the side.

Xia Yan cut the Gordian knot quickly, and asked the employees to pull the trailer to send those who should be sent to Lidai Island for detoxification.

The compressed biscuits prepared for exchange with Chu Wanfu were placed in a corner of the hall.

For small miscellaneous items such as pencils, notebooks, and school bags, they were directly detoxified and thrown into the supermarket to wait for the destined person.

Square Circle prepared three self-service vending machines separately, one for the main store, one for the branch, and the last one in Lidai Island.

For the useless ones, they were handed over to employees for distribution in layers. If it didn't work, two were placed in each room, such as plungers and toilet brushes.

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When searching the system grid, she also found several tall shelves, which were thrown into Lidai Island and placed in the shared kitchen.

After everything was packed up, there were still cardboard boxes on the floor.

Xia Yan was ready to ask someone to throw them into the trash can.

Mother Qi stopped him, "If you don't want these boxes, can you give them to me? I want to grow some vegetables. "

Perhaps growing vegetables is a talent hidden in the blood of every dragon.

Cultivate, sow, weed, bear fruit, harvest.

This set of procedures is memorized by heart.

Xia Yan did not refuse, but did not agree that they should raise them in a public area.

Mother Qi nodded repeatedly and promised not to.

At this time, a panel popped up in front of her, and the bright colors of the bottom layer of the high-end restaurant on the virtual blue screen rose slightly.

[High-end restaurant tableware completion progress 7%]

[High-end restaurant ingredients completion progress 13%]

This is the happiest moment of zero-yuan shopping.

One more is one less burden on the shoulders.

The road is long and arduous, if it doesn't work, the points will be-- Xia·Poet·Yanzuo.

When I closed the interface, I saw that the store's turnover had reached an astonishing 550,000.

And there were still several specialty stores on the third floor that had not yet been opened.

One store required 200,000 points to unlock, and only 50,000 points were needed to unlock three stores.

Xia Yan charged the crystal cores he had received before, and stopped when he reached 50,000.

[Barbecue restaurant unlocked]

[Snail noodle restaurant unlocked]

[Rice noodle restaurant unlocked]

After three consecutive announcements, the store on the third floor, which was originally dark and had a decoration banner, was completely new.

The customer who stepped out of the hot pot restaurant was stunned, as if something was wrong.

Look up.

Ah ah ah!

All The shops are open for business!

The dark inner floor of the third floor is now brightly lit, and everything looks ready.

The customers regretted and beat their chests. If they had known this, they should have waited a little longer to try it!

A few lucky people put down the menus in their hands after hearing their calls, and happily turned and walked into other shops.

Xia Yan, who was standing in the safe zone, didn't know what was happening upstairs.

She looked next door.

It was just a day and a night plus half a morning, and a townhouse had been built next door.

There were even professional bricklayers who applied cement on the outside of the bricks and covered the top with tiles.

Although it was In late autumn, the sun was still hot overhead, and the dry air was filled with visible heat waves.

The worker standing on the roof was thirsty and dry, and called for someone to fetch water.

The woman mixing cement below responded, limping to the bucket in front of her to fill a full kettle, tightened the lid, and threw it up with her arms.

Another woman working on the roof also shouted that she was thirsty.

The voices asking for water came one after another.

After a while, there was only the bottom of the water in the bucket. Two children in their teens who were helping to pass tools and do what they could saw it, picked up a long wooden stick, and walked towards the hotel with the bucket.

Until they got closer, they saw Xia Yan standing at the door. They were a little nervous, and then they remembered what their mother said, politeness is pleasing.

They murmured and greeted: "Xia... Let's go get some water."

It seems that she said something wrong...

The two children had rosy cheeks, looking at her helplessly and fearfully.

"Go in."

Xia Yan smiled and made way.

In addition to the row of bungalows that had been built, the earth-type supernatural soldiers also built a towering wall with a thickness of half a meter around the three farms, using the collected steel bars, plates and other things.

It's just that posture...

Why do I feel that she is also included here?

Take a closer look.

That's right.

And she is in the center position here.

What does Chu Wanfu want to do?

Xia Yan frowned slightly.

At this time, a group of medical soldiers in white clothes walked out of the hall behind her, nodded to her, and hurried to the next door, starting to "set up a stall" on the open space.

The space power user took out six tables, chairs and benches, put medical cotton balls, disinfectant, gauze and other things on them, and then set up a simple medical room on the side, with a bed with wheels inside.

"Everyone, please pay attention. All those who have injuries should line up for examination. The medical conditions are limited, so we can only bandage them simply to avoid secondary infection! The key is that it is free of charge!"

A captain asked: "Have you got the medical resources?"

"Yes! General Chu collected them yesterday. We just counted the number. Aren't we in a hurry to treat everyone's wounds? Some team members' wounds are almost festering, and some survivors have severe frostbite. It will be troublesome if we delay any longer.

The above people, stop what you are doing immediately and hurry up to line up for treatment!"

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