I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 273 Missing Person Notice

As soon as the medic finished speaking, the survivors working on the roof and the soldiers casting the wall in the distance jumped down from the heights and gathered in groups of three or five.

Behind each of the six tables in the simple medical center sat a doctor, wearing gloves and masks, and began to see patients.

There was a long queue in front of each doctor.

The old customers in the safe zone looked at them with envy and gratitude.

Although they had no injuries, they suddenly felt a warm current flowing through their limbs when they saw their compatriotsโ€™ wounds festering and finally being treated.

One is medical care and support, and the other is food, clothing, housing and transportation.


They secretly glanced at Boss Xia standing at the door.

Boss Xia, we are still on your side.

Xia Yan looked at each other blankly.



"Boss Xia."

Suddenly someone called her softly not far behind her, "The writing is done."

It turned out to be Lin.

She still looked a little hesitant, afraid that it would fall on deaf ears and afraid of getting bad news.

She was no longer as resistant as usual.

"Then give it to me," Xia Yan walked over, "I can't guarantee that I can get the news."

She didn't even say a deadline.

Lin knew that the chances of finding it were slim, so she took a deep breath and handed the folded paper over.

It was a little too hard at the beginning, and after eye contact and consent, Xia Yan opened it.

There was a one-inch photo at the fold.

The edges were worn and frayed.

The photo showed a young mother and daughter hugging and laughing, looking at the camera, with a dimple on each cheek.

The mother and daughter had the same expression in their eyes.

Looking at her young daughter, Xia Yan always felt familiar, as if she had seen her somewhere before.

Thinking about it carefully, it was like trying to grasp the moon in the water, which would break if touched.

She thought that she might have come into contact with someone who looked similar in a certain mission world.

Below the photo were densely packed small characters with a clear horizontal line, and at the end of the paper, only the last line of characters, with a heavier stroke and trembling, was left:

Daughter, no matter what, I will always love you.

In late autumn, the tips of the leaves gradually turned yellow, and even the air was a bit desolate.

After thinking again and again, Xia Yan pointed at the photo and said, "This should be very precious. Take it back and add your daughter's name."

Since there is no guarantee of finding the person, it is meaningless to post the photo. It is better to keep it by your side as a memory.

Lin's mood was much more stable, and she added the three words "Lin Jingzhu" at the end.

Xia Yan silently said, and was sure that she had never seen this person before.

"Then please." Lin bowed and dragged away.

Xia Yan handed the paper to the system to make ten copies, and marked the top with the four words "Missing Person Notice" in bold red font.

After returning to her room and putting on warm clothes, she walked straight into the branch and posted it in the most conspicuous place behind the front desk.

It was snowing heavily outside, and the biting cold wind carried crystal-like ice flakes and smashed against the glass, making a crisp ding-ding sound.

The branch was unprecedentedly quiet, and Xiaowan and several employees sat in front of the window to enjoy the snow scene.

The weather at the base was getting worse.

Even the customers were reluctant to leave the barely warm quilt, and went to the restaurant with a head full of ice and snow.

Even Xia Yan had to shout one, two, three before going out.

Driving to the office building of the base, there was a notice board in the lobby on the first floor, which was used to distribute various information.

Pa, pa, pa, three conspicuous missing person notices were posted at the top.

There was a heating stove in the middle of the hall, and all the staff sat in a circle to keep warm.

Seeing someone coming, they were too lazy to get up and just waited for the person to call them. Who would have thought that the person was posting something on the notice board.

Is that a place where you can post things for free?

One of the staff members was forced to get up and left the warm stove angrily.

"Hey! What did you doโ€”โ€”"

He was about to yell loudly, but when he looked closely, he saw that it was Boss Xia. He swallowed the words that were about to blurt out and said with a smile:

"How can Boss Xia have time to come? It's so windy outside, and this is... a missing person notice.

Tsk, don't mention it, we received so many survivors some time ago, maybe there really is someone you are looking for.

By the way, do you have any extra ones? Give me two, and I will help ask later."

Xia Yan took out one and gave it to him, saying politely: "That's troublesome."

"It's not a trouble, it's just a small effort. I hope Boss Xia will take care of me in the future. My last name is Zhang..."

"Okay, you guys are busy, I'll leave first."

The chattering mouth of the staff suddenly stopped, and he sent her to the door without changing his expression.

Lifting the heavy door curtain, the bone-chilling wind blew in, circling the spacious hall and cooling down the only warmth.

The staff standing by the stove shrank their necks, hugged the hot water bottles, and moved their stools closer.

The main store and here are completely different, and the residents' lives are completely different.

Maybe Chu Wanfu is worried that the local forces over there have not been resolved, and taking more residents over may cause unnecessary casualties.

Moreover, the base has not been built yet, and the safety factor is extremely low.

Compared with life and death, a little cold is nothing.

Xia Yan estimated that it would not be long before all the residents here would be transferred over, the area around the hotel would be lush again, and the store's turnover would reach a new high.

But how to connect the survivors with Lidai Island?

Just going on vacation is a bit of a waste of resources.

While thinking, Xia Yan posted the last few missing person notices on each doorway one by one.

She walked out of the back door of the branch wrapped in a cold body. The snowflakes on her shoulders had already turned into water droplets in the warmth, oozing out small brown dots.

The heat in the small courtyard hit her face. In a few seconds, a thin layer of sweat appeared on her forehead and her nose tip itched.

A sneeze.

It's really easy to catch a cold with the alternating cold and heat.

Xia Yan muttered as she took off her thick down jacket and went back to her room to change into a thin suit.

Back in the warm environment, she suddenly felt sore all over and didn't want to move at all.

She took out a popsicle from the refrigerator and fell on the sofa with her legs crossed.


I haven't felt so comfortable for a long time.

Performance or something, it doesn't matter.

Want to give up.

[,, the rent of three customers has expired]

[The lease has not been renewed, please ask the boss to deal with it]

Xia Yan paused while eating the popsicle, "Kick out."

Really, she was bothered by a small matter.

System, system students are also a process of continuous learning and growth, so don't take it lightly at all times.


At the same time, the new customers, who were sitting on the beds with the doors locked tightly, stared at the door without blinking.

What to do?

They have no points in their cards.

It's all the fault of those leaders.

They said that points should be spent quickly. If they don't spend them, they will be sorry for the heavens, the earth, and the folks who provided the crystal cores.




The two of them went down, and the right half of their faces were red and they couldn't see anyone.

How could they be so stupid that they spent all their points while others still had several zeros in their cards!

Isn't this a complete trick on these folks?

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