I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 274 Must file a complaint

I just want to understand now. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞

That group of people completely treated them as guinea pigs.

I want to see what Boss Xia will do if I really have no points!


This group of heartless people.

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Although we don't have much friendship at ordinary times.

But after all, we are all grasshoppers on the same rope, how can we only deceive our own people?

He wasn't the only one scolding like this.

The other two people who also had no points in their cards were also cursing.

It’s hard to say how badly my body was shaking.

What they are afraid of is not just leaving this safe hotel, but whether they will be directly controlled to explode after leaving?

You know, since I moved here, I haven’t paid a single penny in house rental fees, food consumption fees, security fees, and even air wear fees!

If you go out and get caught, just beat the gongs and drums and start singing——

The cool moonlight is for you——


Damn it!

Kick his ass? !

"—Help—I'm about to fall! Is there anyone to catch me?"

In the distant city center, on the top of the tallest building, faint ripples suddenly appeared in the air.

"Plop, plop, plop."

Like a rocket launcher, three "ball" cannons flew out instantly.

The ball stretched freely in mid-air, gradually forming a human shape.

After taking a closer look, it turned out to be the three tenants who had no points for renewal.

After struggling fiercely for a while, he landed heavily on his face.

When he raised his head again, two nosebleeds fell suddenly, and his eyes were also watery.


Looking around, wow, luckily there are fellow villagers.

The three of them crawled towards each other on all fours, heads on top.

"Then Wuliang Merchant really threw us out?"

"Is this question only for me, or all of them?"


"I told you to read less Daiyu literature, but you didn't listen!"

"Ugh - it's so hard to reply to this message. It's hard for you to worry about it. I'm waiting to die."

The two men next to them had big heads. They raised their hands high and cut them down heavily - "Shut up!"

"Bah bang bang. What a show, what a great show."

Suddenly, applause sounded from behind.

The bodies of the three people were immediately stretched as if they had been shocked by high-voltage electricity.

This terrible sound!

Could it be?

"Acting, why don't you continue acting? I'm just watching the excitement."

Snap, snap.

The footsteps are getting closer and closer, and the three heads are getting lower and lower.

The delicate and shiny leather shoe tips appeared in front of the three of them.

Follow up.

Hiss, those are straight suit pants.

Remove the word left in the trousers, that's the only thought in the hearts of the three of them!

"Raise your head and let me see which 'great gods' they are."

A cigarette butt fell from the sky, carrying a unique scent, and swished into the nostrils of the three people.

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Ah, it smells so good! Sniff deeply!

The three of them look at each other, and no one should be the first to look up.

The man on the far right quietly and secretly pinched the middle man's fragile waist and abdomen.


The man in the middle jumped up in pain, rubbed his left and right ribs with both hands, and shed tears.

it is more than words.

The two men who committed the crime looked at each other, and a sentence appeared in their eyes at the same time:

If I had known you would take action, I would have waited no longer.


The person standing in the middle suddenly knelt down, "Boss Ru! You have to help us get revenge! That guy named Xia bullied me too much. He beat me, scolded me, and didn't give me food!"

The two people next to them were stunned, where did this happen?

Ru Yongnan's interested voice came from above his head: "Oh? Tell me in detail."

Suddenly feeling blessed, the two people lying on the ground straightened up and knelt down as well.

"She has a bathhouse there, and she lets us go in and clean the pool every day! The men's pool and the women's pool must be cleaned, and we have to give people massages!"

"Yes! We were also asked to clean all the bathrooms in the building. We were treated as cleaners. We were not allowed to sleep until they were cleaned!"

"It didn't work even if we told you your name, you suppressed us by force!"

The two of them cried together, "Brother Yong, Dad Yong, Master Yong! She didn't step on us, she stepped on you!"

The man kneeling between the two was dumbfounded. It was too much. It was an exaggeration!

Each one can brag better than the other.

He opened his mouth wide, ready to echo——

"That's enough, you guys, look up and see who this person is."

The three of them raised their heads tremblingly.

In the backlight, they...

Can't see anything.

Just a glowing light bulb——

The man took a step forward and lowered his upper body, "Do you still remember me?"


The three of them were so frightened that they fell backward.

What are you doing?

Didn’t he say that his family of three died outside?

Why are you here? !

"Fan, Fan Jie?!"

"Hmm." Fan Jie smiled evilly, his head shining like a big light bulb. "Think I'm dead? Sorry to disappoint you, Brother Yong sent someone to take me home."


So what?

The lie they just told...?

Cold sweat dripped down like a waterfall.

After receiving Ru Yongnan's signal, Fan Jie sneered and said, "Don't worry, your performance was wonderful, and Brother Yong had a great time watching the show. I will give you an 'Oscar statue'."

The three people had black faces.

What the hell is that?

What new thing is being researched? There is nothing serious to do every day, so he just studies how to mess with them.

At this time, Ru Yongnan retreated to the entrance of the rooftop, folded his arms and covered his nose lightly.

A man in black stepped out and took out a strand of black hair from his armpit.

The three people widened their eyes and stretched their necks to look.

-- A strand of armpit hair.

Once this thing came out, it was like a tear gas with superb effect.

The three people collectively said: "Ugh--"

The black-clothed man's face couldn't be any darker.

Fan Jie held his nose, his face turned the color of pig liver, and stretched out his hand to hand over a pair of scissors.

The black-clothed man snorted arrogantly, and with a click, he tied it into a small braid and threw it over.

"Keep it, this is a weapon that can ensure that you will not be bitten by zombies. I won't give it to ordinary people."

The faces of the three people suddenly changed from green to blue and purple. I don't know if they were smoked or deeply grateful.

Fan Jie whispered close to his ear: "This is a good thing. You will set off in a while and find a way to lure the surname Xia out. As long as you do it, you don't have to die!"


The employee went downstairs to find Xia Yan and told him that the three vacant rooms had been cleaned up.

Xia Yan waved his hand to show that he knew, and looked at the people opposite,

"You came by chance, just happened to have a room. Do you all have a points card?"

The group of people opposite nodded frantically, and they really felt that they were lucky.

How many people in the team had come here before and hit a wall.

They had always said that there was no room, so they only came this time to try it out, and hey, they moved in.

Haha, when they go back and show off, those comrades will be so angry.

"We did it when we were at the branch."

"Okay, here's the room card, I'll just deduct today's fee from the card."

Xia Yan held his chin and watched them leave.

From their backs, the couple was in harmony, shoulder-to-shoulder, and then turned to a machine.

"Tonight... hehe..."

Xia Yan: ???

What the hell.

At this time, you still have to feed her dog food?

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