I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 275: Seven Days of Recuperation

Ah, that's too much.

Xia Yan was speechless and held his forehead.

Green-white fingers tapped randomly on the milky white marble countertop, making a crisp tinkling sound.

The sun is setting, and the safe area is dyed a light orange.

The hall gradually darkened.


The employee pressed the switch, soft and bright white light filled the entire room, and the empty hall was silent.

Ding dong.

The elevator door opens.

Chirping noises rushed out.


"They're back!"

"It's great. I was worried all day and didn't even have a good meal, but I'm finally back!"

"Husband, I don't ask you to bring back many things, as long as they are safe."

A group of people rushed out of the elevator, and they rushed towards the safe area with clattering footsteps.

I saw a face that had just woken up from sleep emerging from behind the front desk.

What's wrong?

Zombies coming again?

Xia Yan squinted his eyes and half leaned on his arms, taking a look at the dark crowd of customers at the door. He lost interest and fell back into the rocking chair, ignoring the noise in his ears and trying to sleep for a while longer.

Why do I feel so lazy?

I want to move.

She rolled onto her side.

Suddenly there was a vague pain in my lower abdomen.

! ! !

This feeling?

Not good!

She hurriedly got up and ran to the backyard room.

Bathroom - sure enough!

After cleaning herself up, she collapsed on the bed and didn't want to move at all.

I have been very busy recently, and I happened to feel unwell, so I have to take a seven-day break.

Xia Yan put a warm baby on her lower abdomen, wrapped herself in a quilt, and nestled on the sofa in the living room. She bought a hot cup of red date and wolfberry tea in the mall, and bought the best donkey hide gelatin and black sesame seeds, and ate them while eating. A bloody rebirth and revenge drama.

Seven days later.

Boss Xia, who was resurrected with full health, reappeared in the store.

"Zhiji, thank you for your hard work. Nothing happened recently, right?"

I don’t know when, new customers didn’t even leave the building, and even their favorite freshly made burgers were cancelled.

Naochi was thinking about whether to get a door-to-door delivery service.

What he does is priced higher than the system products.

He shook his head, "No."

"That's good."

Xia Yan turned his head and looked at the next door. The construction was already small-scale, including residential buildings, office areas, trading centers, etc. The houses looked very similar in appearance, only with different signs hanging in front of the doors.

Looking outside, a tall wall has been built, with broken glass erected on top and a power grid attached to it. There is a watchtower every 50 meters away.

"A bit crude." She muttered.

These alone can't stop the zombie wave.

After hearing this, Zhijiu said softly: "It's not just the surface. There is always movement underground. There should be an underground fortress."


So, there is also a dungeon over there at the branch?

Xia Yan was thoughtful.

Logistics soldiers carrying equipment flashed past the gap in the middle of the house. Survivors queuing up in front of the door of the office where the house registration was written at the back, pushing and shoving and suddenly making a loud noise.

"Don't squeeze in the back, the house will collapse in a moment!"

"That's right, some people go to sleep in the safe zone every night, and now they come to claim the house. Whose shame is being blamed on them!"

"If you ask me, those of us who have followed all the way from the base are the most qualified to receive the house. The others will have to have some respect!"

The gray-haired middle-aged man looked disdainful despite his frostbite. The people behind him refused to do anything and started making noises.

"Just tell me, what am I doing? Who doesn't have chilblains on their face? Why can't you wait in line? If you can, go and stay in a hotel! What are you pretending to be here?!"

"Some people are not! They are not!"

Who isn't?

Everyone looked around in shock. They were the first to see a light flaxen afro. Even though the two people had smoothed their hair so tightly that the ends of their eyes were hanging upward, they still recognized it at a glance. It was different from theirs. Natural explosive rolls.

The air was suddenly silent.

The three people whose fingertips faced each other had sweat dripping from their noses. They felt nervous in front of everyone.

"You are the residents of the hotel, right? Are you coming here to grab a house from us? Are you looking for death?"

“You’re eating what’s in the bowl, but you still want what’s in the pot?”

Everyone stared at them with eyes that wanted to eat the three of them alive, and some even took out sticks, just waiting to take advantage of the chaos and hit them with a stick.

If you are living a difficult life, who cares about a person of a different race?

There are only so many survival resources, and they still want to get a share of the pie?

Why didn't I see them talking about vacating a room in the first place?

Now I want to think about good things and get out of here!

The three flax-headed people were so nervous that they broke into sweat.


"Leave now, I'll leave now!"

After saying that, one person suddenly ran away, and the other two also ran out when they saw something was wrong.

The eyes of everyone behind him were like knives chasing after him.

Boo hoo hoo.

Countless knives were stabbed into the back, causing blood to flow out.

To relieve the hatred in my heart.

The three of them took a sneak peek at the hotel while escaping. After looking at each other, they trembled, half-hiding their faces and lowering their heads for fear of being recognized.

Xia Yan held his chin.

"Those three people look familiar. They were kicked out by me a few days ago, right?"

Zhichi stopped what he was doing and narrowed his eyes as he looked at the fleeing figures, and suddenly thought of something.

"They came to the store a few days ago. Sometimes they said they didn't take the things they had before, and sometimes they said they had points in their cards. They hesitated for a long time, and I asked them out."

The three people in the distance turned a corner and disappeared behind the house.

After a while, he carried a broken mat that he got from nowhere, walked to the corner, put it down, and lay down with his eyes closed.

He looked like he had no crystal core and didn't want to die, so he just lived like this.

"Zhikang, do you think they are different from the customers in the store?"

How can I describe it?

The new customers who checked in were afraid of death, very afraid of death, and they didn't even dare to step out of the safe area.

They looked like they couldn't leave even if the king came.

And these three people seemed to have no worries.

He could even hum Conquer if he was given a dogtail grass.

Zhikang agreed.

Over there -

"Get out! Why are you lying at my door? I can't afford a guard dog!"

The gray-haired middle-aged man held a sign and kicked the mat angrily.

"Why sleep anywhere else? You have to sleep at my door. It's unlucky! And it smells bad."

The three people raised their heads and saw that there was a group of people who had just received the house behind him. They couldn't afford to offend them.

I had no choice but to get up and lie down somewhere else, but everyone drove me away wherever I went.

In the end, I could only lie down under the wall, looking at the sky with melancholy.

Compared with the hotel, this place is not beautiful at all.

There is also a lot of unknown malice.

The main thing is how to complete the task! Boss Xia doesn't go out! !

The person in the middle: "Sad! Sad! Poor!!"

The two people next to him: "Shut up and forget your bullshit literature!"

The person in the middle: "Actually I--"

The two people next to him: "--Shut up!"

Looking at the sky with melancholy.

The person in the middle continued to say: "I have an idea--"

"Shut up--Tell me."

"I remember there is gold somewhere!"

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