I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 276 She is very interested

"Oh? Where are you talking about?"

Xia Yan showed great interest.

There is actually a place with gold and silver jewelry?

Very good.

She likes it.

The three people sitting opposite each other put their legs together and were very close to each other.

Xia Yan never thought that they were so close.


Just, a little bit, not many people?

Maybe he just likes this?

When I think about it, there is no such thing as a legal system nowadays, and human ethics are completely up to one's heart and not worth mentioning.


"That, it's..."

"It's in a villa in the rich area! I saw it when I went to fix the water pipes before. There is a basement in the house, and the safe inside is full of gold bars!"

All! Yes! Gold! Bars!

Xia Yan's eyes lit up.


It sounds so tempting!


"What is your purpose? Just tell me, I have no patience, and I don't believe you will give such a good thing to others."

Is it so straightforward?

No beating around the bush?

The three of them were stunned, and suddenly they were exposed, and they were a little at a loss.


Middleman: "Oh, we, that, the one who drove the armored vehicle some time ago, he wants to cooperate with you and do a small business."

The two "generals" on the left and right immediately cast admiring eyes.

Watching too many TV dramas really works!

Cultivated people!

The middleman coughed lightly, signaling the two to restrain themselves and praise them again when they go back.

"Oh~" Xia Yan made an expression of sudden enlightenment, and then his face changed to be very cold, "What to talk about."

This person doesn't play by the rules!

A lie really needs countless lies to cover it up.

Cultivated people, it depends on you.

The middleman said: "Ahem, that's right, they have too many people and not enough food, so they want to get a card with you to eat."


Sprinkle flowers.

What a perfect answer.

Cultural people yyds!

"Haha, capture."

The next second, transparent blocks appeared beside the three people. If there was a transparent sticky substance inside, they could not move at all, and could not even lift a finger!

What, what happened?

Xia Yan sneered, "You three usually hide well enough, I didn't expect you to be so stupid."

These three people thought she was stupid?

It was really a good show.

"Zhikang, bring the rope and tie them up for me!"

Zhikang cut the rope into long sections and tied up the three people separately, and tied double loops at their hands and feet, and the knots became tighter and tighter.

Xia Yan walked to the safe zone and took out the 'treasured' Knight 15.


The all-black super-dominant luxury car made a shining appearance.

"Put the middle one in the passenger seat, and lock the remaining two in the utility room."

After making simple arrangements, she walked through the courtyard and returned to the room, combed her hair into a neat ponytail, changed into a black long T-shirt + slim leather jacket, matched with tight jeans of the same color, and stepped into the wind with long boots on her feet.

Xia Yan stretched out her long legs, stepped directly over the pedal and stepped into the car, closed the door, pulled the handbrake, and stepped on the gas.


She rushed out like a meteor.

She glanced at the "tour guide" in the passenger seat, ignoring the tight ropes on his body, and said coldly:

"Show me the way, if you talk nonsense——"

A cold and sharp dagger was across his neck.

As the road bumped, the blade accidentally cut his skin, and a few scarlet blood beads oozed out.

"No, no, no, I'll show you the way, I won't lie!"

The man squeezed his eyes tightly, staring at the blade that was about to go away with fear. The pain came in waves, and he felt dizzy--

He fainted from blood!

The man pinched his throat and screamed: "Put the knife away! I'm going to faint--"

Before he finished speaking, his head tilted to the side.

Xia Yan: ? ? ?

I haven't shown you the way yet!

She took out the electric baton from the grid, pressed it, and pressed it.


The latter immediately stood up and screamed silently.

"Fall after showing you the way."

"...Huhu...Go straight...Ah!"

The man fainted again.

The reason was that Xia Yan shook the dagger in front of his eyes.

Really fainted?

It's so easy.

She didn't have to do it.

Five minutes later, the man woke up slowly.

"Left? Right?"

"Uh, left."

"Look here."


Wait until the next intersection, and wake up again with the electric baton.

The man burst into tears, "Stop messing with me, I was really wrong!"

"Shut up and show me the way." Xia Yan said coldly.

"Right, go straight to the third intersection, turn at the roadside supermarket, and you will see a very luxurious gate, and you will be there."

"Thank you, go to sleep."


There is indeed a very large gate in front of you, and it is indeed luxurious.


Xia Yan never expected it to be so big!

She thought it was one of the villas in the community, but she didn't expect it to cover thousands of square meters, all villa areas!

It feels better than where she lives, and she suddenly feels a little sour in her heart.

These capitalists really know how to enjoy themselves.

Xia Yan jumped out of the car, walked to the gate that was more than ten meters high, and reached out to open the cover of the password lock.

Ding Dong.

The password lock lit up immediately, and a small doorbell sounded from inside.

Xia Yan stopped and looked at the distant villa. Would there be anyone inside?

"Woo woo!"

The sobbing of the 'tour guide' suddenly came from the car-before getting off the car, in order to prevent him from yelling, Xia Yan put tape on his mouth.

"What's wrong?"

The man stretched out his chin, indicating that he knew the password.

Xia Yan walked over and tore it.

"It hurts! The password is 111378."

Input, confirm.

The door creaked due to lack of oil and slowly opened.

Xia Yan got in the car and drove along the extremely wide avenue. On both sides, lush bushes and grass grew wildly, and from time to time, one or two "garden maintainers" with big scissors appeared.

Bang! Bang!

Send them directly to freedom.

He parked the car in front of the villa, jumped out of the car and pulled down the "tour guide" in the passenger seat. Before he shook into a puddle of mud, he kicked the door open fiercely.

The man knew how many zombies were behind the door, and he was extremely desperate at this moment.

This was miserable. He became a zombie tied up with five flowers, lying on the ground without even a bite of fresh meat. Even a three-year-old child could pry open his head and take away the crystal core without fear.

If he was given another chance, he would definitely not show off that he was a cultured person!

His braised pork, steamed spareribs, braised pig's trotters, black pepper beef tenderloin...

The zombies in the villa let out a deafening roar, and as the door slammed open, they rushed out in a black mass.

The rotten and hideous faces were getting closer and closer, but Xia Yan remained calm. At the moment when they were about to approach her, the zombies automatically bypassed her side and ran past, leaving a fishy smell.

She pulled the man up and saw that he rolled his eyes, so she knew he was scared.

Heh, with just this little courage, he still came to plot.


The man woke up trembling, and before he could wake up and feel lucky, he was pushed down in the villa by Xia Yan.

"Lead, go to the basement."

The man swallowed his saliva and found that the ropes on his body were all untied, and he couldn't help but smile happily.

This fool actually dared to confront an adult man head-on--

Suddenly, a not-so-soft hand pinched his neck forcefully, and a light voice came:

"Do you need my help?"

"I promise there will be no pain."

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