"Oh, no no no! Absolutely not!"

The man raised his hands in the air to show that what he said was absolutely true and there was nothing wrong with it!

His mission is to bring people here. As for how Ru Yongnan and the others deal with them, that has nothing to do with him.

He will run upstairs as soon as possible, far away from the central ‘battlefield’!

At this time, the hand behind the neck loosened.

"take the lead."

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The man stood up neatly and looked around carefully.

He is extremely familiar with this place, after all, he has worked here for more than ten years.

Sure enough, the end of the world is fair. No matter who has money or who has no money, as long as he is bitten, he will turn into a zombie with a click.

I remember that because of a trivial matter, the male owner wanted to deduct his salary and scolded him that he would always be a low-level person and a weakling.

He will always remember the look of contempt from that family.

So when zombies surrounded the door, he realized that the opportunity for revenge had come.

When no one is paying attention, open the door.

Groups of zombies swarmed in, followed by screams and cries everywhere.

The originally luxurious and comfortable living room suddenly turned into a hell on earth.

He hid in the cabinet and watched coldly through the gap as they screamed and ran away. The despised 'lower class' zombies threw them to the ground, and bright red blood spurted out.

At that moment, twisted pleasure appeared in his eyes.

Bite them to death!

Bite them to death!

He would like to take a closer look and see if more money can lead to more lives! Ha ha!

Even now when I think back to the man who reached out for help with a desperate look on his face, I feel very happy.

He glanced at Xia Yan, and hey, he was another capitalist looking down on people.

Don't worry, the outcome will be the same.

Nowadays, food and accommodation are so important, yet gold is so rare. It’s really a waste of money rather than life.

Thanks to this habit, he can seize the opportunity...

The two walked through the hall one after another. As their footsteps moved, thick dust rose up and fell overwhelmingly.

Especially under the sunlight, the dense dust is more terrifying than the zombie wave, leaving people with nowhere to hide.

Xia Yan took out the dust mask and put it on.

In front of the fireplace, the man looked back at her, stretched out his finger and poked a certain spot hard.


The surface of what was once a wall suddenly recedes, revealing a long downward staircase inside.

The small light bulb used for lighting at the top of the aisle flashed twice and then went out.

With the flash of light, she saw that the stairs were not long, and there was a separate underground floor below.

Xia Yan took out a high-efficiency flashlight and shined light on the stairs.

"You go down first."

One after another, we went down to the negative floor, and the bright beam of the flashlight suddenly extended out, covering the entire space.

When he saw the layout clearly, Xia Yan's eyes suddenly lit up!

In a very large space of 180 square meters, there are ceiling-to-ceiling glass display racks placed against the wall. There are four floors above and below. There are 40 neck mold display racks on each floor, and each fake neck has a shiny necklace hanging on it!

Especially in the center C position is a luxurious diamond and emerald necklace. The highlight is that there is a large square pink diamond as long as a thumb in the middle!

There is a row of glass booths in the middle of the venue, and the black velvet boxes are filled with large-gram gold rings, necklaces, bracelets and headdresses!

When the light beam swept away, everything was sparkling! ! !

Mommy, I’m getting rich haha.

Xia Yan excitedly walked to the nearest counter, tried to pull it, and found that it was locked inside.

If she remembers correctly, she had a master key, which must have been gathering dust in a box and had to be rummaged through with some effort...

"Haha! You damn woman, just stay here and they will be here soon."

Suddenly, a man's arrogant yelling came from above his head.

Xia Yan looked up at him.

The man stretched out his finger and placed it somewhere, waiting for the last sentence to be spoken before pressing the switch.

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect that you haven't learned to be cautious after so many years in the apocalypse? You are so gullible, haha, and you play with the male master -"

Xia Yan interrupted expressionlessly, and at the same time threw out a cold light——

"Yeah, you talk a lot of nonsense."

At the same time, the man upstairs screamed, and saw a dagger stuck in his forehead, deep into his skull.


The man's eyes were bright red, and his nose was filled with the smell of rust that he feared most. In the violent dizziness, he leaned on the wall and kept breathing. It was like a helicopter was circling in his ears, and he did not notice at all that there was a well-dressed zombie behind him. Rushing over with a roar.


His eyes widened in horror, and he pressed the button with all his strength with trembling hands before he passed out.

"...If you dare to hurt me, I will lock you up and starve you to death here! Ah!"

With the rumbling sound of the door closing, the zombie suddenly fell on the man, its fangs with its wide-open mouth sinking deeply into his neck.

Fresh, hot fluid gushes from the torn carotid artery.

One person and one corpse fell on the stairs, entangled together and rolled down together.

"...help me!"

"...Please, Boss Xia, save my life."

The man fell in a pool of blood and stretched out his hand unwillingly.

Next to his neck, the gray and rotten face was buried in and biting desperately, and the debris and slightly hot liquid splashed on the face while chewing.


The pocket watch in the zombie's jacket suddenly fell down and hung in front of his eyes.

The man was in a daze, this, this is not the male master...!


A pair of black boots appeared in front of him. He squatted down and approached the female boss's face, not caring about the zombies beside him.


She stretched out her hand to look for something, and quickly took out something with a tinkling sound, shaking it just before his pupils were about to shine.

"You have the key. Go to hell with peace of mind. I will take away your crystal core later. Thank you for your contribution."

Xia Yan stood up and left, not even bothering to look at her.

Behind him, there was the clicking sound of the man's bones and the horrific scream as he was completely infected by the mutation.

If she looked back, she would find that his body was folded at various inhuman angles, and his face that was originally flushed during convulsions was instantly turned gray. Clearly visible cyan blood vessels covered the surface of his skin, and various bumps and bumps were vaguely visible.

The wound on the neck turned black and rotted for the first time, and the last trace of red blood spattered outward. A second later, he stood up ferociously, biting the air, and wandered in the basement.

Xia Yan is trying the correct key.

The tinkling sound instantly attracted two zombies, roaring on the spot but unable to find their target.


The bulletproof glass cabinet door finally opened.

"Haha, I'm getting rich, I'm really getting rich."

She couldn't help laughing, held out the red velvet tray, looked at the golden scene, and kissed her through the air with a chirp.

Gold rings, gold bracelets, gold necklaces, gold pendants, etc. are all on a large plate.

They were happily placed in a pile on the counter, and then put into the system grid together!

Gold, this cabinet is full of gold!

There are also top-quality jadeite, various emeralds, sapphires, and agates! Pigeon eggs!



No jewels were spared, and they all went into her Xia Yan's pocket!

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