I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 278 Explodes all over the sky

Xia Yan collected items along the display cabinets. In order to have a good view, she bought a super bright desk lamp and placed it on the display cabinet in the middle.

For a moment, the whole house was filled with light.

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The collections in the display cabinets against the wall were even more dazzling.

The gold ornaments inside were not as small as those in the counter. Each piece had to be weighed by kilogram.

The style was gorgeous and the weight was heavy.

It was just that Xia Yan estimated that the purity was slightly lower.

But it didn't matter. How could she dislike the gold that was obtained for free?

Oh, they were all her sweethearts.

Come to her pocket quickly, don't be ignored here.

Xia Yan showed a money-loving expression and took away all the ornaments quickly!

As she took away the luxurious gemstone necklace on the C position along with the model, a safe was suddenly pushed out silently from behind the cabinet next to her.

If she wasn't naturally sensitive to money, she would definitely miss it.

"This is a big treasure."

Xia Yan took the box down and walked around it three times.

I heard there are a lot of gold bars in it?

Suddenly her eyes turned into symbols of money.

Looking at the box, it was like seeing a peerless handsome guy. No, handsome guys are not as attractive as gold!

Xia Yan's first goal in life is to get gold!

Only with gold can there be a future, without gold, you can't move forward!

The safe prompts that you need to enter the correct password to open it.

A total of 12 digits.

How can she guess it!

Randomly enter a few auspicious numbers, such as 888, 666, 999, and the results are all wrong. A red light flashed and all were rejected.

Xia Yan's eyes fell on the fingerprint unlocking on the side.

There happened to be a zombie in the basement who seemed to be the owner of this thing...

Five seconds later, he came back holding a blue-gray palm and inserted it into the fingerprint hole one by one.

The red scanning line shot out, sweeping up and down the zombie's fingers, identifying.

If the left hand is wrong, remove the right hand and try it again!

Zombie:...Thank you.

The clear and pleasant electronic sound ticked, and the door of the safe opened.

She couldn't wait to look down and was a little disappointed.

There were actually some contracts, green books, red books, big books and the like inside.

Where are the gold bars?

Didn't they say it was full of gold bars?

These real estate certificates, securities, contracts and agreements are useless in the end times!

Xia Yan poured out everything unwillingly, and the papers were scattered all over the floor. After two crisp sounds, two small pieces of gold really fell out.

No matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat.

No matter how small gold is, it is gold.

Take it away together!

Just when they were happy, a series of urgent footsteps suddenly came from the villa.

Someone lowered his voice and shouted: "Close the door quickly!"

With a bang, the door of the villa was slammed shut, successfully blocking the zombies that were about to rush in.

The lucky ones who escaped from the mouth of the corpses breathed heavily one after another, as if they had just experienced a full marathon.

The next second, there was no movement.

From the extreme noise to the freezing silence, it flashed up and down like a parabola in one or two seconds.

It gave Xia Yan the feeling that the chaos just now was an illusion.


On the other side of the basement shelf, two zombies stumbled forward two steps after hearing the sound, and then lost the sound source target and stopped in place. The long intestines flowed out along the big hole in the abdominal cavity, hanging behind the body, leaving a sticky trail.

Xia Yan put down the safe, stepped away, walked up the stairs lightly, and put his ear against the secret door.

The living room in this villa is very spacious. If the other party deliberately slows down his footsteps, she can't hear the sound due to the distance.

But the other party will definitely not leave easily, she can wait patiently for a while.

In the silence, the slightest movement seems to be magnified a hundred times, she just needs to--


The hairs on the back of Xia Yan's neck stand up.

Looking sideways, the hideous face of the zombie is in front of her.

The indescribable stench hits her face, and she inhales it into her lungs without warning. The stench seems to have vitality and tries to drill into the bones!

Almost at the same second when she saw the zombie, her hand quickly touched the zombie's neck, and just when she was about to click hard, she stopped suddenly--

The group of people outside came for her.

Although she could directly transmit back to the hotel, she went back in disgrace like this.

Xia Yan's eyes sank, very unhappy.


Ten seconds before the secret door.

A group of people searched the upstairs upside down, but did not see the so-called human figure at all.

Could it be that the three were lying to them?

Ru Yongnan glanced at Fan Jie with gloomy eyes.

"Where are the people? Haven't you found them?"

Fan Jie said cautiously: "This... they did send out signals here... By the way, don't they have positioning bombs in their bodies? Do you want to determine the location?"

Although it is called positioning, it is actually impossible to determine the specific location.

The controller can only control who will explode, but because there is no distance limit, it has become a weapon to control them from having any evil intentions.

Fan Jie's approach can be said to be very vicious.

He wants to judge whether the person is here by the loud noise of the explosion, so as to gain Ru Yongnan's trust.

Ru Yongnan nodded in agreement.

Once the explosion-promoting ability is activated, whether it is a living person or a zombie, they will swell up uncontrollably, but the zombie's body is not very elastic, so it can only explode.




Xia Yan was surprised to find that the zombie under her palm, whose bones were hurting her hand, actually swelled up, and it felt like it was inflated when she pinched it.

She realized something, let go of her hand, supported herself with one hand, and jumped directly down the stairs.

Looking up, the zombie, which was originally in human form, was now swollen like a ball, with green blood vessels dilated all over, and the eyeballs like dead fish bulged high. The next second, it shot out, fell to the ground and bounced down the stairs.

The wounds on the body were torn to the extreme, revealing the black fascia inside, which was getting thinner and thinner...

Oh no, it's going to explode.

She hurriedly took out a large-handled parasol from the system grid, opened it with a bang, squatted down, and blocked it tightly in front of her.

At the same second.


It exploded fiercely like a whale explosion.

Broken flesh, severed limbs, brain matter, and clothes on the body, everything was torn into pieces and fell from the sky.

A foul rain immediately fell in the basement.

The smell of the rotting corpse exploded hundreds and thousands of times, and Xia Yan, who was under the umbrella, vomited and the anger in her heart soared.


She wanted to kill these bastards!

The violent explosion attracted the attention of several people outside.

"Found it!"

After the messy footsteps, there was a sound of violent demolition outside the secret door.

Xia Yan took out a gas mask from the grid and put it on, patiently waiting until all the fragments in the air fell to the ground.

She stood up, threw the umbrella aside, and took out a Kaba sword with a heavy look. The scabbard was out of the scabbard, and there were dark brown spots in the wide blood groove. The bloodthirsty breath that had licked countless lives came to her face.

The noise outside the secret door was getting louder and louder. The "owner" of the villa was very inhospitable and pounced on the door and scratched and scratched.

"There is a dark room!"

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