I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 279: Did he really let him go?

There was only one exclamation outside the secret door, and then it became quiet again, with only the thumping sound of violently demolishing the door echoing in the basement.

They tried to use this method to first defeat the psychological defenses of the people inside, so that they would not have the consciousness of resistance.

Ru Yongnan stood behind the crowd, admiring the Skynet-like attack line.

In the front, there were fire and lightning psychics ready to release their powers at any time, followed by five bursts of psychic guns.

The small secret door, under the continuous violent beating of the power psychic, has begun to crumble.

It is only a matter of time to break it open.

He turned his head and glanced casually, staring at the floor tiles dyed golden by the light that spilled in. The edge of the light in the space was hazy and very holy.

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He looked away disdainfully.

Let it be dyed red in a while.


Under the full force of the power psychic, the secret door finally fell down with a dull bang.

Then a well-dressed zombie rushed out, roaring and rushing towards the person closest to it.

"Burn it to death!" Ru Yongnan shouted.

The fire-type superpower user threw out the big fireball condensed in his hand in response. The extremely high temperature burned the air and began to distort it. Before it really got close, the dry hair of the zombie began to burn into carbon.


The fireball fell on the zombie and started to burn instantly. The flames were high and extremely bright.

The zombie had no sense of pain. It was burned by the fire and still rushed forward. It was like a walking burning stick, exerting strong pressure on the opposite side. As long as it was stained with a trace of fire, it had to follow.

Due to their own safety, other superpower users had to follow suit.

For a while, colorful superpowers filled the sky, dragging dazzling light and flying towards the zombies.

Everyone stared at the zombies, and a dazzling halo appeared in front of them unconsciously.

Suddenly, the light on the zombies seemed to dim for a moment.

Everyone blinked and looked around. There was nothing near the zombie. It should be because he stared at the light for too long.

Then countless superpowers hit the target. The zombie let out a sharp and piercing roar. The limbs twisted and shrank in various inhuman angles in the flames...

The head was pulled out of the dry in the last powerful superpower and rolled far to the ground. The skull opened its mouth and held the crystal core, as if questioning why these people broke into his home...

The next second, countless superpowers blasted into the basement, as if they were going to flatten it directly.

The bricks of the long wall of the secret door broke in the explosion, rumbled and fell, splashing thick dust.

In a deafening sound, the stairs leading to the basement were blocked.

Such a big stone, no matter how hard the skull is, it can't bear it.

"I'll go get the crystal core."

The fire superpower raised a relaxed smile at the corner of his mouth, put away his hand and prepared to get the crystal core.

His superpower level is not high, but his explosive power is strong. Basically, he has to rest for half a day after firing a shot.

Even if his mission today is completed successfully, he should be the one to take the crystal core.

Hehe, maybe if Brother Yong is happy, he will give him the crystal core.


"Stupid! Hurry up--" Fan Jie seemed to have seen something, and he warned with wide eyes. Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Ru Yongnan's eyes.

Meaning-let this person die?

The fire-type superpower saw that everyone looked behind him as if they had seen a ghost. Suddenly, a gust of wind hit his neck closely. He felt a sense of crisis. He didn't have time to think about it. He bent down and prepared to roll out on the spot.

"Too late." A light female voice sounded in his ears.


The fire-type superpower only felt a chill on his neck, as if something flew out. After a few rolls, he saw a headless body fall heavily, and blood spurted out from the neatly broken part.

That was... his body...


Everyone was immediately on high alert.

When did this woman come out? !

Why didn't anyone see it? !

Xia Yan stood alone opposite, with a stream of bright red liquid slowly flowing from the sharp knife in her hand.

She had no expression on her face, and when she raised her eyes, there was a cold breath between her eyebrows.

Ru Yongnan was startled, and then she shouted with a broken voice: "Don't stand there, shoot!!! The superpowers are also on!"

Everyone suddenly woke up and cursed and counterattacked.

The continuous superpower guns sprayed dense superpower bullets in an instant, and colorful superpowers followed closely.

Standing in the attack range is overwhelming, with nowhere to escape!

But they are fast, Xia Yan is faster!

In the second before the superpower bullet fell, Xia Yan evaporated on the spot, and the next second he appeared directly next to the superpower who was fighting the most fiercely.

Before he could exclaim, a cold light flashed, and his neck was instantly cut!

At this time, the superpowers around him reacted, collectively turned the gun heads, and shot.

Xia Yan disappeared again, and her figure shuttled through the crowd like a ghost, and heads flew everywhere she went!

The longer the weapon, the stronger it was, but under the absolute close-range super-high speed, it became a hindrance to the gunman!

Xia Yan calmly rolled out of the attack point again, her eyes locked on the gunman, her hind legs tensed, and at the moment when she was about to be attacked by the superpower, she jumped out like a leopard, leaving a trail of afterimages on every retina that was eager to track her position!

The dull hum sounded continuously.

In the eyes of all the remaining people, Xia Yan's figure was like a tall Satan holding a sickle and laughing wildly, harvesting wantonly. Under the absolute speed, all attacks failed!

Everywhere she went, there were bodies falling down, and even the remains of bodies without necks and heads!

The more Ru Yongnan looked, the more frightened he became.

What kind of monster is this!

Is there anyone in this world with such abnormal abilities?

Could it be the latest test subject that escaped from the laboratory? ?

No, this won't work.

"Attack! Keep hitting her!"

He shouted at the top of his lungs while retreating silently.

Xia Yan dodged again and looked at him coldly, changing positions again in the blink of an eye.

Where she had just stopped, a strong electric current sizzled and hammered down fiercely, and the originally white floor tiles suddenly broke into countless small pieces, splashing everywhere.

Ru Yongnan couldn't dodge in time and was scratched on the face by a sharp corner.

! ! !

He glanced at Xia Yan, who was driven away by the lightning-type ability user, and his desire to survive had never been so strong!

If he didn't run now, when would he run! ! !

He pushed the door open and came face to face with the zombies. Seeing the zombies biting at him, he hurriedly took out the special concentrated blood bag hidden in his pocket and threw it heavily behind him, while taking out the "little golden man" and holding it high in front of him.

The blood bag fell to the ground with a thud, and the extraordinary bloody smell spread immediately.

The zombies that had originally pounced on Ru Yongnan collectively avoided the pollution source and fell on the pool of blood one after another, forming a small mountain.

Ru Yongnan took the opportunity to escape, jumped into the car and stepped on the accelerator, rushing away with a roar like an explosion.

The three or four people who were still left in the hall had no idea that they were abandoned by him.

Facing the female devil who killed people without blinking an eye, his legs were shaking like sieves.

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