I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 280 Which direction to run first

In front is Xia Yan, and behind are zombies.

I can’t kill him, I don’t know if I can survive if I run back.

For a moment, the four people didn't know which end to run to first.

Amidst the roar of the zombies and the roar of Ru Yongnan's exhaust, someone reacted quickly and took advantage of the chaos to shout:

"Don't be afraid! She is at the end of her tether, keep beating her!"

Just when the mind was confused, a clear instruction broke through the thick fog. Without distinguishing whether it was true or false, the other three people picked up their powers and guns and went to work.

Especially the one using electricity, which always struck her hard after she left her original position. After using so many waves, she still had such strong strength!

He drove Xia Yan away.

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Seeing all this in the eyes of others, they can't help but look at people with lightning powers with admiration.

Really, awesome!

At this time, the person who first shouted the attack imitated Ru Yongnan's method and prepared to sneak out.

How could Xia Yan let him leave safely? Letting go of one Ru Yongnan would be useful later, but if she let another one go, wouldn't it mean that she was really incompetent? ?

She clenched her sword tightly and quickly approached with a few dodgers.

This man reacted very quickly and rolled on the spot to avoid the knife that was about to be swung at his neck.

He turned over and climbed up, and a bolt of supernatural energy bounced into a line and fired horizontally.

"Fuck you! Go to hell!!!"

Xia Yan's legs tightened, and he bounced up hard again, leaping into the air. The super bullet almost missed his feet, and at the same time, he threw his right hand downwards with an incredible force.


Kaba's sword penetrated deep into the skull, leaving only the handle outside. The turbid white brain fluid mixed with bright red flowed out along the wide groove.

Instant death.

The finger on the trigger was unable to pull, the muzzle of the gun pointed upwards, and the body fell heavily backward, splashing thick dust.

The zombies that were originally attracted by the special blood jumped from the top of the hill, rolled and crawled on the fresh corpses and bit them.

In five seconds, the fresh corpse came back to life for the second time, twitching and arching back, and an inhuman roar escaped from its throat.

Xia Yan walked forward expressionlessly, passed over the zombies buried deep in his stomach, stepped on the open mouth, and used it to draw out the sword. With a heavy swing of his hand, the unrecognizable zombie's head rolled to the ground.

Then he raised his foot and stepped down hard. The mutated head was extremely crisp and shattered into seven or eight pieces. In the midst of the filth, the newly formed crystal core was pitifully small.

She bent down and took it out, washed it with mineral water and put it in her pocket.

While she was doing these things, she was always wary of the group behind her. As soon as there was a change, she would immediately launch an attack!

But they collectively failed.

After all, the scene in front of me was too incredible.

The hotel has a protective shield, so it’s understandable that zombies can’t enter.

But, she is a living person!

How did he calmly draw the knife and take out the crystal core in the pile of zombies? !

The question is why didn't those zombies bite her? ?

Could it be that the zombies have the consciousness of the original people?

Happy and happy, the apocalypse is coming to an end!


The face of the living dead raised from the abdominal cavity is extremely terrifying, covered in bright red, and the mouth is bloody and bloody when roaring, which is disgusting and terrifying.

The living dead immediately found their target and rushed towards them with a ferocious roar.

The faces of this group of people turned pale!

Didn’t you say you won’t attack people? This posture is not like someone who came to talk to them and intercede.

It's not enough to take their lives!

"The zombies are coming, fight the zombies quickly!"

At this moment, they didn't care about targeting Xia Yan. They were worried about her sudden attack and were distracted from killing zombies.

Xia Yan sneered, closed the door again with a loud creaking noise, and threw out a large shelf taken from the supermarket to block the door.

The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Long time no see, my dear zombie friend.

My eyes are tearing apart!

Everyone’s eyes are splitting!

"Kill! Fight!"

"Kill these zombies!"

"Boss Xia Xiaxia, I, I, I, I, give up!"

"I also admit defeat."

Two completely different voices echoed through the hall.

Two were shocked, another was happy, and the last one was wearing a mask and couldn't see his expression clearly.

Xia Yan chose to ignore it. He took a claw hammer and killed the people who had turned into zombies one by one, took away the crystal cores, searched them and took away all the crystal cores in their pockets.

Since she can't turn into a cube to earn points for her, she has to contribute her own crystal core.

Mental damages.

Get it.

There is no need for her to do it herself next time.

A life-and-death battle between zombies and superpowers·live version.

The person who had previously clamored to kill her seemed to have not given up on this goal.

While hammering away zombies, he thought he was hidden enough and approached her.

Xia Yan moved the claw hammer up and down with a trace of amusement on the corner of his mouth.

The sun was setting in the west, and a narrow and crooked line of light was outlined on the broken stones, and countless dust particles were flying all over the sky.

Suddenly there was darkness.

The man was surprised to find that she was no longer where he was, and a sense of crisis suddenly hit his heart. After witnessing her hunting speed, disappearing from the retina meant that his life was about to be in danger!

The hairs on my hair stood on end.

The man retreated quickly, intending to hand his back to his barely trustworthy companion.


Suddenly a strong wind blew in his face, and in a hurry he could only put up his supernatural gun to block it in front of him.

The next second, a sharp blade passed in front of me in slow motion.

The originally hard special power gun was easily cut in half by her like tofu. The power bullet in the gun chamber was stimulated by external force and exploded!

In a flash of lightning, Xia Yan retreated quickly and dodged behind the zombies with a few bounces.

The man didn't expect the power gun to be so vulnerable. He watched the power bullet flash with dazzling light. 0.01 seconds later, a sharp pain exploded on his face, and blood spurted out on the spot and flew backwards!


A full red light, two or three faces came in front of him, opened their mouths wide and bit down hard, tilted their heads and tore!

The warm liquid splashed in his eyes, and his eyes became redder.

The belated pain finally crawled over the winding nerves, stepped on the dense drum beats, and continuously sent distress signals to the headquarters.

It hurts!

My whole body hurts!

It hurts so much that his brain is about to explode.

He clearly felt that every part of his body was being bitten and eaten by zombies, but he could only wait to die in the severe pain.

This kind of pain of wanting to die but not being able to!

Please, someone give him a quick death!

The hideous face broke through the red mist, and the next moment the sharp teeth pierced into his eyeballs.


It was the sound of an explosion.

The man's body suddenly straightened, and he died in fear with his mouth wide open.

Xia Yan dodged the close attack of the psychic who had lost his mind and was determined to take her to hell like crazy.

This was the second person who wanted to kill her.

Xia Yan sneered, threw the sword back into the grid, swept in front of the psychic, stepped on his chest, and used the force to jump up while hooking his right leg around his neck, flipped to his back and twisted his legs hard, the cervical vertebrae made a cracking sound, and the whole person was thrown out by her fierce rotation.

There were still two people left in the field who were struggling to survive.

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