Xia Yan glanced at the two of them.

Picked up the claw hammer, walked to the zombie without eyes, pried it open and took away the crystal core, waiting for the second person to mutate.

She said lightly: "How do you want to die?"

"I, I, I have already admitted defeat, please, let me go, I will definitely live a good life in the future and never do evil again!"

Xia Yan looked at another lightning-type mutant.

The latter: "How about a fight first?"


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This answer was really beyond her expectations.

His companions didn't expect it either, and they were so shocked that their jaws couldn't close. "Then how about, the two big guys fight first? I'll roll right away, as far as I can roll!"

As he said that, he curled up, bent his head back and stuffed it into his crotch like an acrobat, and crossed his legs in front of his chest.

"Do you think this... can I roll?"

It's really round.

Xia Yan looked at the narrow strip of less than 15 centimeters under his feet, and didn't know how he did it.

Under him, more than a dozen zombies stretched out their arms and grabbed him blankly.

If he wanted to escape, he could only jump into the zombie pile and fight his way out. There was no other way.

"Okay, as long as you can get out." Xia Yan said it didn't matter.

After hearing her words, the other party was also a little stunned. Obviously, he was helpless against these zombies under his feet. The superpowers in his body had been drained, and his physical strength could not support him to fight the zombies for three hundred rounds.

In this way.

He could only pin his hopes on the lightning superpower boss.

Xia Yan also turned his head to look at the superpower who insisted on living until now.

The other party wore an oversized hood and a wasteland-style rag on his face. At first glance, he looked a bit similar to the customer Jing Yimai.

But this man is too old.

The exposed forehead was covered with age spots and wrinkles, and the tail of the eye was also loose and drooping, forming a triangular shape, which made the eyes look more fierce and gave people a sense of cruelty.

Xia Yan moved her fingers expressionlessly, and a crisp sound was made when she moved her shoulders and neck.

This man made her teeth itch with hatred.

He always predicted the position where she was about to appear, but it was just one or two seconds late. Almost as soon as she appeared, the lightning followed her, although it was off target several times.

If it weren't for him, she would have harvested them all long ago, why waste so much time.

"To be fair, I don't use superpowers either." The old man opposite also made a preparation posture, with a strange light flashing in his eyes, and made an old voice under the mask.

Xia Yan almost vomited blood.

"Even if you use it, you are not my opponent! Just say it when your superpowers are exhausted, why say it so high-soundingly!"

Old man:...

Almost at the same second, both of them rushed towards each other.

The old man actually had a completely different speed and strength from his own, and he used a sweeping kick as fast as thunder.

Xia Yan leaped up and kicked him in the heart fiercely, determined to kill him with one blow!

The old man calmly closed his arms and barely blocked in front of him. Then a huge force came, and he couldn't help but step back a few steps.

Kill him while he's sick!

Xia Yan rushed forward, flashed in front of him, grabbed his arm and threw him off his shoulders like a whirlwind, then jumped high, aimed his elbow at his neck and fell heavily from the air.

If hit by this heavy blow, the person will definitely die!

The opponent's pupils shrank suddenly, and he rolled to the side at the limit. He stood up, only to see the fist wind coming, and gritted his teeth and clenched his fist to meet it.

One is big, the other is petite.

They met heavily in the air.


The old man frowned heavily.

Xia Yan, who was fighting like a machine, pursued the opponent and kicked him hard in the abdomen. The force was so great that the latter broke the window directly, flew into the column and was forced to stop.

He fell to the ground, forced himself to stand up, his throat surged, and blood oozed from his mask.

Outside the villa, seven or eight zombies turned back and staggered towards him.

Xia Yan jumped out of the broken window expressionlessly, then his expression was stunned, and then he looked at the other party with disbelief and grief.


She couldn't help but curse, kicked the nearest zombie away, and blew his head with a claw hammer to vent her emotions.

Whack-a-mole is sometimes used to vent emotions.

The same is true for hammering zombies in the head.

And she really needed to vent her inner! Depression!!

Seven or eight zombies were killed by her in a flash.

Xia Yan stared at the 'old man' lying on the ground gasping for breath, and she became more and more angry.

She walked to him with one heavy step, put one knee against his back, grabbed the back of his neck with one hand and pulled off his mask with the other hand.

A face that couldn't be any older appeared in front of her.

If there were a plastic surgery hospital in the end of the world, they would definitely like this kind of customer very much! Very much.

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Once you have a facelift, it is not a dream to return to youth.

Xia Yan narrowed her eyes, wiped the remaining blood on his face with the broken mask, pinched the loose skin with her index finger and thumb, and pulled it out.

So real.

The other party did not struggle, and hidden under the drooping eyelids were clear eyes looking back at her.

"Hua La La."


Xia Yan suddenly stopped talking and raised his head, frowning in frustration, pinching his fingers in the air, and a sharp fruit knife appeared out of thin air, and then threw it hard, killing the man who was trying to escape in the chaos.

The 'old man' looked at him silently, with no trace of movement in his eyes. He looked stranger than a stranger.

"Let me tell you," Xia Yan pulled the old piece of leather hard, put it close to his ear and gritted his teeth: "Young man, do you know how to write the word "death"?

The 'old man' closed his eyes and looked like he was being slaughtered by her. When he spoke again, his voice changed: "Please, please get off my back first. I'm going to vomit blood under your pressure."

Can't find any flaws.

Xia Yan stood up with a cold snort, took out a pack of wet wipes, pulled out a few hand wipes, and threw the wipes into the other person's arms.

"Xiao Jing, you shouldn't explain."

He sat up, holding a wet towel and looking at her with an old face, slightly curious.

"How did you know it was mine?"

Xia Yan became visibly irritable.

Recall just now:

[Warning, VVIP customer Jing Yimai was seriously injured for no reason, which seriously violated the business philosophy, and the operator will deduct 500,000 points]

[The balance is insufficient, please recharge in time]

Xia Yan:! ! !

Is that old man Jing Yimai? ! !

She cracks!

Moreover, where does it come from without reason? He almost killed her just now!

You'd better be more reliable about the system!

【Under review...】

[The appeal is successful and the point deduction penalty is cancelled]


Jing Yimai was breathing heavily, and every time he took a breath, the injured area ached.

Boss Xia looked at him with a very unkind look, so Jing Yimai changed the subject at the right time.

"How could you offend Ru Yongnan?"

Xia Yan was irritated: "Stop rambling, first explain why you attacked me just now. How dare you attack the boss and forget where the small cubes you bought came from?"

She clenched her fists, wanting to fuck that old face right away.

Thinking this, he did so. Xia Yan dodged directly and delivered a right hook.

Jing Yimai tilted his head due to the force, with blood oozing from the corner of his mouth. He looked up at her and smiled helplessly.

"There is no way, just to prevent Ru Yongnan from finding out."

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