I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 282 Let's just take a gamble

"go on.

Xia Yan crossed his arms and watched coldly.

If she didn't come up with a reason that could convince her, she wouldn't mind sending him to the West directly.

500,000 points is nothing.

"Oh." Jing Yimai took out the wet wipe and wiped the blood from his mouth.

"We have to start from the beginning, wait a moment. Uncle Liu, let me out."

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Two different voices escaped from his throat, one was his own, and the other was the old voice Xia Yan heard before.

Xia Yan took a step back.

I saw that the body in front of me began to slowly become bloated, and the originally loose skin filled up and became dark and fat.

The hood fell off, and the hair stood on end like steel needles.

After a few seconds, the body gradually moved outward, and a thin figure began to become clear, gradually approaching the surface.


A whole person was spat out.

Jing Yimai bent his knees slightly to relieve his strength, stood up straight and looked at her with bright eyes.

"Long time no see, Boss Xia."

Under the residual light of the setting sun, his skin showed a sickly white color, the kind of pale white that results from a long period of lack of sunlight.

Xia Yan remained silent and glanced at the other person.

After spitting him out, the bloated body began to shrink inward until it returned to its original true appearance——

Just a tanned old man.

"Boss Xia Xia."

Maybe it was because she was too fierce to kill without blinking an eye, so the old man's voice was trembling.

He was half hidden behind Jing Yimai, less than the latter's shoulder height.

"Tsk, tsk, a big transformation into a living person."

Xia Yan reached out and took out a cup of 'Scumbag Green' tea, half-leaned against the wall, and looked at the two of them without blinking.

Stage Infernal Affairs?

But what does it have to do with her.

Jing Yimai coughed lightly and continued: "This is Uncle Chen's devouring power. It was all thanks to him that I was able to get in."

He pulled the old man to sit down, stroking his chest and frowning slightly. His lips were bloodless, and his jawline was clear and sharp.

"When I left the hotel, I originally planned to wander around in the city next door. Unexpectedly, I was so unlucky. Coupled with the cooling weather and the zombie wave moving south en masse, I was forced to go all the way south. I passed through countless bases and encountered many strange things. Few people with super powers..."

At this point, he glanced at Xia Yan and considered:

"They are all very strong and have a lot of crystal cores in their hands. I recommend them to get a point card. The rest...because I rarely stay in one place for a long time, I am not sure."

Xia Yan stopped drinking tea.

There has really been a surge in applications for point cards for a while.

It was impossible for her to look through the recommenders one by one. Basically, the system screened them twice, and she just checked them all with one click and agreed to them all.


Jing Yimai also brought her many new customers?

Created a lot of profits?

Made outstanding contributions to her great hotel business?

Thinking of this, Xia Yan's expression softened, and he smiled slightly, radiating kindness.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Jing Yimai raised his eyes with a depressed expression of "I knew it".

The sky was getting dark and the evening breeze was caressing. His collar was messy and open due to the loss of elasticity, revealing a small section of his too-white collarbone. His gaze was slightly raised, and the bulge in the white was obediently motionless.

Xia Yan was troubled by the sight.


Why did you become a pretty boy?

"It's just a piece of cake." He flipped his hair casually and flexed and stretched his long legs in camouflage pants.

Xia Yan: "The persuasion level is 20%, please continue."

Jing Yimai was stunned, "The number of customers I have recommended is not only 300 but also 500. Why is it only 20%?"

Are there so many?

Then go up a little bit more.

"Forty percent."

Jing Yimai: "Okay. Let me continue. After arriving in the south, the population of each base will be several times greater. Correspondingly, the forces of all parties are more complicated than in the north, and they basically have their own ways of maintaining the operation of the base.

The matter of recommending the points card could only be done in secret. I was just unlucky. I was accused and ran away before the leaders invited me to drink tea. "

At this time, the old man's stomach began to growl. Jing Yimai paused and said, "Wait a moment, I'll get something to eat."

After that, he disappeared on the spot, leaving the old man and her looking at each other.

Xia Yan took a sip of fruit tea and asked silently, "Can you say a few words?"

Old man: "I, I didn't run around. He ran to our village first. He was covered in stab wounds. Bones could be seen in the deepest parts. He almost died."

"Someone is chasing him?" Xia Yan became interested. Could it be that Xiao Jing seduced a certain boss's woman because of his pretty face?

Old man: "Yes! The day after he came, a group of people in black clothes also came to the village and asked us if we had seen him."

"What did you say?"

The old man suddenly said, "What else can I say? I haven't seen him."

Xia Yan's gossip nose immediately sensed something was wrong, "You hid it! Honestly!"

"...Actually, alas, the girl is too old to stay in the middle. She has fallen in love with this young man. He is a bastard. What can I say? I can only go along with it."

The old man sighed deeply, and the wrinkles on his forehead became deeper and deeper, filled with complex emotions of regret, worry, and anger.

"there is a problem?"

"No, why did he happen to fall in my yard? Why did I let my daughter pick up the fishing nets that day?! God's will, disaster!"

The old man pounded his legs hard, and his whole face was twisted together, like an orange that was short of water.

At this time, Jing Yimai came back with a bowl of instant noodles, and the smell of hot tomato and egg noodles wafted out.

Seeing the old man like this, he was stunned for a moment, and then looked at Boss Xia who was looking at him with a playful look, and also sighed.

"Uncle Liu, let's eat first. I promised you that I would find Xiao Dingxiang."

The old man wiped his eyes and reached out to take it. "Child, uncle doesn't blame you. It's all because my poor daughter is ignorant. She was protected too naively by me. It's the end of the world, but she still thinks it's the era of rule of law. She dares to go up and argue and fight... Alas, everything is fate."

Jing Yimai lowered his eyes, "It's not all her problem. The goal of that group of people is very clear. Not only your daughter, but basically all the young people in the village have been snatched away."

The two looked at each other, and their eyes were also filled with hatred.

Xia Yan raised her hand to interrupt, "Wait, please elaborate."

Originally it was a love trend, how did it suddenly become a dark force.

Her gossip heart could no longer be suppressed.

The old man held the noodles: "You talk, I'll eat first, I'm starving."

Jing Yimai pondered, looking very hesitant.

Xia Yan would not give him a chance to hesitate, and waved, "Let's go, talk in the car."

The two sat in the driver's and co-pilot's seats one after the other, and slammed the car door shut.

The old man stopped snorting noodles, looking at the scattered body fragments in front of him, and his back felt a little cold.

In the car.

Jing Yimai was indeed entangled in his heart, but his ability was really limited, and Boss Xia might not necessarily lend a hand...

Just take a gamble!

He turned his head to look at her, and opened his mouth with a big explosion: "In fact, I still have so-called relatives alive. They have been cooperating with a top-level laboratory. Before I left, the ultimate goal has always been the evolution of the human race and the realization of immortality."

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