I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 283 Who is not innocent when young?

"Ah," Xia Yan showed some lack of interest, "I want to live forever.

Jing Yimai didn't quite understand why she was so calm.

Immortality, from ancient times to the present, has been the goal pursued by generations of people.

In order to achieve immortality, we have gone from myths, homemade pills, various secret techniques, to attempts to adapt the life code in the genetic chain, and now to the highly lethal viral infections that have been developed.

Just looking at human evolution, the laboratory was indeed successful.

The damn virus took away the lives of most people, but it also activated a higher level of potential in those who survived.

Fantasy plots that originally only appeared in cartoons, TV series, and movies have successfully come to reality from human fantasy.

Various powers such as metal, wood, water, fire, earth, space, healing, spirituality, and invisibility emerged from the world.

If this is not an evolution, it cannot be explained.

He moved his gaze away and landed on the old man who didn't know anything and only wanted to find his daughter.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96π–˜π–π–š.π–“π–Šπ–™

They may never know why, overnight, their lives changed drastically.

He couldn't say anything because he was a victim too.

Jing Yimai suddenly said a company name.

If the old man was here, he would definitely be surprised.

This is a comprehensive listed company that always appears on TV and is involved in various fields. Its future successor was actually saved by his own daughter.

If it had been in the past, I might have been rich and wealthy for a lifetime.

Unfortunately, the end of the world.

"I rarely pay attention to the business the company is involved in," Jing Yimai said slowly, his eyes loose and blank. "I don't know which day started, but a quarrel suddenly broke out in the family, about medical treatment, experiments, power, etc., and the father and mother each had their own opinions. , No one is allowed to do it, even the relatives who were originally close to each other are exposedβ€”β€”"

He thought for a moment and thought of a more appropriate word.

"The complete opposite of peace."

Xia Yan nodded.

It's a family fight.


Jing Yimai continued: "This kind of quarrel lasted for a long time. Three months? Half a year? I can't remember clearly. I later went to study abroad to avoid this kind of environment. Thinking about it now, I was too naive at the time. I thought it would be fine after a while, after all, there have been business disputes before.”

Well, there's a turning point, the disaster is about to begin.

Xia Yan adjusted his sitting posture.

"But, on April 1st, I received a call," Jing Yimai closed his eyes, his voice filled with heartbreaking pain.

"The other party said that there was an emergency on the flight my parents were on, and the plane crashed and everyone died. April 1st happened to be April Fool's Day. I thought someone was deliberately messing with me and making such an outrageous joke. I was about to scold him when I noticed the phone call. It’s from the aerospace company.”

He inserted his fingers into his hair, moving it up and down chaotically, and drew messy lines in the void with his tall pen tip.

"After hanging up the phone, I received another call from my cousin, with the same rhetoric, urging me to return to China quickly to deal with my parents' funeral affairs. He said that the company was in a mess, the stock price plummeted, and many creditors were demanding refunds and payments based on their contracts. High compensation..."

"Even if I don't need everything, I still have to go back and lay my parents' remains to rest. Get off the plane and get in the car. The driver has been with my dad for more than ten years...

But the direction was not to go home, but to another private plane. Inside, my cousin was waiting, and next to him were three men who were too strong to be human.

My cousin pulled out the contract and asked me to put my fingerprint on it. It was a notarized certificate voluntarily giving up family property and an application form voluntarily participating in an experiment..."

Jing Yimai didn't want to recall and repeat the next words.

That was a dark episode that he really didn't want to mention.

It's the beginning of all nightmares.

The cousin had no intention of asking for his wishes. He said these words just to ridicule and trample him mentally.

The three strong men attacked directly. He resisted fiercely, but he was no match for them.

The opponent's hands were like iron pliers, imprisoning him and unable to struggle.

Then, as his cousin laughed, the doctor sitting silently received the signal, took out an injection from the medical kit he carried with him, pushed it out into the air, and a drop of cold liquid oozed out from the long, sharp tip of the needle. beads.

In Jing Yimai's extremely frightened eyes, the needle tip slowly pierced the skin, the syringe pushed, and the unknown liquid was sent into his body.

Soon, his eyes began to feel dizzy and out of focus. An overwhelming sleepiness came over him, and he fell asleep without any resistance to his will.

When I woke up again, there was a dazzling white light above my head, spinning, gathering, and spinning again.

He wanted to get up, but found that he was tied tightly. He was shocked. He turned around and looked around. After a slow-motion repetitive scene, he realized that he was lying in a laboratory.

Behind the glass at his feet, he saw a group of tightly wrapped staff opposite him, with only a pair of extremely cold eyes staring at him, holding a pen in his hand to record something.

Behind them, Jing Yimai saw countless identical 'wards' with all kinds of people in them.

Only then did he truly realize something - everyone was sent in as experimental subjects.


The laboratory door opened and a group of doctors came in.

He didn't have time to think about it, so he shouted for help, saying that he had been tricked into the experiment and was not willing to do the experiment, and hoped that they would let him out.

The other party ignored him at all and went straight to the nearby instrument to operate it, looking for the information he wanted.

After he shouted for help, he finally attracted the attention of a doctor.

The emerald green pupils that he had always thought were beautiful in the past were now cold to the bone, inorganic and without a trace of human vitality, as if he was looking at things like bed boards and light bulbs.

The doctor turned his head and said something to the person next to him, in the language of a certain country.

Jing Yimai trembled violently and struggled hard like crazy.

The bed that was deeply fixed to the floor made a piercing creaking sound, and it suddenly hit the instruments and made a clatter, and the bottles and jars in the iron tray next to it jingled.

He clenched his fists, and the needle tip reserved in the blood vessel easily pierced the blood vessel wall, and the surging blood rushed out along the rupture. After a while, it was covered with large patches of bruises.

He understood that the other party was saying that if all the values ​​met the standards, the experiment could be carried out in advance.


What experiment? !

He would never cooperate! !

Jing Yimai's sudden attack was unexpected, but the doctors reacted quickly, and they stopped him quickly and accurately as they had done countless times before.

Another injection was inserted directly into his purple veins quickly and violently.

The injected anesthetic quickly spread in his body, and as the high-speed blood rushed through his powerful heart, it gushed throughout his body.

"Let me go...I...don't...voluntarily..."

Jing Yimai stumbled and shouted, the dazzling light in front of him and the face that could not be seen clearly in the backlight entangled and spun rapidly, and he fell asleep again in despair.

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