In the laboratory, there is a row of shadowless lights on all the time, day or night.

Jing Yimai sleeps and wakes up, and he can no longer tell the time in his confusion.

In the rare moments of clarity, he would wonder why someone would be so cruel. They all share the same blood, so why must they kill him?

How deep is this hatred? To the point of taking someone's life.

He really couldn't imagine that the person he had always trusted, the person he grew up with, suddenly stabbed him hard?

In a world where civilization is supreme, someone has been secretly thinking about how to kill him?

In the environment where Jing Yimai grew up, both his parents and society followed a set of survival rules that used money and power to solve most problems.

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Under the strict system, whoever violates the outline will be severely punished.

He has completely lost his defensive heart.

But suddenly someone jumped out of this framework and used actions to show the feasibility of the unknown.

His worldview was shattered.

Jing Yimai realized in a hazy state of despair that he was no longer in that safe place, and was extremely far away, and no one could save him.


The sound was like passing through the deep sea, shattering countless bubbles that floated up, turning into several tiny ripples, squeezing in from the ear canal and every pore.

...That sound...

"How is the experiment?"

"After adjusting the values ​​to the peak, the primary injection will be carried out."

"Very good, we must speed up, someone over there is already anxious for the experimental results, if there is no problem, a large amount of funds can be quickly recovered, and we can move on to the next step."

"Injection tomorrow."

...Somewhat familiar...

The person staring at the bed suddenly found that he moved his fingers and suddenly laughed out loud.

"Cousin, I'll call you one last time. I know you can hear me, but what can you do to me? Don't worry, the company has officially cooperated with the laboratory here according to your father's idea. I will help him realize what he wants.

Haha, if that stubborn old man knew that his son bravely sacrificed his life for his goal of immortality, how moved he would be?! Hahaha!"

The voice came slowly and strongly, and every word was like a boulder, hitting him hard on the head!

You, you wait for me!

The storm on the sea surface was huge, and the hundreds of meters high waves covered the sky and the sun, like a mountain hitting heavily, hitting him back to the deep seabed again when he was about to float out of the water. Countless pairs of living dead hands suddenly stretched out, grabbing his clothes tightly, and sharp nails were deeply embedded in the skin.

A hand like a dead wood suddenly strangled his neck, and the air in his mouth was spit out with a puff, and a strong sense of suffocation came from all directions...

The instrument sounded a sharp alarm.

Several staff members rushed into the laboratory.

"The vital signs are unstable, give me an injection of adrenaline!"

"Please rest assured, I will give it on time tomorrow."


Jing Yimai pulled consciousness out of the desperate memories.

Like a person who was extremely short of oxygen and finally breathed in life-saving oxygen, his chest rose and fell violently.

Xia Yan half-supported her chin and watched silently.

She felt that her luck was indeed very good.

At the beginning, a shabby hotel could actually receive participants who knew the source of the end of this world.

According to the nature of the system.

It is not impossible to make such an arrangement.

She just said, how could she really enjoy a vacation and do nothing?

Look, the main line of the world mission has come out?

It seems to be a vacation, but it actually allows her to push the plot forward.

The difficulty of the task is low, and it is a waste of resources to arrange a tasker alone. She can do the work while on vacation.


Really high!

Jing Yimai leaned back tiredly, his jaw line was tight, and his shoulders and neck showed a sign of an impending attack.

"Are you okay?" Xia Yan asked leisurely.

After a while.

He said hoarsely, "Nothing."

He continued:

After that, no one came to save him.

The next day, the injection was also injected into his arm full of needle holes on time.

But unlike before, the steel rings that had been imprisoned on his limbs were opened.

After the injection, he was "free".

After an unknown amount of time, he looked at the light ring above his head and came to his senses. For the first time, he sat up from the bed and looked carefully at the ten-square-meter laboratory.

Behind the glass opposite, past the heavy staff wrapped in protective clothing, he finally saw all the scenes clearly--

Two rows of neatly arranged laboratories with no end in sight, the dazzling shadowless lights clearly illuminated the "experimental subjects" of the same age as him.

Regardless of gender, most of them were unshackled and moved "freely" in the narrow space.

Jing Yimai guessed that they had all been injected.

He dragged his legs, which were sore from long periods of inactivity, towards the door and tried to leave. There was not even a handle on it, and it was locked in one direction.

Following his movements, the eyes of the group of "doctors" outside followed closely, as if they were watching a monkey in a zoo, always expecting him to make different moves, or in other words, his body to have different reactions.

That kind of look, it was completely unlike him.

He had lost all his human rights!

Angry! Extremely angry!

Stabbed in the back, forcibly injected with unknown liquid, now they were waiting for him to die!

He walked a few steps to the glass, clenched his fist and hammered it hard, making a continuous thumping sound.

"F**k, get me out!"

The high-quality bulletproof glass did not move at all, not even a hole appeared, no matter he used his fist or the probe on the only instrument that could be moved and taken out.

The violent noise attracted the attention of other "experimental subjects", who turned around with empty eyes that did not look like living people, and their bodies were extremely thin and bony like walking skeletons.

On their skinny arms, there were dense needle holes that could not be healed, and even at this moment, they were all hung with a bottle of glucose for life-saving.

Because of long-term needle piercing and malnutrition, the skin and blood vessels had long lost their original elasticity.

In order to allow them to live longer, the long and thin retention needle was deep into the arm.

In the position closest to him, a boy with dark brown eyes was watching him silently.

Seeing him looking, he raised his arm slightly and waved it.

As if to say hello.

Jing Yimai believed that his eyes were full of vigilance.

He would never trust anyone again.

Without seeing his response, the boy was neither happy nor angry, and had no emotions.

It seemed that the action just now was unconscious.

Jing Yimai looked away.

He had to find a way to leave.

But the next second he turned back suddenly, showing an incredible expression.

He saw that the boy who was just greeting him was slowly bleeding from two tubes of black nosebleed!

From time to time, foreign objects protruded under the skin. The boy stood up with his neck in pain, trying to walk to the glass for help, but he fell to the ground with convulsions after taking only one step.

All the staff ran over at once.

But they didn't save him.

They took out their cameras and took pictures excitedly, recording them frantically on paper.

No one opened the door.

Jing Yimai couldn't see how the boy who fell to the ground looked through the crowd.

In the difficult and anxious waiting, the boy finally stood up again.

He just became neither human nor ghost.

Later he realized that it was the first zombie.

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