"What happened after that? How did you escape?"

Xia Yan asked with his chin in his hands.

It's not that I'm curious, but I want to know more so that I can make an offer to Chu Wanfu later.

She will never forget that she is a businessman and her interests always come first.

Xia Yan has experienced a similar apocalypse, and the ultimate reasons are the same - the desire for long life, the unlimited pursuit of limited resources and absolute power.

All forces, either actively or passively, have accelerated the end of the world.

You’ve seen it so much, why do you still find it strange?

It's not as direct as the senses that zombies bring to her, and it's disgusting enough. Just like Mr. Yoneda, no matter how many times they see each other, her first reaction is nausea.

Jing Yimai disappeared again, and when he appeared 15 minutes later, his mood had stabilized.

Her hair was wet, a few strands of black hair lay softly on her forehead, and she was feeling cold all over.


Cold showers can really calm your mood.

While Xia Yan was thinking, he stepped back and came out with a cup of hot drink.

Jing Yimai was silent for a long time.

The old man opposite had finished his meal long ago and even drank the soup. He was standing against the wall with an uneasy look on his face, looking here from time to time, silently asking when they could finish talking.

The light disappears inch by inch, and darkness envelops the earth step by step.

The dilapidated villa is like a huge monster about to wake up. The dark and empty windows are staring at it strangely. Occasionally, a small and heart-wrenching creaking sound breaks the silence, making people unable to help but look back and feel terrified in their hearts.

Night is a paradise for zombies.

The door in the courtyard was wide open, and wandering zombies were wandering in one after another. They were twisted like dead branches against the dark background and had different shapes.

The old man trembled all over, and fearfully glanced at the miserable body beside him. In his trance, the heads were facing him, as if they would suddenly fly up and pounce on his face in the next moment.

He couldn't help but move towards the car.

After all, humans are social animals.

Jing Yimai quickly finished what he said next:

"It was then that I realized that this experiment had been studied many years ago. That boy was not the first, and I would not be the last. Before him, many people had suffered cardiac arrest. It was just his change. The flip side proves the viability of the virus.

They locked onto that group of viruses, intensively cultivated them, and started the brutal injection research. From that day on, zombified experimental subjects were burned together every day. Ten will die today, and ten new young people will be sent into the laboratory tomorrow, a steady stream!

There are so many zombies that there is no time to burn them, so a special laboratory needs to be set aside to stack the corpses! There was no familiar face around me, and the roars of zombies were always ringing in my ears. "

The zombies staggered forward in the courtyard, their highly decayed and blackened faces gradually becoming clearer, and the roars like phlegm stuck in their throats jumped back and forth on their tense nerves.

Jing Yimai looked at the rearview mirror, clenching his fists, veins popping out on the back of his hands, but his voice was calm.

"I really want to die. Living people turned into zombies in front of my eyes. The so-called doctors outside just watched with cold eyes and only recorded the various data of the experimental subjects in their notebooks.

I don't know the time at all, I live in despair all the time, and I live in screams day after day. When I close my eyes, a rotten face is waving at me. When I open my eyes, behind all the glass is a rotten face! Everything deeply suppresses my hatred.

Until something different appeared in the zombie's head, the virus was updated and upgraded again, and I became the first batch of experimenters. "

The first zombie had already reached the back of the car, and blindly bumped into it with a thud. The sound immediately attracted other zombies to approach.

This makes it easy to spot the old man behind the pillar.

Jing Yimai hesitated and wanted to get out of the car to pick him up.

Xia Yan called a stop, reached out of the window with one hand, and threw out a box of the cheapest stuff. The smell of blood successfully attracted zombies to swarm up, pile up into a hill, and frantically bite into a small box of duck blood.

"Is it a crystal core?"

"Yes, that's what it's called. I had a nosebleed on the first day of the injection, but it wasn't black. I was the only one among the same group of experimenters who survived. Three days later, I found something different in my body. I could clearly feel the electric current. But because there are monitors in the laboratory, I don’t dare to try it.”

Seeing the zombies moving again, Xia Yan threw the sheep that had made an outstanding contribution farther away, and the zombies rushed out.

The old man was originally worried and frightened, but when he saw that what flew out was a naked fat sheep, he was so shocked that the wrinkles on his face stretched out.

Mom, what a waste of natural resources!

That's a sheep!

Just throw it out and feed it to the zombies?

Even though it was used to save him, he still felt his heart twitching. What was going on?

Jing Yimai knew how arrogant Xia Yan was, so he continued to say without even beating him:

"All the fear comes from the lack of firepower. Ever since I learned that I could control the electric current, the suppressed hatred surged up again. I have been looking for opportunities. I can only one day completely kill the group of people outside! Things are exactly as I thought. They are different, and one after another, there are also other people with special powers.

Everyone was different. Some people stretched out their hands, and clean water came out, and some people could directly make fire... Hehe, they held a celebration banquet on the spot, drinking and drinking. Opposite are the failed experiments, and two rooms away is a room full of corpses. Only three or four people succeeded here and there. Standing behind the glass and watching them smile happily, haha, it's really ironic. "

Jing Yimai's expression relaxed, and it was clear that his favorite part was about to come.

"A month later, they thought the virus was under control and all inactivated within a controllable range, so they couldn't wait to inject it. It's so funny, you can imagine it," he casually raised the corners of his mouth, contrary to his usual coldness, and laughed a little rebelliously.

He said word by word: "They all turned into zombies."

Xia Yan applauded: "Congratulations."

"Thank you. The corridor suddenly became a purgatory on earth. All the staff who didn't have time to inject fled in panic and accidentally opened the door of my laboratory. I rushed out, picked up the crowbar they usually used to deal with zombies, and killed my way out.

Of course, I took the opportunity to make a mess, rescued a few people, and set a fire to help cheer up. I didn't do anything else."

When saying this, the expression on Jing Yimai's face was sincere and innocent.

Xia Yan seemed to see through him and saw another small figure drowned in the torrent of memory.

She could no longer remember his face. After so many years, what she thought she would remember forever had disappeared until only a faint emotion remained.

Jing Yimai's temperament had changed at this moment. The hard shell that he usually showed to be aloof and indifferent to others instantly faded away. Inwardly, he was actually a boy who was seriously injured by his relatives and suddenly saw too many cruel realities, leaving a deep shadow. He was just in his early twenties and forced himself to grow up and mature.

When he picked up the crowbar and killed the first person fiercely, Xia Yan believed that his legs and hands were extremely trembling.

This is a process.

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