“That laboratory was built underground, which I didn’t expect at all.

After being excited, Jing Yimai put on his protective cold expression again and spoke very calmly.

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"I led the experimental subjects who survived and had developed superpowers, rushed into the elevator, and went all the way up. The door opened, and a group of chatting security guards stood under the dazzling natural light. They had no idea what was going on below. At first glance, We were wearing hospital clothes, cursing and pulling out a knife from the side of our legs, and rushed over.

But how could it be our opponent? Even if our powers are only level one, killing them is just like playing games. But who killed anyone at that time? Who knows what last-hitting is all about, just use your special ability to drive people away and then continue running outside.

They are different. Killing people is like killing a chicken. Instead, they are aroused by us and come up to kill them directly. At this time, another elevator door opened, and zombies rushed out, biting them from behind. Screams rang out in the hall, and zombies spread upstairs and outside...

That's pretty much it. Later, our group of experimental subjects separated, each went back to his own home, each looked for his parents, and each took his own revenge. "

Jing Yimai spread his hands and said there was nothing more to say.

Xia Yan probably wouldn't care whether he had revenge or not, so there was no need to elaborate on it.

Only you care.

"Hmm." Xia Yan brought up a new topic: "Tell me why you appeared in Ru Yongnan's team—that's his name, right—to engage in Infernal Affairs?"

"Okay. Didn't you say that I went all the way south? I found that many supplies in the base were of unknown origin, and several people disappeared from the base every month, regardless of gender.

The question is if the entire team is wiped out on a mission, but within a few days, a batch of supplies will be replenished from the base. This is very unreasonable. I...occasionally happened to bump into it, only to find out that it was an organized disappearance. "

He paused and felt his mouth was dry from what he said. He asked Xia Yan to buy a bottle of water and drank it in one gulp.

"I wanted to see where all the people were sent. The other party had speed-type powers, so he got lost. The matter was lost. But by chance, I saw the missing person in a black market. One of them is in, well, not good at all.

I didn't do anything, but the management staff inside me noticed me and came over to talk to me. This was probably the first time I had a problem. "

After thinking about it, he added, with a hint of confusion in his tone: "Could it be that I was discovered while following them? Or is my mask too unique? It's so tight that you can see clearly?"

What features can be made of a few rag strips!

Where do you get your confidence from?

Seeing his eyes, Xia Yan pretended to be thoughtful and said, "I'll sell you some low-key masks later."

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Jing Yimai is satisfied.

He glanced at the rearview mirror. There, the zombies had finished eating the fat sheep, but they were still shaking around restlessly.

After they left, there was only one mutton bone standing on the ground, with not even a shred of meat on it.

What a bunch of insatiable devils.

In just a few seconds, the sky completely plunged into darkness, and the sky and the earth were like a mass of solid splashes of ink. The city that was supposed to be filled with lights was as silent as a tomb with tens of millions of dead bones.

It’s even harder to see the other person’s expression clearly in the car.

Xia Yan turned on the interior light with a snap, and a small yellow light lit up above her head, shining brightly.

The light softens all the lines.

Jing Yimai was stunned for a moment, put the empty bottle at his feet, opened the car door and went to find the old man.

"He can also listen later and wait until I come back."

The old man waited for a long time, until the end of the world, until the seas dried up, and until he had recalled all the memories from his birth to the present.

I have scolded that dry old woman countless times in my heart, whether my life is good or not, and whether it is bad or not.

With a bang, the head fell and disappeared.

So blessed.

But don't be in a hurry to reincarnate. The current luck in life is not good, and you have to be born. If you wait patiently, you might be able to wait until he is born, and you can find a good family with your old wife, and he will be your brother.

It is absolutely impossible to be a wife, the blood does not match, even if you want to change the bone marrow, you can't do it.

The old man moved his posture, and suddenly thought of his missing daughter, and couldn't help but sigh.

Who did this kid follow?

Stubborn, stupid, and stubborn about his face, now he is better. He was kidnapped and he didn’t even know where to look for her.

I have old arms and legs, so I need to persist and persist until I get my child back before I can retire, do you understand?

By the way, that boy is really good. He is good-looking, has a kind heart, and has a good temper. I like him very much. He is a good boy...

Just as he was thinking about it, Jing Yimai suddenly popped up from behind the pillar.

"Uncle Liu, let's go. Get in the car."

The old man didn't know which muscle was twitching, so he blurted out: "Have you fallen in love with my daughter?"


Jing Yimai was dumbfounded.



The world is not easy, the old man sighed.

"You don't like it, and I understand. It's not dark, it's not protruding, and it's not as fair as you. Even I can't like it. Yes! Yes!"

Jing Yimai couldn't take the conversation, and he wasn't good at dealing with this kind of thing.

What does it matter if he likes it or not? He doesn't have such thoughts.

Fortunately, the end of the world not only tempered his character, but also honed his face - more than twice as thick.

After entering the car, he was already normal, as if nothing had happened.

"Boss Xia, let's continue talking."

"You talk, I have to eat."

Xia Yan picked and chose in the food city, ordered a large portion of sweet and sour pork ribs, wiped his hands and disinfected them, rubbed his chopsticks, and picked up a piece of bright-colored ribs like a pilgrim.

It was soft and tender in the mouth, with fragrant juice, and it could be removed from the bone with a light bite.

It was really a good piece of ribs.

Jing Yimai looked away and rolled down the window slightly.

The cool wind with the chill of the night blew in, blowing away the meaty aroma in the car.

What a sin!


-- Bang!

A rotten hand slapped heavily on the car window!

In the absolute darkness, a highly decayed face approached quickly and pressed against the car window!


- Bang!

The car body shook violently.

Countless zombie faces suddenly appeared behind all the front and rear glass, densely surrounding the car body.

The car window on Jing Yimai's side had a small gap, which was just hooked by the zombie's dry hand and pulled down hard!

"Quick, close the window, turn off the lights and you won't be able to see us!"

The old man huddled in the middle of the back seat, his head swinging like a rattle, always paying attention to whether the windows on both sides would be smashed.

Jing Yimai picked up the mineral water bottle, and before other zombies reached out, he pushed the dry hands out hard and closed the car window!

Xia Yan spit out the bones he had eaten clean, turned on the high beam and shone, and was stunned for a moment.

At some point, a steady stream of zombies poured into the courtyard, gathering into a spectacular zombie tide!

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