I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 287 A wounded little heart

Xia Yan stuffed a piece of pork ribs into her mouth, and her fingers pressed the obstacle removal function key skillfully, but it was empty.

She then remembered that she was driving a Knight 15, not a motorhome.

It didn't have this function.

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Beside her, an old man and a young man stared at her with their eyes, looking very expectant.

Xia Yan was puzzled, "Jing Yimai, can't you be transferred back to the hotel? Why are you looking at me?"

He looked at the zombies outside the window that kept hitting the car body and shook his head.

"I can do it, Uncle Liu can't do it."

The old man nodded.

Xia Yan disagreed, "Then apply for a card, apply now and it will be approved in seconds!"

"No!" The two said in unison.


"Uncle Liu can't apply for a card, otherwise he will be checked out and easily exposed."

Xia Yan said: "I don't believe it, you also have a points card, so you won't be checked in his stomach?"

Jing Yimai patiently explained: "It's not in Uncle Liu's stomach, it's an independent, space-like place that can't be explored by the outside world."

Xia Yan said he knew, raised his hand to turn off all the lights and the engine.

Jing Yimai then remembered that he hadn't finished what he said just now.

The hum of the engine disappeared, and there was silence in the car.

The zombie that was slapping the face outside lost its target, repeated it twice in a daze, stopped, stood by the car and shook his head, and the crackling of his neck accompanied the music.

Jing Yimai whispered: "After escaping from the pursuit of the black market gang, I ran wherever there were zombies, but the other party chased me relentlessly. After that, several bases I went to posted my portrait inside. Although there was only a pair of eyes, you can tell it was me."

Speaking of this, Xia Yan looked at him in the dark.

Are you referring to the pair of European-style parallel large double eyelids?

That can be confirmed, who dares to open their eyelids so wide?

You must complain to the bad doctor in that hospital.

Jing Yimai didn't know what she was really thinking. It was pitch black, and he could only roughly see the other person's face.

Perhaps the darkness brought not only fear, but also amplified the suppressed emotions in his heart.

"You know, there are too many starving people, and they offered ten bags of rice. The group of people were crazy and didn't let go of any masked person. They also chased after me and let the half-grown children hold their thighs to keep me from leaving."

Jing Yimai recalled something and whispered, "It's crazy, everyone is starving. It's crazy to eat their own children."

He said crazy several times in a row, and it can be seen that the cruel reality hit his eyes hard.

The old man sitting in the back was silent.

How lucky do you have to be to encounter a holiday hotel and eat a life-saving meal?

As the end of the world gets longer and longer, the rationality of human beings is slowly fading.

No food, hunger, is more terrible than anything else.

When everyone is hungry and their eyes are red, it is a disaster moment for some vulnerable groups.

Whoever has food is the king.

In some bases without any bottom line, it is clearly stipulated that survivors are prohibited from automatically feeding themselves into the mouths of zombies. Even if they die, they must die in the form of humans.

What is it for.

Everyone understands.

He also thought about why the group of people didn't run away?

But when he saw the survivors who were so thin that their legs were not as thick as his arms, he understood that in their state, it was impossible for them to walk to another base ten kilometers away.

Moreover, who can guarantee that it is not the same over there?

This is why he was recognized instantly when he appeared in the base-

He was very fleshy, his cheeks were full, his eyes were bright, and there was no sign of hunger.

If he was not a wanted criminal, it would be even better.

Tall, plump, and falling from the sky, a vegetable man.

Later, basically, he had to guard not only against the gang of black-clothed men, but also against the hungry survivors.

At first, the former didn't want his life, and being caught by the latter was even more terrifying.

One time, a flash of lightning flashed, and he suddenly remembered someone - his cousin.

When he went back, he directly killed his cousin's parents with a knife, but he never found him.

For so many years, it is very likely that the other party was also looking for him and got the news of him first.

In an instant, Jing Yimai's brain, which was shrouded in thick fog, became clear, and all the scattered lines were connected together.

He came to a shocking conclusion -

The laboratory was not really destroyed!

They have been collecting human bodies for experiments!

His cousin is still alive!

After successfully avoiding it again, the other party sent out several high-level psychics. This time, his luck ran out and he was seriously injured in the other party's round-robin battle.

He originally planned to go back to the hotel for help, but before he could say it, he fainted under the fishing net of a fisherman somewhere and was rescued by the girl who came to collect the net.

The other party obviously would not let him go, and immediately launched a carpet search, and it seemed that he would soon find here.

The old man could not resist his daughter's pleading and saved his life.

He escaped the first wave of searches safely, but the other party knew that Jing Yimai was in the village and was hidden by someone.

In anger, he started a fierce competition with the supernatural people in the village.

The peaceful fishing village has lost its peace since then.

Jing Yimai, who was in a coma, had no idea about this.

When he finally woke up, everything outside had settled down.

The little black potato that he had seen in the haze was gone, leaving only the old man looking at him with tears in his eyes and sighing.

After stumbling around, Jing Yimai finally understood what happened. Not only Little Potato, but also other girls were taken away!

On the one hand, he was very grateful for the help extended by the stranger, but on the other hand, his hatred was unprecedentedly high.

Jing Wenbin!!! This time we switched roles!

Taking advantage of the night, the old man took Jing Yimai on the road to find his daughter, until they found this place after going through untold hardships.

When Jing Yimai followed the "troops" in an armored vehicle and rushed to the mission point after a bumpy ride, he found that the top of the tall building surrounded by layers of zombies was actually hung with four big words "Holiday Hotel"! !

Holiday Hotel? !

Is he dreaming? !

After being extremely dizzy and dreamy, he saw with his own eyes that the woman on the extended balcony, smiling and stretching her waist to enjoy the scenery, was Boss Xia! ! !

After going around in circles, the holiday hotel appeared again!

Under the scolding and urging of the little leader, he continued to be hazy and pressed the firing button with his index finger.

A huge impact force came, and he was thrown out without any preparation, and hit the iron sheet with a clang.

Only then did he realize what he had done!

Resort hotel, don't be killed by a cannon!

He rolled and crawled to his feet, and his violently beating heart saw the protective shield outside the hotel flash and steadily catch the attacking supernatural cannon.

His heart finally settled down in his chest.

Later, he found that no matter what, the protective shield was very strong, and he was completely relieved.

During that time, he fired more cannons and successfully won the favor of the young leader.

Of course, Jing Yimai would never tell her the latter part.

"All the things have been said, and you, Boss Xia, understand the latter part, so I won't repeat it."

After Xia Yan heard him finish, he looked at the increasingly dark silhouette in the dark, and hesitated to speak.

I don't know why, I always feel that he seems a little happy when he talks about the latter part?

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