The car suddenly fell into silence for a long time.

All he could hear was the sound of the zombies outside, their leather soles rubbing against the ground, and the occasional sharp and shrill roars.

Jing Yimai turned his head and looked at a short but very fat male zombie not far away.

Under him, he was dragging a large piece of dirt and moving with difficulty.

He could vaguely see the burnt yellow fat wrapped around the edge of the intestines...

The base where he had stayed for a day but almost gave himself up suddenly appeared in his mind.

At the outermost edge, it was tattered everywhere, and a defensive wall was barely formed by stitching and patching with various things.

Behind this wall that would fall down with a full push of an adult, there were actually more than 20 people lying. When they saw him, they showed expressions like hungry wolves, propped up their upper bodies, and crawled over bit by bit like hungry ghosts.

Jing Yimai raised his foot and avoided a mouth that was about to bite.

He said coldly: "Get out of here."

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The other party seemed to not understand human language, like a long worm crawling on the ground, with only his strong calves in his eyes.

Jing Yimai was merciless, and immediately used his supernatural power to surround him with medium-voltage current as a warning.

Seeing that the other party retreated decisively, he stepped forward.

Not far away, there was a cement wall more than ten meters high. At the only entrance, two guards holding toothless kitchen knives sat on the bench and watched silently.

When he approached, two kitchen knives were placed in front of him.

"Entrance fee."

The voice was extremely hoarse and weak, but much louder than those dying survivors outside.

Jing Yimai reached into his pocket, ignoring the two people's eyes that burst out with strange colors and stared at his trouser pockets.

"How much do you want?"

If it weren't for going inside to trade crystal cores, he wouldn't enter the base.

"What do you have? How much do you have?"

Jing Yimai took out something and slowly opened his fist.

Under the other party's anxious eyes, two little finger-long plastic-wrapped beef jerky lay safely in his palm.

"Beef jerky!!"

The two raised their voices and shouted, and they were about to grab it.

Jing Yimai clenched his fist fiercely, and the jerky disappeared in his palm.

"Is this enough?"

Want to take it for free?

Even if it is expired jerky, it is still edible!

After traveling to so many places, he knows how precious food is.

"Yes, yes, yes."

After getting an accurate answer, he let go and pushed the two people away to enter the city smoothly.

At this time, the voices of two people shouting angrily were heard behind him.

"Go back! Don't get in the way here!"

Jing Yimai didn't even turn his head, grabbed a person nearby, stuffed a small piece of beef jerky into his hand where no one could see, and asked him where the transaction was.

The other party was very shocked. He peeled the bag and stuffed the meat into his mouth. He chewed it for a few times and swallowed it. His tongue kept licking the remaining juice in the bag, and he looked at him eagerly for more.

Jing Yimai frowned.

At this time, he felt his trouser legs being pulled. He lowered his eyes and looked down. It was a little kid lying on the ground with his head raised.

It was an extremely weak voice.

"... Big brother, I know where it is. Just give me... a bite of food..."

"No, he just came to me! You dead man, get out of here!" The man before refused to do it. He screamed at the top of his voice. He was not as weak as he looked.

As soon as the voice fell, the people around him who were already starving stood up one after another.

"Handsome man, give me something to eat."

"I still have my mother at home. She is hanging on. Please, fulfill her wish to die with food in her mouth."

"As long as you give me a bite of food, I can do anything!"

A group of people rushed in and instantly drowned the skinny kid.

Jing Yimai threw the man in his hand back into the crowd, pulled the kid out from under the crowd, and then pushed the crowd away with great force, with crackling tiny electric currents flashing all over his body.

"Show the way."

He let go of his hand, and the kid fell to the ground.

"... I'm hungry and have no strength."

Jing Yimai can kill zombies and can also attack adult men and women, but he can't do anything to these children.

Forget it.

He has a lot of expired beef jerky anyway.

Just consider it as an advance payment.

The kid stared at him as he took out the jerky from his pocket again, clapping his hands excitedly.

"Hurry up and eat."

Jing Yimai looked around and didn't notice that the kid put the meat strips into his pocket.

I heard that there is a level 5 crystal core in the exchange here, which is exactly the type he needs.

I hope everything goes well.

The kid stood up and led the way.

Finally stopped in front of a relatively neat door, and looked back at him before raising his hand.

Jing Yimai suddenly felt his heart hit, and a chill instantly surged.

Something is wrong!

He prepared to retreat.

The kid immediately slammed the door!

"Mom! Come out! The food is here!!"

There was a heavy sound of running footsteps from inside the door.

Boom, boom, boom!

It was like a wild elephant running around inside!

Suddenly, a gust of wind whistled straight to the back of his head, and Jing Yimai jumped around and easily avoided it.

The object that tried to attack him turned out to be a water arrow.

He looked back in surprise, only to find that the narrow aisle behind him was full of survivors!

Looking down, he found that everyone was barefoot in the sand and mud.

No wonder there was no sound!

They looked him up and down without any hesitation, and even muttered without any hesitation, this time, do you want the legs or the internal organs!

A pair of red eyes stared at him fiercely, wishing to eat him alive.


The door behind him was pushed open with a bang, and it was completely scrapped in the shaky state.

I saw an extremely fat woman standing behind, with a round face and eyes that were so small that they could be ignored.

What was even more abrupt was that there was bright lipstick on her thick lips.

I saw her open her lips slightly, and a loud voice like a death knell burst out.

"Where is the food?"


Jing Yimai turned his eyes away from the zombies and forced himself not to think about it anymore.

If he thought about it any further, the fishy yellow liquid would come again.


Boss Xia started the car, and the engine that instantly hummed in the dark was like a louder rally call.

The zombies wandering not far away turned around to respond to the call.

Xia Yan turned on the high beam and turned the car around in a cool manner.

Oh, no.

The fan-shaped lamppost instantly illuminated a fat zombie and the thick yellow fat in his belly.

Jing Yimai covered his eyes and wailed.

It's over. I won't be able to eat meat for a long time.

"What? Can't bear to part with the crystal core?"

The front of the car suddenly knocked the zombie away, clearing a barely empty road.

Xia Yan showed a puzzled expression.

Jing Yimai looked up with a bitter face, and the zombie that was just lifted up fell on the glass in front of him with a bang, and the broken chest was squirming in front of his eyes.

Suddenly, his face was as pale as it could be, and he squeezed out a word from his teeth.

"- Go! I'm going to vomit!"

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