I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 290 Lighting up the barbecue

When Xia Yan returned to the hotel, Jing Yimai and the old man sat on the sofa and closed their eyes and fell asleep.

The gentle soft light in the leisure area neutralizes Jing Yimai's smooth jawline that has become sharper due to weight loss.

She walked over and sat across from him.

Hearing the noise, Jing Yimai raised his eyes to look at her.

"How about it?"

"It's not that good, the other party is hesitating." Xia Yan sighed, looked at his slightly shining dark brown pupils, and added, "Don't worry, I will go to see Ru Yongnan tomorrow, and I will find a way to help you then. Sneak in and you don’t have to worry about the rest.”

Jing Yimai's eyes were calm, "You want to help me?"

Only then did Xia Yan realize that he was a little too enthusiastic.

It is completely inconsistent with the usually aloof shopkeeper's style.

Jing Yimai has been staying at the store since it opened, so it can be said that he knows her style of doing things very well.

This, this, this...

There are some things it would be better for him not to know, such as...

Xia Yan looked at him without changing his expression and continued without any hesitation:

"You can't say that. I can only say that I'm on my way. I'm going to take care of Ru Yongnan and do you a small favor. Then I'll have to trouble you to help me collect the crystal core. Just think of it as my reward."

Jing Yimai looked at her quietly, suspicion flashing in his eyes, but he gradually gave up because he couldn't find any point of doubt.

While talking, Xia Yan suddenly remembered the two people locked in the utility room. They were originally left to show the way to their home nest tomorrow.

Now when I look at it, I have a small scene, so why use them?

Just snap your fingers and send them to the west.

"Tomorrow you will be a hostage and help me lead the way."

At this time, two small blood-red squares floated in the air. Xia Yan reached out to catch them and tossed them up and down.

Jing Yimai's eyes swayed slightly.

He said: "Are the cubes still for sale?"

Xia Yan: "Sell!"


At first break of dawn, the morning dew is heavy.

Xia Yan sat in the driver's seat of the RV and carefully polished the sword with a whetstone.

Guaranteed to swipe the knife, the skin will burst, the liquid will spurt out, and the life will be instantaneous!

The passenger door opened, and a man with a wrinkled forehead came up, and the lower half of his face was covered by a mask sewn from rags.

When they met, a rough hemp rope was thrown in.

"Tie me up."

Xia Yan:...?

The jaws of the residents in the safe area who were doing morning exercises were almost dropped.

There was a clear understanding in his eyes: So you are such a boss? !

Xia Yan couldn't hold his forehead, "There's no need to prepare now."

Boss, you have an old face, so be careful what you say!

The old man slowly turned around and looked at everyone quietly, giving him a sense of strength that was stronger than the sound.

The latter was embarrassed to look directly and looked away!

The main theme is that I am not embarrassed, but others are embarrassed!

Uncle Jing Yimai then staggered into the car, his hands trembling as if he had Parkinson's disease, and he put on his seat belt.

The innocent and baggy eyelids droop downward, and the triangular eyes look extremely fierce.

Looks like a bandit about to kidnap.

Looking at it, Xia Yan turned his head speechlessly, kicked the accelerator hard and rushed out.

She had already memorized the road leading to the city center, and she couldn't make a mistake with her eyes closed, but she still looked like she was concentrating on finding the way, so serious that others thought it was impolite for her to speak.

When he was approaching the edge of the city, Xia Yan suddenly stepped on the brakes and tied the old man's hands tightly as required, squeezing the loose brown skin into a ball.

Jing Yimai raised his hands nonchalantly, pointed at the dazzling building and said, "Ru Yongnan and the others live in the library in front. From the first to the fourth floor, they are his territory."

As he got closer, the towering new buildings were fully revealed. Xia Yan couldn't help but ask, "Does he want to complete his academic dream that he didn't have time to do?"

Jing Yimai said: "I only know that he used books to light fire and barbecue."

Xia Yan clicked his tongue: "It seems like life is good, and you can even eat barbecue."

The scenery on both sides of the street receded crazily. The zombies that had just been attracted by the rustling sound of tires crushing the road were quickly thrown behind the car in the blink of an eye. They stumbled forward two steps, and in the blink of an eye they were pulled out of the sewer filled with garbage. Attracted by the fat mice crawling out, they chased them to the corner and collided with each other with a muffled sound.

Jing Yimai looked at the rearview mirror silently, looking like he didn't want to continue talking in depth.

There is a large parking area in front of the library.

Xia Yan skipped it and drove the car directly to the gate.

A screeching sound sounded.

She jumped out of the driver's seat neatly, then pulled out her favorite sword from her waist, opened the passenger door, pulled the old man out, put away the RV, took off the shell and brightened the blade, and held it firmly on his neck.

"Come on, old man, take me in for a visit."

Xia Yan kicked the glass door fiercely.


The special metal soles easily broke the glass and the two people entered.

The first thing you see is an extremely spacious hall, with no one and only one thing in it.

"Hey, call your boss Ru Yongnan! I'm here to take revenge!"

The unceremonious voice echoed in the hall and soon spread to every corner of the museum.

Within a few seconds, a crowd of people gathered behind the glass corridors on the second and third floors.

Staring in disbelief.

They were always the ones looking for trouble, but when had they ever been approached by someone? !

This time, this group of lackeys who usually bullied the weak was completely angered, and they suddenly broke into an unbearable curse.

Without waiting for Ru Yongnan to appear, several people, relying on their strong bodies, jumped down from the second floor and hit the floor with a thud.

The sturdy man with dense tattoos on his face snapped his fingers and tilted his head to look at her.

"What kind of girl is this? You are so brave. Let me meet you!"

As he said this, his arms suddenly swelled up, and his T-shirt burst open, revealing his strong chest muscles.

He punched his fists hard, raised his right fist and ran wildly.

He was fierce and powerful.

If he punched him, his skull would be cracked, right?

He is indeed the first person to prove the truth without love and ruthlessness. He is really cruel!

On one side is a tank-like macho man, and on the other side is a petite and weak woman.

No matter how you look at it, the result is the same.

However, when they thought of the delicate little girl being beaten and crying, her originally fair skin stained with black bruises and desperately begging for mercy, they trembled with excitement!

"Kill her!"

"Break her bones!"

"If you show mercy, you will wash the urine bucket for me when you go back!!"

"Hahaha, the truth is supreme!!!"

Amidst the violent uproar and cheers, all the onlookers on the second and third floors had strange excitement on their faces, and their eyes flashed with crazy bloodthirsty light. They waved their arms and fists high, with extremely exaggerated expressions, and they wanted to come down to fight.

Above the crowd, on the fourth floor, Ru Yongnan and four men quietly appeared.

Facing her cold gaze, he actually raised the wine glass in his hand slightly.

The scarlet liquid swirled in the glass and was sent into the slightly raised corner of her mouth.

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