I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 291: Such an ugly smile

"Your smile is so ugly, don't come out and disgust people!"

The crisp and pleasant voice directly crushed all the sounds.

The boiling noise suddenly disappeared as if the mute button was pressed.

This book was first published in πŸ”πŸ— Book Barβ†’96𝙨𝙝π™ͺ.π™£π™šπ™©, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

Everyone downstairs looked up, curious about who was scolded so mercilessly?

Ru Yongnan's face turned blue and purple, like a broken palette, colorful and wonderful, and his sinister and fierce eyes repelled all the men downstairs.

"Don't show mercy, everyone."

All? Everyone?

Everyone thought they had heard it wrong.

Only Ru Yongnan knew that this female boss was also a ruthless person. Before he went to find her, she came up on her own.

It means she is very sure.

Under the gaze of so many eyes, Ru Yongnan didn't want to lose miserably, so he had better succeed in one blow and shut up some ears and eyes.

Like a drop of water falling into boiling hot oil, the atmosphere in the venue was instantly ignited again.


"Go, go, go!"

"The boss has spoken, let's do a big fight!"

"Save your breath! I want to be the first one later!"

The library instantly turned into an ancient beast fighting arena, and a group of highly excited "gorillas" slammed to the ground, tearing their clothes with red eyes, slapping their chests, and rushed over viciously.

Jing Yimai struggled hard with the rope tied around his wrist, regretting his bad idea.

He stared at the group of people rushing over like crazy, and a sentence came out of his teeth: "In fact, it doesn't matter if this revenge is not avenged, we can go back and discuss it first!"

Xia Yan quickly bent down to avoid the strong man who came to prove the truth first, turned around and kicked the most vulnerable back of the head with a whip.

"Shut up and find a place to hide." She whispered in the same voice, kicking Jing Yimai in the back without slowing down.

It seemed like an indiscriminate attack, but in fact it helped him avoid a fire-type supernatural power.

Jing Yimai rolled on the ground until he rolled out of the battle circle, huddled in a small corner and began to untie the rope, his eyes fixed on the relatively short figure surrounded by the tall and strong man.

The tattooed strong man narrowly avoided it, but was met with a kick from her at a weird angle.

There was no way to avoid it!

Facing the aggressive and extremely flexible Xia Yan, the strong man had to raise his arms to prepare to withstand the kick.

The wind whistled, and the second kick instantly changed its trajectory, and before the opponent could defend himself, it hit his unprotected side ribs!


The strong man was kicked out suddenly, and the broken ribs pierced his skin with the violent collision when he fell to the ground, and stabbed straight into the air at an angle.

"Bone, bone is broken!"

He let out a horrifying scream and tried to touch it with his shaking hands.

But the next moment, his throat suddenly felt cold. He looked up suddenly and found that this woman had come to finish him off silently!

Xia Yan retracted his sword and flashed away from his original position the next second. A man running like a tank rushed over and ran into the tattooed man who was spraying from his throat without stopping.

The two of them flew to the solid wood consultation table behind them.


Even the tank man with a head as hard as iron felt a flash of gold in front of his eyes at this moment.

Xia Yan chased after him, knelt on one leg behind him, and pulled the sword heavily under his neck.

The expected flesh and blood did not break, but a sharp sound of metal was heard instead.

The man under him woke up instantly and struggled hard with great fear.

If it weren't for his ability to be wrapped in metal, he would have died just now!

The sharp blade also flashed a cold metallic light on the man's head.

He banged his head back hard, hitting Xia Yan's knee.

With a thud, a faint protective shield popped out of Xia Yan's body, rebounding twice the force back-

Store rules, the outside world cannot attack her.

Xia Yan was stunned.

How could she forget this!

She had been hiding there carefully...

Sure enough, if you don't use the big benefits given by the system for a long time, you will really forget...

The man was visibly dizzy at this moment, and his pupils were dilated.

Xia Yan noticed that the metallic light only spread to the position of his shoulders, and then it was normal flesh and blood.

She aimed at the gap between the ribs and stabbed the knife hard, just deep into the heart.

The man's body straightened instantly, his eyes were clear for a second and then completely dead.

Xia Yan stood up. This time, facing the various superpowers rushing over, he didn't even avoid violence!

Let's go straight up!

Another day of being pampered by the system~

Sure enough, it's great to have a strong backer!

Dominate the world and sweep everything away.

Ru Yongnan on the fourth floor had a gloomy face. The slender goblet in his hand could not hold it tightly, and it broke into several pieces with a click, and fell to the ground with a crisp sound.

Who is this woman? !

Xia Yan also looked up at him, sneered, and stretched out his thumb, and pushed down hard!

Colorful superpowers descended from the sky, surrounding her. Under such a concentrated superpower attack, even the most defensive superpowers would have their defenses torn apart and broken into debris!

Ru Yongnan stared at the light circle, unwilling to miss any details.

Will that person die? !

Suddenly, a more dazzling light lit up around her, like an increasingly dazzling incandescent lamp, flashing to the limit, and then exploded!

The energy circle visible to the naked eye galloped and spread without looking down, destroying everything it touched!

They used 80% of their own abilities when attacking, and after the double charge of the protective shield, it became 160%!

And they bombarded indiscriminately.

When the water-based abilities met the doubled fire-based abilities, what awaited him was rolling blood and instantly evaporating water mist!

In a blink of an eye, Xia Yan, who was originally at a disadvantage, reversed the situation and turned this place into a purgatory on earth!

And she was the master of the other party's life!

"Boom boom!"

Suddenly, the walls on both sides of the hall dispersed left and right with a deafening sound.

The people who were lying on the ground and wailing were stunned for a moment, and then they rolled and crawled from the ground, regardless of the wounds that were still dripping with blood, and ran upstairs in a panic.

Behind the wall was a huge internal space. When they heard the noise and turned back, they saw countless horrible zombies with rotten faces, all of which rushed out with a roar.

A dozen seriously injured psychics cried and hugged their broken legs. Seeing this scene, they moved forward with tears and snot, leaving a long distance between them and the people who ran up the stairs.

The other party looked back, with a look of relief in his eyes.

Soon, they were the last to be pounced on by the zombies. They felt a sharp pain from being bitten in their shoulders and necks, and the spurting blood attracted more zombies.

Zombies flooded the hall like a tide.

At the same time, a large circular passage was opened on the high floor leading directly to the roof. Countless zombies with rotten faces popped out from behind, staring at the running living people with gray eyes.


Zombies rushed out and fell from the sky like dumplings.

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