I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 293: Can you win if you die?

It was obvious that they had been lacking food for a long time, and their bodies needed glucose, which could quickly restore their physical strength.

After not eating for a long time, their stomachs had shrunk to the limit.

Their bodies were extremely weak, and they could not wait to open and put the food into their mouths as soon as they got it. The tip of their tongues felt the long-lost sweetness, and their eyes were hot, but they could not even shed a tear.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

Xia Yan turned and left.

Behind them were some prisons for the elderly, the weak and the sick, which were also surrounded by crowded zombies.

She passed the zombies and went straight to the fourth floor.

She was delayed for a while, hoping that Ru Yongnan had not left yet.

What she did not expect was that in the center of the fourth floor, there was actually a prison specifically for imprisoning level 4 and 5 zombies.

This prison had no roof, and there was a mechanical gear and a fine iron hook on top.

There were still spots of blood on the sharp hook tip.

The fourth floor was also occupied by zombies. All the superpowers who tried to resist were attacked from front and back. The endless zombies fought and died in a round-robin battle. After a few seconds, they stood up with blood and flesh all over their bodies, joining the army of the living dead.

At this moment, at the end of the corridor, outside a tightly sealed door, several zombies kept hitting outside.

Xia Yan did not miss any corners, opened the cabinets in various ways, and looked into the eyes of the people inside with great surprise. She also did not miss the fleeting deep fear in their eyes, "How can a zombie open the cabinet door? No, it's that female devil."

She took a step back, exposing these people completely under the eyes of the zombies.

The other party knew that she had a protective shield on her body, which would double the rebound attack, so she did not dare to waste the superpower that was about to run out on her. She could only roll and crawl out of the cabinet, dangerously avoiding the purple fingers grabbed by the zombies.

The slightest sound would attract zombies, not to mention the violent struggles they made while shouting and cheering.

In less than a minute, all of them turned into zombies.

After Xia Yan confirmed that there were no scums left alive outside, she replaced the sword in her hand with a high-powered chainsaw.

She walked to the last gate and pulled the switch.



The unique buzzing sound of the chainsaw suddenly sounded, which was the nightmare hidden in the heart of every person who had seen the chainsaw *mania.

The originally quiet inside the door became even quieter, and people were trembling with fear waiting for the final peace before the storm outside.

The next second, Xia Yan cut on the door, and the high-speed collision between the metals shot out passionate sparks.

The inside of the door exploded--

"Fuck! She has a chainsaw in her hand!"

"Brother Yong, this won't work! Hurry up and ask for help from the headquarters!"

"We have so many people dead, Brother Yong can't hide anymore!"

"... And you also killed the inspector..."

There was a commotion inside the door, and the chainsaw roared outside the door.

The huge noise that resounded throughout the hall quickly attracted all the zombies on the first, second and third floors!

The running and stomping of countless zombies was deafening. The people huddled in the middle of the "prison" were shaking all over, looking at everything in front of them with both expectation and fear.

In a filing cabinet at the corner of the first floor.

Jing Yimai waited patiently until it was quiet outside, unlocked the door gently and opened a small gap. Seeing that it was safe outside, he asked the old man to let him out.

"Where are you going?" The old man grabbed his hand suddenly and asked worriedly.

Jing Yimai patted his hand, "I'll go upstairs to see."

The old man's eyes widened, "The upstairs is full of zombies! Are you looking for death?!"

Jing Yimai was about to explain, but suddenly he saw a man running out in a panic, broke free, and forced the old man back, "Lock the door and don't make a sound, I'll be back in a while."

After that, he quietly caught up.

The other party may have found a place to hide in the chaos at the first time. There were so many people and the scene was extremely chaotic. It was normal that Boss Xia couldn't observe it.

It doesn't matter, he will come to finish the job.

Seeing that the distance was getting closer, he stretched out his hand and pinched the back of the man's neck, instantly sending out an ultra-high voltage current. The man's body suddenly straightened up, and a smell of burnt meat emanated from his body.

Jing Yimai skillfully held his breath when the smell drifted out, gently put the man down, and began to search for places where people might be hiding.

Of course, he would also take a crystal core to fill his pockets.

There was still a long time to live, so he had to save some money.


The silver-gray iron door was quickly cut open with Xia Yan's unremitting efforts.

Before she could stick her head out to take a look, a volley of superpower bullets came out.

Puff puff puff came straight at her.

Before the superpower bullet was about to hit her, it was blocked by the emerging protective shield and exploded on the surface.

The protective shield absorbed the attack and bounced it back twice.

There were more superpower bullets than the attacking ones, and they were emitted in all directions.

The zombies near her were shot and fell to the ground, but there were so many zombies that if one fell, they could be replenished continuously.

A small number of superpower bullets hit the door through the gap, and Ru Yongnan quickly pulled the people around him to block in front of him.

Xia Yan looked at him coldly, and his men pulled the chainsaw again.

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Under the glare of the opposite side, he continued to cut the iron door.

Looking through the hole at the dense group of zombies behind her, Ru Yongnan's scalp was almost numb.

Why didn't she get bitten by the zombies?!

What on earth can kill her completely? !

If he is given another chance, he will never choose to provoke this woman!

Too scary, scarier than zombies!

Can't be killed, can't be provoked, can't be avoided!


Ru Yongnan stared and found that there was a big hole on the iron door that he was proud of and had resisted countless zombies!

Xia Yan took a step back, threw the chainsaw in his hand, and then pointed his index finger at them-

Damn, he had to admit that this was so cool!

The zombies suddenly rushed in densely along the gap!


Ru Yongnan reacted, and his finger also pressed heavily on the edited message sending key!

He laughed like crazy, and tears were about to flow out.

"Boss Xia, since you won't leave me a way out, I won't be polite. Wait for their bombardment! Hahaha, I'll wait for you in hell!!!"

After saying that, he turned the superpower gun and aimed it at his chin. His creepy eyes stared at Xia Yan and his fingers hooked.


With a loud bang, his eyes were stained red, like a demon who had just crawled out of hell, carrying endless malice and dying in front of her.

Xia Yan sneered.

Who are you trying to scare?

You can't beat her when you're alive, but you can beat her when you're dead?

Where does the confidence come from?

She looked at the only two people left in the room calmly.

They were no longer able to resist the endless stream of zombies. Their arms, thighs, chests, and buttocks had been bitten by zombies and were covered in blood. The originally red wounds turned into black in a few breaths. It was only a matter of time before they turned into zombies.

Xia Yan bent over and walked into the room, and walked to the screen where Ru Yong pressed the last button in front of him.

The above red warning letter was sent 40% and is still rising slowly.

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