I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 294: Full of Nonsense

Xia Yan clicked on Cancel Send.

She opened the message and saw that the first sentence in black and bold was that there was a mole in the organization!

Why did he betray them and reach a consensus with her, Xia Yan, to deliberately defeat this garrison and annihilate their entire army?

When he saw this, Xia Yan thought for a moment that Ru Yongnan was really so good at predicting things and that he had guessed Jing Yimai. After all, he was closely related to what they had done.

But the last sentence: He Ru Yongnan worked hard to protect the interests of the garrison and died without mercy. He only hoped that the organization could take the face of hard work and randomly select one of his many sons to ensure the continuation of the descendants of his Ru family... .

Yes, you can tell at a glance that all the above are just random guesses and compilations by him.

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She can see it, and the other party must also know it.

Xia Yan continued to scroll without interest. The whole article was eloquent and full of four hundred words, three hundred of which were about explaining to future generations.

He really has an unknown confidence.

It wasn't until the end that she saw something of interest again——

Leaders, please don’t send the seeds for next month. All of my people are dead and I can’t take care of them for the organization. When you kill the boss, you can implement the plan.

With her around, nothing can be done and she is very difficult to deal with.

Xia Yan:...

Just take it as a compliment?

But she still got some useful information, such as the breeding plan for next month?

Presumably Jing Yimai and Chu Wanfu both liked the news.

At that time, you can treat it as a favor and give it to two people for free.

Xia Yan clicked to delete the message and was about to rewrite it and send it.

A new message suddenly popped up in the lower right corner of the screen.

Sender, Mr. Bin?

Xia Yan felt that this should be the leader Ru Yongnan mentioned.

When you click on it, you will see that the content inside is about the arrangements and time for the breeders to come here.

15 new people, the time has been postponed, and they will be docked at Pearl Harbor on time at 6 a.m. 10 days later.

She happily replied: Got it!

A soft ding-dong sound indicates that the message has been delivered and has been read by the other party.

Xia Yan closed the interface and started rummaging through boxes and cabinets indoors.

On the one hand, she came here for revenge, and on the other hand, she wanted to see if they had any private goods - such as crystal cores, gold, and the like.

According to Lin's implicit statement before, she felt that Ru Yongnan would charge protection fees from the survivors below.

The collected crystal nuclei cannot be handed in every day, which means that there will be a large number of crystal nuclei in his office.

Where was it placed?

Xia Yan opened the cabinet doors, and most of them were empty. Only a few drawers contained a few books such as "How to Gain People's Hearts" and "The Advantages and Disadvantages of Human Nature".

Ru Yongnan is very similar to some management leaders in other worlds. Among other things, there are always several similar books on the table. As for whether to read them or not, only he knows.


There's something wrong with this drawer. Why is it so short?

Xia Yan lowered his head and saw that there was another closed box between the gaps in the drawer.

Isn’t this what I found?

She took out the outer drawer. There was a built-in metal pull ring on the box at the back. You could feel the weight of the box when you pulled it.

It seemed like there were a lot of things in it.

I don’t know how this box is designed. When pulled out as a whole, it is almost half a meter long. The top is a metal cover with a complicated keyhole.


A bitten zombie that was beyond recognition hit the table in a daze, with a fist-sized hole in its lower jaw going straight to the top of its head.

The slag-like black rot material leaked out with his movements and stuck to the sticky clothes.

Even though he couldn't tell the difference without a face, Xia Yan could tell at a glance that this was Ru Yongnan who bravely committed suicide.

What a coincidence, it comes in seconds.

Just when you need it, it will appear.

Xia Yan took out a pair of disposable gloves and put them on, then groped unceremoniously at his waistband, looking for the key.

Generally, people of his age always like to hang a bunch of jingles on their back belts, which make them noisier when walking than the young ladies in ancient times.

as expected.

She took a handful and started to try and make mistakes.

The crisp clanking sound of the keys caused the nearby zombies to scream again and again, and the people waiting for rescue in the 'prison' outside were trembling, unsure whether there were any living people inside.

But looking at the crowds of zombies outside, I can see that I have to peel off my skin before I can leave, let alone a human being made of flesh and blood.

Perhaps, it would be better to starve to death like this than die from qi and blood.

"found it!"

A clear and soft female voice shouted in surprise.

The zombies surrounding the cage suddenly turned back, and Wuyangyang rushed over.

The man in the cage who still had some strength couldn't help but raise his upper body, looked past the zombies, and looked at the entrance to the big hole.

Inside the room, Xia Yancai watched in fascination as he was struck by the light, and a large number of colorful crystal nuclei suddenly flashed out!

A big box full!

The third level crystal core starts!

Ru Yongnan also thoughtfully classified the crystal nuclei and placed them in different boxes.

Even the fifth-level crystal nuclei have a total of four hundred!

A level 5 crystal core costs 10,000 points. Doesn't that mean she will directly earn 4 million points? !

Mom, I’m rich again!

In addition, there are 300 fourth-level crystal nuclei and 500 third-level crystal nuclei.

A total of 6.5 million points earned!!

Xia Yan was so happy that she was about to burst into tears. Sure enough, robbing the rich is a good idea no matter which world it is in.

She happily put all the crystal cores into her own small treasury. After all, she still had to distinguish between her own income and the income generated by the store.

Seeing that she "earned" more than the store, a subtle emotion came over her for a while.

Sure enough, she was more confident and seemed to have a stronger back when she spent her own money on food and drink...

It's not right to say that, after all, the store is also hers, but it just feels different?

Xia Yan shook her head and threw away the distracting thoughts. She still had to do her business.

"Go back to the store."

Before she finished speaking, she disappeared from the spot.

The next second, she appeared in the hotel area.

Zhigang drove a scooter towards her, and turned the steering wheel quickly before hitting her, passing by the corner of her clothes.

"Boss, why did you come back so suddenly?"

He stepped on the brakes, showing a rare expression of fear.

He had no intention of attacking the boss, the surveillance camera proved it!

His fingers still couldn't move, Xia Yan's face became very ugly, and the joy of harvesting a large number of crystal cores was washed away.

The whole person's aura suddenly changed from the usual lazy and polite alienation to sharp eyebrows and eyes, and the sharpness and strength of the tasker who had experienced multiple worlds were instantly revealed, and the full momentum was solemn and oppressive.

"You have a bug."

The first point is that she didn't choose a safe place to teleport.

The second point is that she couldn't move within two seconds.

Compared with the previous teleportation experience, this time was a serious mistake.

You know, at the critical moment of some battles, a one-second flaw can turn the tide of the battle from defeat to victory.


[Just now there were some minor errors in the program, don't worry, it has been fixed]

Minor errors?

Xia Yan had a blank expression on his face, but his fingers were flying as he took key screenshots from the surveillance video that had just happened. He then explained the truth word for word and packaged it all up and sent it to the main system.

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