Looking at Jing Yimai in such a weird posture, the hairs on Jing Yimai's back stood upright, and a small electric current flashed from the friction against the loose cotton black vest.

Why is this so scary! !

As long as you grow a few more hairs, you will look like a gay coconut!

Jing Yimai gritted his teeth and forced himself not to retreat. When the zombie was about to approach, he grabbed a withered arm for self-defense, aimed at the blood hole, and stabbed the zombie's head hard, knocking out the crystal core.

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The fishy smell is like maggots on the tarsal bones, rushing toward you.

Caught off guard, he took a small breath, and the indescribable stench rushed straight to the Tianling Cap, and his vision suddenly went dark.

He shook his head and pressed the edge of the mask firmly.

The roar of the zombie wave sounded from all directions, like a high-speed rotating tornado, tearing everything apart easily.

The huge space is filled with tense and dangerous messages.

He stopped lingering, took three steps and two steps at a time, stepped directly down the multiple steps, and ran frantically towards the old man's hiding place with his long legs.

What followed closely behind was the sound of dense and tangled footsteps, along with the sound of crashes falling from high places. Just listening to it made one's head tingle.

The survivors imprisoned in the 'prison' looked at the group of zombies that ran into the iron fence from time to time and went completely crazy. They squeezed into the crowd with despair and powerlessness in their eyes, and numbly looked at everything in chaos.

"Dong dong dong!"

Jing Yimai knocked on the iron cabinet door one after another and said with a bit of urgency: "Come out quickly!"

The originally smooth breathing inside stopped, and he asked tremblingly: "...Who?"

"I'm fast!"

Jing Yi stepped outside and looked out, and saw densely packed zombies swarming down from upstairs. Dozens of zombies jumped directly from upstairs and crashed down from a height of tens of meters, splashing a pool of debris.

There was not even a convulsion, and he died directly for the second time.


The iron door opened, and when the old man saw a familiar face, he finally let go of his worries. Just as he was about to ask him if he was injured, his face suddenly turned pale.

The two zombies with claws and fangs could not stop their speed and crashed into the wall. Their faces were bruised and they were about to rush towards the two of them.

Jing Yimai grabbed his arm, threw him behind his back, stretched out his foot and kicked the zombie's chest hard, and the huge force of his foot sent him flying several meters away.

He carried people on his back and ran away.

The sound of kicking footsteps instantly attracted zombies who couldn't find their target not far away. They rushed towards each other en masse in a black mass.

The level of terror is so high that it can cause nightmares for a month.

The old man was so frightened that he didn't dare to say a word. He stared in horror at the purple fingers that were about to hook up the back of his neck.

Looking back, he saw that behind him were all highly decomposed living dead, as if they had just crawled out of the ground. Discolored bones could still be vaguely seen between the excessively blackened flesh.

Fortunately, there are no maggots...

The old man started crying.

"...Child, run quickly, run quickly, I'm going to catch you."

It's not that he doesn't want to give up his life. Living for more than sixty years is enough, but he hasn't found a girl yet and is still worried about her. How can he have the nerve to meet his wife underground?

Son, next time, next time uncle takes the initiative to jump down...

Hearing this, Jing Yimai sped up, wrapped the old man's legs around his waist, and released crackling high-voltage current from his hands, throwing out a long and fierce electric light behind him, which scorched a group of zombies that were about to approach.

Beads of sweat as big as carob beads seeped into my eyes as I bumped up and down, causing some stinging.

He closed his eyes and pursed his lips.

When I opened my eyes again, I suddenly saw thirty or forty strong warriors holding supernatural guns suddenly appearing at the entrance of the gate. The familiar badges were shining!

force? !

Jing Yimai suddenly felt relaxed and his legs were instantly filled with strength.

The soldiers also had bright eyes. Looking at the sea-like zombies behind him, their first reaction was excitement!

So many zombies!

So many crystal nuclei! !

The captain waved his hand downwards sharply.

The next second, the soldiers strode forward, raised their guns with one hand, hooked their fingers, and fired fiercely at the zombie wave!

The overwhelming force bullets flew out of the gun barrel like wind, spinning at high speed in the air and easily piercing the zombie's head like a balloon.

The zombies surging like a black wave seemed to rush onto the beach of death, falling down one after another.

Jing Yimai took the opportunity to rush out the door with the old man on his back. Before he could calm down, he saw Boss Xia's shocked expression.

She paused and introduced to the tall man beside her:

"That's him, my informant."

Xia Yan smiled and raised his finger, "I was about to go in to rescue you, but I came out safely. As expected of a thunder and lightning boss, he is a bull. Xiao Jing, this is General Chu, who I told you before, has super strength. ”

Jing Yimai put down the old man, took off his mask, and looked at the man beside him who was hard to ignore.

The opponent's posture was tall and straight, his aura was strong, his outstretched palms were thick and powerful, and his voice was calm but deep when he spoke.

"Hello, I am Chu Wanfu."


An hour later, the deafening gunshots in the library finally came to an end.

No zombie can make an unpleasant roar anymore.

All the combat teams started to finish the work excitedly. It was so great to play just now, and now they are so happy to collect the crystal cores.

In the RV in front of the museum, three people were sitting in a circle. The chrysanthemum tea placed on the coffee table in the middle had long since lost its heat, and the atmosphere was as condensed as ever.

Xia Yan thought the unsweetened tea was too bitter, so she took a glass of orange juice from the car refrigerator and drank it slowly.

Her eyes fell on the two people's cautious and thoughtful faces from time to time.

The news exchanged was too explosive, and neither of them could digest it for a while.

At this time, she suddenly remembered the message sent by President Bin before.

"I have a message to tell you. 15 new people will be sent over in ten days, and they will meet at Pearl Hill Port at six in the morning."

"Again people are coming?"

Jing Yimai frowned slightly, wondering if Uncle Liu's daughter was among them?

Chu Wanfu was still a hoodwinker, "Who is coming?"

Then his eyes passed over the front windshield and saw his men helping a group of rescued survivors out of the door.

It's just... those huge and shaky pregnant bellies...

Chu Wanfu's eyes gradually widened, revealing an unbelievable expression.

Xia Yan said, "It should be them, I heard they are called 'seed people'."

Jing Yimai turned his eyes when he heard the last two words, and looked at the old man sitting in another car.

The latter looked decadent and decadent, his head leaning weakly on the glass, staring at those bellies, wondering what he was thinking.

"Too abominable!" Chu Wanfu's chest was burning with rage, burning his eyes, "What kind of cruel organization is this?! They treat humans as animals! Trampling and slaughtering at will!"

He clenched his fists, his bones made a creaking sound, the veins on his neck were exposed, and the killing breath of a long-time battlefield exploded out.

Xia Yan did not respond.

Jing Yimai was also quiet, but his eyes were also brewing with a huge and deep hatred.

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