The obstetrician and gynecologist was almost exhausted. When he saw the ultra-thin belly covered with purple scars and extremely skinny limbs, he was afraid to press it at all, for fear that he would accidentally break the water.

The doctor looked at the lifeless eyes of the pregnant woman, and suddenly felt mixed emotions. He gritted his teeth and did a routine check.

It didn't matter if he didn't check. Once he checked, he found that she had a history of six or seven births, and the interval between each birth was very short, which seriously affected the mother's nutrition and vitality.

He was planning to hang water first to let the almost exhausted body adapt.

But he found that the blood vessels were too thin, so he could only use a thin needle for children.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝘴𝘩𝘢.𝘯𝘦𝘡

Ignoring the black spots left by the small pinholes on her belly, the disinfected cotton ball gently wiped the thin back of her hand.


The door was violently pushed open, and the doctor quickly pulled the curtain to cover the naked body, his face full of anger.

"Who let you in--"

"Her water broke!"


The doctor stood up and walked over quickly. The bedding was wet. Looking at the pregnant woman, she had no reaction at all and seemed to feel no pain.

"Quick, prepare the equipment! Everyone else, get out!"


The condition of the group of babies was not very good either. They had been lacking nutrition for a long time and could only survive with nutritional injections once every three days.

They looked alive, but in fact they were just struggling to survive.

No matter how loud the noise outside was, the little child lay motionless in the quilt.

The baby was so thin that he seemed to be just born and needed to live in an incubator.

There were only three or four doctors in the simple hospital, and they were all rushing to deal with the pregnant woman who was in a more urgent situation.

There were only two young nurses who had just graduated and had not yet participated in the work in the baby room.

At this moment, her eyes were red, and she had no idea what to do.

Before the only pediatrician left, he told them to give these children intravenous drips.

They held the ultra-fine needles and carefully pinched their little arms, which were as thick as two fingers. They really didn't dare to touch the blood vessels that were like cotton threads.

What if they pierced through them?

What if the blood vessels were not elastic enough?

The resources in the hospital were very limited, all of which were taken back by the soldiers who went deep into the zombie tide.

How dare they waste them.

When I was studying in school, I used rubber prosthetic hands, so I could pierce them casually.

A few years after the end of the world, I had already returned what I had learned to the school.

I wanted to review it with my predecessors.

I didn't expect to be assigned to do such a difficult task directly.

The young nurses were under too much psychological pressure, which was more terrifying than facing zombies directly. At this moment, they stood among a group of dying babies, looking at each other, and couldn't help crying.

"Dang dang."

The wooden door was knocked.

Could it be that the doctor is back?

The nurses raised their heads with tears in their eyes. When they saw that it was Manager Zhichang, the joy in their eyes faded instantly.

Perhaps realizing that they could only rely on themselves, the nurses sniffed, wiped their tears, and calmed down.

Re-pinch the little hands, and gently pat to find the blood vessels.

Zhichang put down the small diaper that the boss asked to send.

Recalling what she said-

"If the group of doctors and nurses is short of manpower, I don't mind you helping out. Just remember to come back on time."

Zhichang looked at the little hand that the nurse had pierced three times but failed to get in.

The physician nature buried in his bones finally couldn't help it.

"You are wrong. Don't worry, I used to be a doctor in the hospital."

Zhichang washed his hands and disinfected them, took out a brand new needle again, picked up another little hand and looked at it, and finally chose to inject in the scalp.

"One press, two warm, three puncture, four back draw, do you remember?"

He said while operating for the nurses.

The young nurse seemed to have found her backbone, her eyes were bright, and her steps were brisk.

She followed him around, turning left and right, and took everything he said as quickly as possible.

When she saw him easily insert the retention needle without breaking the fragile blood vessel wall, she couldn't help but marvel.

I had only heard that nurses were the best at giving injections before, but I didn't expect that doctors could be so good!

Facing the eyes of a little fan girl, Zhikang wanted to answer seriously, but after trying hard to recall for a moment, his mind was still empty, and he only knew that he had been in various departments.

Basically, he did all kinds of work.

"Teacher Zhikang, will you work here in the future?"

"We are in great need of doctors here."

"Will you come? Although the chef is also very good, doctors can save people, which is better than building a seven-story pagoda!"

Save people?

He can't even save himself...

Zhikang's eyes flashed with confusion.

I don't understand why this idea suddenly came up, but subconsciously, I am very resistant to being a doctor.

He straightened up instantly, and the bones in his back suddenly hurt so much that they were eating away at the muscles attached to them bit by bit.

He couldn't help but groan in pain, clenched his fists, and arched his back high.

He was eager but skilled to find a tranquilizer.

The bottles and jars in the iron box were scattered in a mess, clanging and colliding dangerously.

The young nurses hurriedly took the things away, because they were too precious and they were afraid that they would really be broken.

"Doctor, what's wrong with you?"

"Are you feeling unwell?"

"Go find Boss Xia! Ask her to come and see!"

Xia Yan hurried over and saw Zhi Cang curled up like a shrimp, trembling all over, and his pale face was full of sweat from the pain.

He seemed to be suppressing the severe pain in his body, and occasionally he cried out in pain through his clenched teeth.

"When did he become like this?"

The little nurse who was left to take care of him said: "Just now..."

"Do you know why?"

"...No, I don't know. We just asked many years he has been a doctor..."

The little nurse pursed her lips tightly and dared not look at her.

No matter how much they wanted to have another doctor in the hospital, they couldn't say that in front of Boss Xia...

Xia Yan looked at her.

After a few seconds, he said to the soldiers waiting on the side: "Excuse me, help me take him back to the hotel."

The residents guarding outside the hospital saw Manager Zhichang being carried out, and they were so surprised that they couldn't say a word.

How could he be carried out...

Not far away, Chu Wanfu was asking someone to deal with the materials that had just been traded with Xia Yan. When he turned his head, he saw that her people seemed to be injured.

Injured on his own territory?

He frowned and asked someone to arrange the follow-up work.

After approaching, he asked the soldiers with sharp eyes what was going on.

The poor soldier carrying the people: I don't know anything! Why are you staring at me?

Xia Yan glanced at Chu Wanfu without saying anything, and walked back behind the stretcher.

Chu Wanfu: ? ? ?

I am also a confused person!

The little nurse who was terrified and returned to the baby room cried, "It's over, I offended Boss Xia!"

"What happened? What happened? Tell me quickly."

"Why don't we talk about something else? What are you thinking? Why do we have to steal Boss Xia's people!"

"...Then, then isn't it, the hospital is short of people... Who would have thought that Manager Zhigang would suddenly fall ill..."

Chu Wanfu, who was about to step into the door, suddenly realized.

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