To express my apologies and my selfless desire to continue friendly cooperation.

Chu Wanfu still took the time to carry ten crystal cores and a bag of local specialty fruits.

Come to visit Zhiji.

After he told what happened, Xia Yan looked at Zhijiang again.

Seeing the honest silence on his face.

He refused to accept anything Chu Wanfu brought.

Later, Xia Yan guessed that when Zhijia had any physical abnormalities, her system would deal with it as soon as possible.

But wasn't her system restored, and Zhizhi's system didn't have permission to get involved.

This has led to what Zhichi looks like now.

Seeing Zhichi's painful expression, she thought for a while and asked:

"Is there anything I can do to help you alleviate it?"

Zhiji raised his eyelids, showing his exhaustion, "Give me a shot of sedative."


Xia Yan opened the mall and searched accurately.

[This product does not exist]

Looking for Chu Wanfu again, he was also in urgent need, and now he also sent people out to look for him.

Chu Wanfu said that as long as he found it, he would send it to her as soon as possible.

Then we can't let Zhi Zhi feel pain all night.

Xia Yan frowned.

After all, they are your own employees and you have to take care of them.

Then she thought of Dean Ji and his group who lived on a private island.

Looking at the background information, they are conducting experiments, so they should be able to get a tranquilizer, right?

With the mentality of giving it a try, she applied to Dean Ji of Island No. 5 to enter the island.

In terms of privacy, the system has indeed achieved the ultimate.

Even the owner of the island cannot trespass into the customer's territory.

——The private villa was brightly lit at this time.

Dean Ji and the researchers were conducting experiments without raising their heads, staring at the dividing mutated cells without blinking, without even hearing the ding-dong sound.

Both ears directly block any movement.

Nothing in the world can interfere with their research.

The ding-dong sound gradually grew louder in the ears of the island owner, Dean Ji.

The gray-haired old man finally raised his eyes, which had not yet recovered, and he was confused for a while.

Don't blame him for not being able to react.

After living here for so long, I have never encountered such a situation.

Are there guests coming to your door?

Boss Xia? who is it?

never heard of that.

Dean Ji was going to ignore it, but suddenly there was a flash of lightning, and the image of a girl appeared in his mind.

He slapped his thigh sharply.

It's that Boss Xia!

After agreeing to enter the island, he took off his glasses and his eyes blurred for a moment when he stood up——

Sitting with your head down for a long period of time may result in insufficient blood supply.

piece of cake.

Almost as soon as he walked to the beach, he saw Boss Xia Shi Shiran coming over.

"Dean Ji, long time no see. Don't I want to disturb you?"

Xia Yan landed on the island with a smile on his face.

Dean Ji said that it was okay. He had been working intensively for five or six hours continuously. His brain was a little drowsy at the moment and his reaction was slow. He asked her not to mind.

Xia Yan waved his hand and said no.

The two walked into the villa one after another. Researcher Xiao Li went to the kitchen with weak steps and poured her a glass of water.

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All villas have the same interior decoration.

But at this moment...

Xia Yan watched as the originally spacious hall was divided into small sections, filled with various experimental equipment.

Seven or eight researchers were working hard and did not notice that there was an extra person in the living room.

Xiao Li put down the water glass, with two dark circles under his eyes. Extremely exhausted, he fell asleep on the sofa before taking two steps.

Within two seconds, there was a loud purring sound.

It looked like he hadn't had a good rest in a long time.

Moreover, my stomach was still growling.

Dean Ji blushed and wanted to have Xiao Li carried to the bedroom upstairs, but he was reluctant to interrupt the experiment.

Think left and right, just pretend you can't see it.

Dedicating oneself to scientific research is also a very noble thing.

Xia Yan found a place to sit down casually, chatted with Dean Ji for a few words, and then got to the point.

"Tranquilizer? What do you want this for?"

Dean Ji frowned.

Of course there is such a thing in the laboratory, but it cannot be given to people casually.

In case, what to use, what to take.

Couldn't he be an accomplice?

Xia Yan said frankly: "My employee suddenly had severe bone pain and was rolling on the floor. He couldn't bear it anymore and wanted an injection to relieve the pain."

Dean Ji massaged his shoulders and neck and looked up at her.

"Please forgive me that I can't give it to you directly. Let's do this. You bring someone here for the injection, and I can find a doctor to help check the condition."

That's not bad either.

Xia Yan accepted it happily.

Pulling Zhijiu who was sitting on the cart, he landed on Island No. 5 for the second time.

The researchers who were busy doing experiments stopped and were wolfing down the takeaways.

At a glance, everyone's eyelids were half-open, with two dark circles hanging around them, and they looked extremely sleepless.

Seeing the two people approaching, Dean Ji opened his eyes and called the doctor who was curiously looking at his equipment.

"I'm talking about him. He said his bones hurt and he needed a sedative. Please help."

Dean Ji turned to Xia Yan and said, "Don't worry, this old guy is a well-known orthopedic surgeon and he's very accurate."

Putting his clothes on the sofa, the orthopedic surgeon put his hand into his clothes and touched them inch by inch.

Zhijiu looked pale, grabbed the doctor's hand with his backhand, and said feebly:

"Don't waste time. I have multiple myeloma. It's in the advanced stage. Give me a sedative. I won't be able to hold on anymore."

There was silence.

Dean Ji looked at Xia Yan.

Xia Yan looked at Zhiji who was sweating profusely.

The latter gritted his teeth, his painful pupils expanded, and his whole body twitched.

The doctor who was palpating him took back his hand, sighed silently, and quickly took out an injection from the medical box on the side.

Expelling the air, squeeze out a drop of liquid, then bury it into Zhiji's body and push it slowly.

Zhiji relaxed his body and let out a sigh, as if he finally felt comfortable.


Dean Ji wanted to say a few words of comfort.

If it were in the past, he could talk at length, making the students below him yawn one after another, but after seeing too many lives and deaths, he could not utter a single word.

Very weak.

The doctor took out the remaining injection, packed it and handed it to Xia Yan.

"I don't have many left. Take this tranquilizer back. If he gets sick again later, you can give him a prick."

Although it's not of much use.

In the advanced stage, all you can do is wait for death.

Doctors must be kind, they can't help but hurt him to death.

Xia Yan was stunned for a moment.

He took it with a smile.

"Your name?"

The doctor arranged the medicine box and said, "Just call me Sang Chunhua."

Xia Yan suddenly thought of someone whose surname was also Sang.

"Then do you know Sang Zhengyi?"

Sang Chunhua's hands softened, and the box he had just fastened fell back onto the soft sofa, bouncing up and down.

She asked eagerly: "Have you seen them?! Where are they? Are they still alive?"

Xia Yan nodded, "They're all good. If you want to see them, I can take you there."

Sang Chunhua looked at her with sad eyes, and shed two tears.

"See you, go see me now!"

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