After waiting for another ten minutes or so, the paralyzed Zhiji got up from the sofa.

Xia Yan handed him a towel and asked him to wipe the sweat from his face.


In fact, his clothes were wet with sweat, but it was not appropriate to change clothes at the customer's residence, so he had to go back to his own place to change them.

As for the sofa that was wet with sweat, Xia Yan just waved his hand and replaced it with a new one. He put the old one back at the back of the hotel to see if it could be used in the future.

Just as he was about to say goodbye to Dean Ji, he saw him put on his coat and followed him.

"Xiao Sang, I have been working for a day and I have to go for a walk. Let's go together."

Dean Ji smoothed his hair with a smile and walked beside Dr. Sang with his hands behind his back.

Looking at that posture, walking around is fake, but fear of losing people is real.

Dr. Sang saw that his family was so concerned that he didn't care so much and looked directly at Xia Yan.

Xia Yan smiled and said, "Let's go together then."

Putting the cart they brought back into the system grid, the group crossed the sea and returned to Lidai Island.

Looking at the huge plaque above the supermarket and the piles of supplies behind the transparent glass, Dean Ji's eyes widened.


Is it full of goods? !

Doctor Sang went crazy, "Old Ji! There are so many supplies here, why don't you get some from the base!"

Dean Ji groaned, took a few steps forward in disbelief, and leaned on the glass to look.

"I thought it was just a decoration...who would have thought it was really a supermarket?"

Dr. Sang looked at the rows of instant noodles, bread, and even rice, noodles, grains and oils. He recalled the hungry patients with sallow faces and thin muscles, and his face turned red with anger.

"You've lived here for so long and you didn't even think of coming to see me?!"

"I only focus on scientific research...I can't even understand the score card..."

"you you you!"

Seeing that the quarrel between the two was getting more and more intense, Xia Yan interrupted gently and told a little white lie to save the situation.

"These goods haven't been available for a long time, and the plaque is new to me. It's normal that I don't notice it on weekdays. You can buy some more before you leave. There is no quantity limit in the supermarket. Come whenever you want. "

Dean Ji knew he was in the wrong.

If he hadn't followed him, he might not have discovered it even if he lived there for half a year!

On weekdays, everyone is busy doing experiments. In order to save time, they rarely drink water.

Often when I look up, it's dawn, and when I look up again, it's dawn again.

Time does not exist in their laboratory.

When your body is too exhausted, you fall asleep and work when you get up.

No one is interested in what's on the island.

Behind them, too many people are looking forward to safe vaccines and peaceful lives.

When they stop, someone will be infected with the zombie virus and die.

There is no time and energy to focus elsewhere.

Dr. Sang didn't continue to be embarrassed. He really knew these scientific madmen very well, and only they could do this kind of thing.

It's really both annoying and admirable.

Xia Yan looked at the time and saw that it was already a little late, so he urged the two of them to speed up.

Anyway, the supermarket is here and you can’t run away.

After stepping through the door of vacation, the two of them were surprised again.

When Dr. Sang saw that Dean Ji had the same reaction as her, she could no longer complain.

When she saw the residents in the hotel, her whole body trembled with excitement.

I'll see my family are they doing...are they injured...

Dr. Sang suddenly felt timid near home. His knees were numb and weak, and he did not dare to move forward.

Before there is any news, I pray to God every day.

When we can actually meet, we are both afraid and looking forward to it.

Seeing her like this, Xia Yan asked the two of them to wait in the leisure hall for a while while she went to find someone.

"No-no, I'll go too."

Dr. Sang felt like he had an extremely sour lemon stuck in his throat, which was neither up nor down, and was very astringent.

She wanted to see how her brother's living environment was, to see if her nieces were okay, if they had grown up, and if they were suffering.

She doesn't feel at ease unless she sees it with her own eyes...

Dean Ji held her cold hand and silently gave her warm support.

When I walked out of the lobby, I realized that it was already dark outside. Under the round moon, there was a high wall. There were neatly arranged bungalows near the hotel.

At this moment, the residents have had dinner and are reluctant to light the lamps. They are sitting in front of their homes, using the moonlight and the super bright lights on the roof of the hotel to chat and laugh with their neighbors. They are still peeling fruits and vegetables in their hands, preparing to dry them tomorrow.

Although people are thin, they are also healthy, and their eyes mainly have light.

It seemed that this base was better than what she had there.

Dr. Sang's tense heart relaxed a little.

Xia Yan led the two of them through the middle of the two rows of houses, and greetings were heard one after another along the way. She responded humbly to each one, without any arrogance like the boss's.

Dean Ji and Dr. Sang looked at each other and exchanged glances.

In this apocalyptic world of cannibalism, it is really rare...

Then those curious eyes fell on them, and when they walked over, they could still hear whispers.

"Are they here to find someone?"

"I guess, I don't know who to look for."

"It's so good that I still have relatives to care about in this world. Unlike me, I am left to live alone, like a dandelion. When the wind blows, I don't know where it falls."

"Hey, don't think like that, people have to look forward."

"You look up, your parents are watching from the sky, live well."

"They all want you to live a good life. Find a wife, and that's home too!"

Turning the corner and walking forward, there is a heart-shaped cloth tied on the door, which is the Sang family.

The door is closed, and there is no light inside, so he may not be there.

Xia Yan still walked forward and knocked with her fingers.

"Uncle, are you home?"

Doctor Sang's nails were digging into the flesh of his palm, but he didn't feel any pain.

Xia Yan waited for two seconds, but there was still no movement inside.

She turned back, "Maybe they haven't come back yet, why don't you wait at my place for a while?"

Doctor Sang was so nervous that beads of sweat were on the tip of his nose.

"It's already night, and they are still outside? It's too dangerous."

She looked up at the bright moon in the sky, and then shook her body.

"They usually-"

"Boss Xia, are you looking for me?"

A clear voice rang out from behind.

Sang Yu ran around Sang's father and his group, smiling and curiously looking at the two people opposite Boss Xia.

He was startled at the first sight.

That, that familiar face?


"Dad! Mom! Sister! Aunt is here!!"

Sang Yu's nose was sore, her eyes were filled with tears, and she threw herself into Dr. Sang's arms, crying: "Aunt! Aunt! You are still alive! I miss you so much."

Sang Chunhua's years of accumulated worries and longing finally burst out, and she also choked up and hugged her little niece tightly.

"Good girl, my little baby, aunt finally found you!"

She stroked Sang Yu's hair hard, trying to use this method to confirm that what was happening in front of her was real.

She was not dreaming!


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