I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 301 Bulletin Board

Sang Zhengyi's hands trembled, and he took two quick steps and touched Sang Chunhua's head, his eyes full of guilt and heartache.

"Sister, it's a good thing you're still alive... It's my brother who's useless and couldn't find you..."

Sang Chunhua cried silently, let go of Sang Yu, held his hands tightly with both hands, and shook his head vigorously.

"No, it has nothing to do with you. The end of the world came too suddenly. Where's my sister-in-law, sister-in-law--"

"Chunhua, I'm here."

Sang's mother had been crying uncontrollably for a long time. She was already weak, and now she leaned on her eldest daughter Sang Guqiu, wiping her tears with her sleeves.

Sang Chunhua saw that her face was rough, and there was no trace of the previous delicacy. At the moment, she was heartbroken, and the two hugged each other and cried bitterly.

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The two are of similar age, and Sang's mother is kind and never gets angry with others. She likes this sister-in-law very much. After the end of the world, she is worried about this and that, and her heart is so broken that she wants to be split into four or five parts!

Yes, and her big baby Sang Guqiu!

"Guqiu, come and let your aunt see you."

Sang Chunhua hurriedly let go, pulled Sang Guqiu aside, touched her equally rough little face, and then saw the little girl smiling at her tenderly, which made her even more heartbroken!

Even though she had received higher education, she could no longer hold back at this moment, and cursed this end of the world in her heart!

Xia Yan was quietly watching with a smile on her lips.

The best things in this world are misdiagnosed terminal illnesses, two-way secret loves, and long-lost family members.

She looked past the Sang family who were crying with joy after finding their relatives, and looked behind them, the group of people with deep envy in their eyes, but when they lowered their heads to wipe their tears, they were extremely lonely before their eyelids drooped.

Tonight, some people are happy, and thousands of families are worried.

In the distance, the windows of the rooms upstairs in the hotel were wide open, and there were also people looking out.

In the pile of windows, a little old lady was silent, and continued to be silent, holding the small photo tightly with her fingers, feeling extremely depressed.

Suddenly she woke up and found that the photo had wrinkles, and she slowly smoothed it out with great heartache.

Looking at the blurred little face on it, she finally couldn't help it, slammed the window shut, huddled in the corner, pressed the photo against her chest, sobbed and cried like a mother animal that was seriously injured and lost her cub.


"Everyone, I will install a super large bulletin board in Lidai Island tomorrow. If you have someone you want to find, please post the information in Lidai Island. It's free."

Including the entry fee to Lidai Island every time, it has been cancelled.

As soon as Xia Yan finished speaking, he heard a warm cheer, including the soldiers who came over after hearing the news, their voices were high.

"Boss Xia!"

"Boss Xia!!"

"Boss Xia!!!"

Who doesn't have a concern?

Family, friends, and even former neighbors.

Now these people have become the only comfort in the hearts of lonely souls in the end of the world.

Just a little bit of hope from the peaceful era can support them to move forward.

During this period of waiting, they are still forging ahead.

Step by step, maybe a miracle will really come.

At this moment, the one who gave everyone hope was Boss Xia!


Chu Wanfu stood in front of the window and looked at the excited crowd in the distance in silence.

The noise over there was too loud, and they could hear it clearly in the room.

The subordinate standing behind him secretly observed and asked hesitantly: "Do you need to take any measures?"

For example, if the sound is too loud, it will easily attract zombies...

Chu Wanfu glanced at him and signed his name at the bottom of the document skillfully.

He said slowly: "What measures, isn't this a good thing?"

The subordinate murmured, "Mainly, I think the voice supporting Boss Xia is quite high."

Especially the group of soldiers, their voices are quite loud, and they will run seven kilometers with weights tomorrow.

Chu Wanfu chuckled and knocked the file on his chest, "Okay, look at your pettiness. Take time to take people to the island to register information tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

The subordinates held the file dumbfounded, "Yes!"

Woo woo, it's all for you, General Chu.

Hehe, since the general has spoken, he will go to register tomorrow.

"Send the troops out at dawn tomorrow, and expand the search range by 5,000 meters on the existing basis. Be sure to be careful, bring back any survivors you encounter, and remember to collect supplies."

Chu Wanfu suddenly turned around and looked at his stiff and twitching upward corners of his mouth with interest while speaking.


You can't do bad things, right?


Xia Yan pressed down with both hands and successfully stopped everyone's enthusiastic attitude.

"It's too late, everyone can't be loud, be careful not to attract zombies."

The surging enthusiasm like a wave was deeply suppressed with the hand covering his mouth tightly.

But the bottom of his eyes still burned with blazing hope, shining in the dark night.

Everyone has hope and a goal to live well.

Tonight, I can't sleep.

The Sang family is even more excited today than during the Chinese New Year, thinking about taking Sang Chunhua back to the villa to talk all night!

Sang Yu secretly wanted to give his aunt the authority, but Sang Guqiu gently pulled his sleeve and shook his head.

As for the houses in the base, their group was allocated fewer houses, with seven or eight people squeezed into one room.

The Sang family usually divides the fruits and vegetables they harvested back into the house, and then moves them to the villa to dry and store them after a simple cleaning.

Each person's name was marked on it, and each person was assigned a cabinet to store the food they could not finish.

As for some overripe fruits, they could be placed in the refrigerator for refrigeration.

Compared with other people, their conditions were much better.

But Sang Zhengyi was a cautious person. He rarely showed up on weekdays. He always went in and out of the house in the base, giving people the feeling that they had been living in the room all the time.

Sang Zhengyi's family bowed deeply to Xia Yan, and their gratitude was really beyond words.

Xia Yan stepped aside and said, "Doctor Sang also helped me. Thanks to her, Zhikang's body recovered. Help each other, no need to thank."

She sent Dean Ji, who was looking around and obviously interested in the outside world, back to Lidai Island.

Although it was already very dark, she thought that the residents who had not slept all night might be waiting outside the hotel early in the morning.

She felt a little painful when she had to get up early.

Even if she had to stay up a little longer to put up the public notice board, she didn't want to get up too early.

She would be out of energy all day.

Xia Yan yawned as she flipped through the virtual operation screen of Lidai Island to find the largest size notice board.

The super-strong LED keeps scrolling, and the price is only 28888.

Ouke, place an order.

The notice board was chosen to be installed in the large square near the supermarket.

It is ten meters long and eight meters high, and can accommodate hundreds of messages at the same time.

Xia Yan named it - the way home.

It is limited to announcing missing persons.

She took a step back and widened the road to the supermarket with satisfaction.

It seems to be a disadvantage, but it actually kills three birds with one stone.

People's hearts, consumption, and reputation.

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