I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 303: Food and accommodation provided

In Lidai Island, Xia Yanzheng and Zhizhang stuffed the containers recovered today into the entrance.

The entrance to the official detox shop will change depending on the size of the products.

A box full of fresh seafood takes more time than fruits and vegetables.

It basically takes five minutes to process one box, and she now has at least two to three hundred boxes in her hand.

How long does it take to detoxify?

Can it be made more efficient?

Just as she was thinking about it, the operating background of Lidai Island suddenly popped up in front of her eyes, with a line of prompts shining brightly on it.

[Official detoxification shop can be upgraded]

[Four new operation entrances can be added after the upgrade]

[After upgrading, detoxification time can be reduced by 30% of working time]

[Requires payment of 300,000 points]

Xia Yan:!

Isn't this a pillow brought by Doze?

I am worried about not having enough time!

Must upgrade!

With a tap of his finger, a rumbling vibration came from inside the detox shop.

In less than 30 seconds, the same four entrances appeared next to them.

Xia Yan and Zhijiu stuffed the containers in one after another.

The progress bar above is faster than before, and as before, the purified food will not be sent out.

On the operation panel, the icons of high-end restaurants are becoming more and more colorful.

Xia Yan knew that he was going in the right direction.

Suddenly, chatter and laughter came from the sea. When they got closer, they realized it was Sang Yu and her aunt.

Behind Dr. Sang, there were seven or eight men and women with empty clothes and sunken cheeks, all of whom looked young.

Everyone was carrying a box with red crosses painted on it, and carrying a large backpack that had been mended many times.

The heavy backpacks weighed down their shoulders slightly, but there was no humility or caution that was often seen on their faces.

Judging from his outfit and spirit, he looks like a medical staff.

Xia Yan dusted off the dust in his hands and took two steps forward.

Sang Yu waved happily and ran over first.

"Boss Xia, I have good news for you. We need many more doctors in our base!"

Sangyu was very proud.

She pointed to the unfamiliar faces behind her and said, "My brothers and sisters all came here voluntarily."

Those few people had stopped looking around before going to the island. Curious and slightly nervous, they quietly looked at Xia Yan, who was dressed in a completely different manner and had a completely different look. They were even more grateful for their choice to follow Dr. Sang.

Seeing that he was mentioned, he was about to extend his hand when he suddenly remembered that his palm was rough and cracked, but the other person had obviously taken good care of it, so he could only smile and nod.

In fact, it's a bit impolite. After all, the other party is more powerful than you.

In the last days, the strong will be respected.

This shows how arrogant he is, as if he doesn't even look down on the most basic handshake in social etiquette.

Several people became a little at a loss and couldn't help but look at the teacher asking for help.

Seeing this, Sang Chunhua smiled and said: "These were once my students, and they suffered a lot along the way. They are all good children, and they have great righteousness. I asked them if they wanted to come here to be doctors, but they were conceited about their food, and the result was... They didn’t even stutter, they just packed their bags and followed us!”

Xia Yan also smiled, "It's really rare. By the way, have you all applied for the card? If you are too lazy to cook in the future, you can go to the store to eat. There is also a supermarket on the island with a full range of goods. You can buy whatever you want, no limit. ”

If these words were said in the past, it would make people laugh out loud.

Supermarkets have limited quantities and you can’t just buy whatever you want, so what kind of supermarkets are there?

Let’s close down shop as soon as possible!

But today is different from the past. With such a shortage of supplies, people eat grass roots and gnaw tree bark after eating. When they are hungry, their belts can leave teeth marks. Many people eventually starve to death.

Anyone who has supplies in their hands forms a force.

The materials sold were extremely expensive.

Not buying?

Then go hungry.

What? You said you were starving to death?

Haha, what does that have to do with them?

Who cares about the lives of strangers.

If you don't buy it, there will be many people rushing to buy it, and eventually you will empty out the crystal cores in your pocket and get back a bag of crumbled biscuits.

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The moment you get it, you have to quickly open it and pour it into your mouth. Chew it and swallow it as hard as you can.

If you take a step too late, someone will strangle your neck and let you go out...

You gather the masses here and say that you want to unite to resist the rising prices, but there are people over there who try to trick you and then rush to quote higher prices.

The disharmonious group instantly fell into pieces.

Those who have the supplies don't even need to take action, and they might even laugh at them.

The general environment is like this, and there is no way to resist.

Everyone is forced to participate in the game, and actively and passively add burdens to themselves...

If someone tells you at this time: Come on, I have a supermarket here, buy whatever you want, no limit.

Several future base doctors were shocked!

Each of them had their eyes widened and their mouths opened into an O shape.

It’s hard to believe that you heard this with your own ears.

The next second, two of the girls suddenly held their faces and screamed——


“This is the legendary Taoyuanju!!”

"Mom, I found a job that provides food and accommodation!"

"Ah, ah, it's a good thing that I followed you! Let those who made sarcastic remarks regret it!"

"Yes! Two meals and a place to live. What a great condition! They even said they don't like this rag-"


Sang Chunhua interrupted, looking diagonally backward.

The teacher's "powerful power" for many years is still deeply rooted in people's hearts.

With just one glance, the two female students seemed to have their mouths slapped, making sounds in their throats that they wanted to say but dared not say.

Everyone turned to look in that direction.

First there was the sound of neat and heavy footsteps, followed by two straight legs, narrow waist and wide shoulders, and handsome faces.

Yeah - it's a warrior!

I saw them carrying a heavy container and walking over without looking back.

As it gets closer, there are sounds of moving and tapping sounds from the box.

There was quite a lot of movement from Bang Bang.

The Sang family took the initiative to get out of the way.

At the end of the team, Chu Wanfu walked out.

"Dr. Sang, are you done so quickly?"

While saying hello, he watched Xia Yan free up two free detoxification ports and directing the soldiers to stuff the box into the entrance.

That natural posture is really nothing out of the ordinary.

Dr. Sang: "I don't have much. I don't have much belongings. I only have to carry a backpack wherever I go."

The students behind her shouted General Chu under the instruction.

He also didn’t reach out his hand.

Chu Wanfu nodded lightly, "I'll have to work hard on you from now on. The base has just been built and the resources are not complete yet. It will get better and better in the future."

Dr. Sang and others nodded.

Being able to talk to the general was something that I couldn't even imagine before.

Chu Wanfu: "As for the welfare benefits, they are still as discussed this morning. The base canteen provides two meals and accommodation. In addition, there is another one: eight hours of working time, shift system, and free activities in leisure time."

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