I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 304 The day has come

How could Dr. Sang have any objection?

I can get a job with food and accommodation by relying on my skills.

I am too happy to wait.

The students behind her also shook their heads.

Today is different from the past. Besides, I only work eight hours, and I can go out for a walk in the rest of the time to see if I can kill zombies and save some private money.

Chu Wanfu: "Then you will have to start working tomorrow and get familiar with the environment as soon as possible. If you need anything, please send it to me at that time."

Dr. Sang said twice, "We will go first."

She led the people through the holiday gate.

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The newly arrived students looked at the magnificent hotel lobby in front of them, and their mouths were wide open in astonishment.

Brand new and bright tiles, golden decorations.

Wow, isn't this a five-star hotel?

Looking outside the store, the residents working outside were thin, but full of energy and bright eyes.

There were also playful children chasing each other in the aisle.

They were not afraid of them and chattered around them.

When they heard that they were new doctors and would live here from now on, their smiling faces turned red.

Sang Yu was even more arrogant and led people around the base.

Sang Chunhua knew what she meant and asked the students to wear the red cross shoulder sleeves to show their identity as doctors.

Actually, it was simple.

In any large group, there will be several small groups below.

In the end times, ability speaks.

When she saw the group of old, weak, sick and disabled people behind Sang Zhengyi, plus a few young and strong men not far away looking around, she decided to bring more people to support her brother.

Sang Chunhua had been to several bases, so she knew it.

Doctors are also an extremely scarce resource.

I hope that the medical students I brought with me can help my brother gain a firm foothold.

Sure enough, after walking around the base and vaguely showing that they were eating government food, everyone looked at them with a little more respect.

Sang Chunhua struck while the iron was hot, "If you have any minor pain or illness in the future, don't delay, just come to me! If you can't find me in the hospital, go to my house. I think everyone has heard of Sang Zhengyi, right? I will definitely be found by him!"

Someone was puzzled, "Is it the tall man who takes care of the disabled?"

Sang Chunhua: "Yes! That's my brother!"

In this way, they have shown their faces in the base, and Sang Zhengyi's reputation has also spread.

Back to the house assigned from the base.

There is a bright lock hanging on it.

There is no one even next door.

Sang Zhengyi and his team went out early in the morning to work, and only told Sang Yu to stay.

Sang Chunhua and the others put their gifts in and hurried to the hospital to report. They had to stay at Sang's house tonight and go to the dormitory to pack and move in tomorrow.


Day after day, the base was constantly under construction, and Xia Yan kept collecting seafood. The days passed quickly, and soon it was the day for the agreed delivery of the people.

Xia Yan set an alarm to wake up early the night before.

Who knew that she didn't sleep well all night, and woke up just after hearing the vibration in a daze.

She woke up faster than she usually woke up naturally.

After a simple wash, she changed into a long-sleeved suit with thin velvet and went out.

The hotel lobby was quiet, with only a dim orange light for lighting.

Xiong Xiong was busy changing the sofa cover, and turned around when he heard the noise.

"Boss, are you going out?"

"Yeah. Let's go and watch the fun."

Xia Yan walked into the somewhat dark safety zone.

As early as when residents moved into the base, the super bright light bulbs on the roof would be turned off no later than eleven o'clock to avoid affecting everyone's rest.

In the small road with many traffic in the distance, flashlights flashed from time to time.

Troops trotted towards the gate of the base and jumped into the carriages as silently as possible.

Next to the front car, Chu Wanfu was dressed in military uniform, standing tall like a pine tree, with extraordinary demeanor.

Xia Yan walked over and greeted him, "General Chu, which car are you taking?"

Chu Wanfu: "The first one, what's up?"

Xia Yan: "Is it convenient to take a ride?"

Chu Wanfu: "...Get on, we'll leave right away."

Xia Yan: "Thank you, I wish you a lot of harvest!"

She opened the door, greeted the young driver, and sat in the window seat inside.

Taking out a small thin blanket to wrap herself up, Xia Yan yawned, smelled the warm air inside, and slowly closed her heavy eyelids.

Sure enough, she still couldn't get up early.

She was so sleepy that her head was dizzy after being awake for less than half an hour.

Maybe this is the call of a nap?

After Chu Wanfu got on the bus, he found that the people in the back seat had fallen into a deep sleep.

He took out a map that he had found from somewhere, pointed to the route outlined with a red signal pen, and lowered his voice.

"Go here."

The vehicle started and slowly drove out of the base gate.

At this moment, the deep blue sky was clear, and the stars were shining brighter. The front of the car was facing east, heading towards the direction of the sunrise.

The established route would pass the edge of the city.

Following the asphalt road forward, you can see a scrapped bus, with three or four zombies surrounding it below, stretching their arms to explore the old and young on the top.

The two seemed to be unable to see the zombies, holding a bowl of hot instant noodles, snoring and eating fragrantly.

The white mist floated upwards, and after a mouthful of hot soup, both of them shivered comfortably.

After all, it was still a little cold in the early morning before the sun came out.

Suddenly, a dull sound of breaking came from below. Jing Yimai looked down and saw the zombies surrounding the car body lying on the ground in a weird posture, with a big black hole on their foreheads.

He looked up at the convoy and hurriedly drank the last mouthful of soup.

"They are coming, I will help you get off the car."

Jing Yimai took the old man's bowl of noodles, stacked it with his own, and threw it into the trash can on the side of the road.

The leading car stopped at the side, Chu Wanfu rolled down the window and said in a deep voice:

"Get in the car."

Through the gap between the two people, he could clearly see dozens of zombies wandering on the opposite corner of the street.

Before they found him, they had to leave as soon as possible.

Jing Yimai nodded, opened the car door and let the old man go in first.

But the old man was stunned for a moment, looked back at him, and then got in.

It was not until he bent down to go in that he realized that Boss Xia was sleeping soundly wrapped in a thin blanket.

Unconsciously, he moved lightly and tried to stay close to the car door.

Chu Wanfu looked away from the rearview mirror, pretending that he saw nothing.

When the sky just turned pale, the five big characters of Pearl Hill Port stood at the end of the road.

The orange-red + bright yellow plaque had slid downwards and corroded under the erosion of rain for many years, and the metal parts under the paint were covered with rust.

A black-winged bird stood on it with one foot, shaking its head from side to side.

Suddenly, it felt the ground shaking, and it opened its wings in a startled moment, and at the same time, its chrysanthemum shrank, and a pool of fresh bird shit fell on the plaque, flowing greasy, and finally fell on the head of a zombie wearing a management uniform.

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