Before the boat could stop, the sailor with a sinister face stared at the bull's eye and jumped from the boat with a splash.

When it landed, a cloud of dust stirred up and was swept by the wind to form a vortex.

Does every sailor have a scar on his face to show his ruthlessness?

Xia Yan avoided the dust and looked from the hideous scar across the man's right eye to the group of onlookers standing against the railing.

On their faces, they all have a long or short scar.

The scar that was originally supposed to be a pink color was re-tattooed with ink-black juice at a later stage.

Until a man nearly two meters tall walked out of the cabin. His face was covered with fat black scars like long worms.

Only then did Xia Yan understand that the number and length of scars symbolized status.


The last person to appear should be the one with the highest power.

Wearing sunglasses, he stood on the front deck like a mountain, and the sailors next to him didn't dare to get close.

Even if he didn't take off his glasses, Xia Yan could feel him looking down at the little ants below with his leering eyes.

At the same time, the sailor who was the first to jump out of the boat fiercely grabbed the old man's dry hand and effortlessly pulled him up from the ground.

His eyes swept back and forth at the cracks in his palms, and he squeezed hard with his big hands, turning a deaf ear to the creaking sounds made when the bones were squeezed.

It wasn't until he saw blood seeping out of his palms that he snorted with satisfaction and used his old hands to apply it directly on the old man's face.

Then, his other hand touched the ribs under the clothes.

"Damn old man, don't you know that you guys have been wandering on the sea for so long, and the only pleasure you have is to watch you fall to the ground and howl in pain? You are ruining my pleasure!"

The sailor smiled evilly, dug four fingers deep into the lower part of the chest and ribs, and slowly and forcefully pushed outwards.

He frantically pulled the person in front of him and stared into the opposite eye without blinking.

Fear/fear/pain/begging for mercy/humble...

Come on, show it off.

"Well done! Old cow, you have to teach him a lesson!"

"Kill him! Open your eyes!"

On the ship's armor, seeing that there was a good show, the sailors hurriedly finished their work, put down the steps, carried the food they were going to eat for a while, and climbed down one after another.

The last person also carried a bucket of wine, making a crashing sound with the movement.

"Slow down, we're not ready yet, wait until we start eating before you push harder."

A group of people were laughing and joking, heading straight to the long table where the tableware was set.


The wine barrel was placed on the ground and opened. Those people couldn't wait to pick up the goblet, reached into the barrel, scooped up a full glass, and drank.

The purple-red liquid slid down the corners of his mouth and onto his messy beard, and was wiped off by his big hands.

"Bah, MD, what's going on with this group of people? Not all of them are short!"

"It won't be high if you kneel down for a while."

The two sailors took off their coats, revealing their muscular arms, and sat stretched out on the dining chairs. They ordered them to go over and put the meat out and prepare to eat.

Chu Wanfu glanced at the captain who had not yet disembarked from the ship and was doing something, and waved his hand to tell people to go.

The big fish hasn't gotten off the boat yet, so be patient.

"That dwarf, stop sleepwalking and come here to pour wine for me!"

There was a clang, and the deputy, who was wearing a diamond earring in his ear, stretched his feet on the dining table and pointed to the crowd with his hand.


The corners of Xia Yan's mouth twitched under the mask.

Isn't he talking about himself?

"What are you looking at? It's you!"

The people surrounding Xia Yan silently took two steps back to give an absolutely high-definition perspective.

Boss Xia, watch out, that man is the one who made the rude remarks!

Xia Yan was angry: "What are you saying——"

Chu Wanfu: "Xiao*, go and pour wine and cut meat for the elder brothers!"

A certain soldier who was named:?

Chu Wanfu stared.

"Uncles, I'm here~"

The deputy, who was about to get up to look for trouble, was immediately hooked by a small section of his fair neck, and he was slapped hard on his crotch, which was surprisingly elastic.

"What a nice ass!"



When no one was paying attention, Chu Wanfu walked up to Xia Yan and blocked him tightly behind him.

Don't think too much, he is afraid that Boss Xia will get angry and start directly, affecting the mission.

Looking at the other side, the old man's ribs were deeply clasped. At some point, his hands had already climbed onto the sailor's shoulders.

He showed an expression of unbearable pain, but when the other party relaxed his vigilance, his right hand slid down to his heart.

Chu Wanfu's people were firmly fixing the ship in the port.

The wind and waves on the sea gradually increased, and the turbulent waves slammed into the moored ship, hitting it hard with a loud bang.

Amidst this shocking noise, Jing Yimai had beads of sweat hanging on the tip of his nose, staring at the crazy man in front of him, and suddenly smiled.


The ultra-high voltage current flows along his palm, passes through the thin clothes, clings to the muscles, and directly attacks the most fragile vital gate of the human body - the heart.

The sailor's eyes widened, his body stiffened suddenly, and a stream of black smoke came out of his mouth, which was shattered by the hurricane that followed.

The hand that was originally resting on the ribs was now black and weak, but it still maintained the inward movement.

Jing Yimai took a long breath and grabbed his shoulder collar with his left hand, trying to keep him upright.

He moved forward slightly, blocking the eyes of the people at the table, and deceived them with a painful expression on his face.

His half-lidded eyes looked at the soldiers who climbed up the long ladder and disappeared on the ship's armor.

Hope everything goes well.

Hope Black Potato is there too.

Xia Yan followed Chu Wanfu and climbed onto the boat.

The purpose of her coming this time was to watch the excitement and search the boat to see if there were any treasures.

As soon as she got down to the side of the boat, she heard a creak and the iron door was pushed open from the side.

Dozens of short, tanned men walked out from inside.

When the other party saw them, he first looked around at their clothes, then focused on the standard hats on their heads, and couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Really, I'm happy every time I see them. Who came up with such a hat?

You came at the right time. Those bastards went downstairs to eat and drink, leaving these dirty/tiring jobs for us to do!"

Xia Yan looked inside as they walked out and found that this was an oversized 'fuel supply room'. There were a lot of shiny black charcoal and large barrels of gasoline in the two suites inside.

The ship is now anchored, and they can finally take a break.

Xia Yan retracted her gaze and inadvertently met Chu Wanfu's eyes.

She also saw strong interest in the other's eyes.

Following them all the way down, turning through the low and narrow corridor, and going down another flight of stairs, they finally stopped.

"This is it. We have finished our work, and the rest is your turn."

The group of people found a place to sit down casually, took out a piece of hard dry food from their small bags, chewed it raw, and didn't leave, just watching coldly.

Perhaps thinking of something, one of them raised his head and said sinisterly:

"Don't think of complaining. The last person who had this idea was thrown into the sea to feed the fish. Knowing some rules is good for you and us."

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