I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 307 Little Soldier

Seeing this, Chu Wanfu's men nodded repeatedly, looking timid, obedient and well-behaved.

The man was satisfied, "Okay, the person is downstairs, open the lid and you'll see him."

With the help of a beam of light cast from the staircase, Chu Wanfu did see a copper handle.

He walked forward and lifted it up with force.

The first release of this book is šŸ”šŸ— Book Bar, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no disordered chapters.

As the heavy wooden board was opened, a dark and damp smell mixed with various rotten and excrement rushed up.

Under the dim board, the crowded women piled together were stimulated by the light, and they dared not raise their heads and made a small rustling sound, trying to move to a place where the light could not reach.

When they moved like this, they exposed the corpse under their feet, with their mouths wide open and their eyeballs bulging outwards.

The cabin at the bottom was dark and humid, the air was not circulated for a long time, and the temperature was much higher than the outside world.

The corpse was already covered with corpse spots, and even rotted in advance.

Chu Wanfu couldn't help but frown.

The men who were eating on the side smelled the unpleasant smell, their faces were ugly and they kept cursing, and walked out.

"Get rid of the people quickly, and send a few more people to clean up later. Damn, they will shit even if they don't have food to eat."

When they heard the familiar curse, the people below trembled obviously and rushed to the dark place faster.


The hatch was locked by Chu Wanfu in reverse.

"What do you want to do?!"

The group of people realized that something was wrong and retreated.

Chu Wanfu: "Do it!"

A group of people couldn't hold back the anger in their hearts, pulled out the bayonets tied between their legs and rushed forward.

"Fuck your life!"

The soldiers were like cold-faced killing gods, without a word of nonsense, and their moves were life-threatening.

They endured humiliation all the way just to find the hostages.

Now the hostages are in front of them, do they still want to be turtles?


Kill him directly!

Fuck him!

Elite warriors rushed forward, holding sharp blades without mercy.

Before the other party could scream, the sharp blade passed through his neck, spurting out hot water!

This was a one-sided crushing.

Behind the crowd, Xia Yan squatted on the wooden board, ignoring the rotting corpses directly below, looking at the dim corner.

"Don't be afraid, we are here to save you. We will deal with it soon and you can come up."

Some people shivered uneasily in the darkness, while others heard different noises and bravely raised their eyes and looked up.

Those were a pair of relatively bright eyes.

Xia Yan thought.

"Do you have clothes to wear?"

She glanced at the naked body lying on the ground and asked.

"... No, no."

"Wait for me."

Xia Yan walked to the dead man and took off all his clothes in no time.

I don't know how many people are still alive below. According to the agreement, 15 sets of clothes should be enough, right?

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Xia Yan took all the crystal cores in their pockets and handed them down one by one with a pile of clothes in his hands - the ground inside was too dirty, and there were all kinds of dirty things.

After a few seconds of silence, a pair of thin female arms stretched out from the darkness.

They did not fight or grab, but took the clothes and changed them silently.

It is estimated that they had not eaten for a long time and there was a lack of oxygen inside, so any movement would cause a weak breath.

Chu Wanfu and others had already dealt with the group of people and reopened the iron gate.

At this moment, they deliberately made some noise to cover up the rustling sound when putting on clothes.

"Okay, okay."

At this time, the soldiers jumped off the cabin at Chu Wanfu's order.

"Sorry. "

They walked into the darkness, holding hands hidden under loose clothes.

The ground was slippery, and there had been no fresh air for a long time. These people were weak and dizzy, and they couldn't step on the steps properly.

In a hurry, the soldiers didn't care about the difference between men and women. They bent down and carried the people on their shoulders, then pushed hard, put their palms on the only cloth on their buttocks, and sent the people up with their own strength.

The soldiers guarding above took over and transferred the people outside the cabin.

Xia Yan counted beside him.

According to the agreement, there would be fifteen people sent, but now there were as many as twenty people.

Could it be...

The eyes fell on the fresh corpses.

Is it the number after the loss?

Since they think so If they valued the value of ā€˜species of peopleā€™, why didnā€™t they just place them in the rooms above?

Such a large ship could easily accommodate hundreds or thousands of people.

How could they stuff people into the darkest bottom and let them live and die at will?

It was really puzzling.

It wasnā€™t until she went upstairs that she realized that there were things more valuable than ā€˜species of peopleā€™ ā€“

various supplies.

When she opened the door of a room, the neatly arranged cans inside came into view.

Tuna, salmon, dace, beef, pork, luncheon meat, etc., there were dozens of boxes!

She picked up a can and found the production date.

She was shocked.

It was actually produced a month ago!

Very fresh!

ā€œCome on! There are barrels of gasoline in here!ā€

"This room is full of bread! The latest bread!"

"And flour!"

"And coal, all high-calorie coal!"

Screams were heard at the door of each room.

Everyone was stunned.

Especially when they saw the food, the production date was recent.

This is too incredible!

This means that somewhere in the world, there are food processing plants in operation!

There are also people digging coal and collecting oil in an organized manner!

Instantly, everyone's eyes turned to Chu Wanfu, whose face was ashen.

After all, Chu Wanfu was a battle-hardened leader. No matter what he saw or heard, he would not lose his absolute rationality.

"Leave a survivor, and come back later--"

At this point, he suddenly glanced at Xia Yan.

The latter didn't listen to him.

Moreover, she looked like a profiteer who was eager to fight and greedy for money. She would definitely absorb all the supplies in the short time they left!

Then he could only buy them with crystal cores?

Chu Wanfu vomited blood!

External and internal troubles.

Chu Wanfu: "The space psychic will stay and collect supplies, and the rest of you will follow me."


The soldiers responded with great momentum.

Chu Wanfu gestured to the sniper on the roof.

"Let's go!"

Xia Yan dodged and ran into the canned food room and started to suck.

Don't make a fuss, she is a businessman and will not miss any opportunity to make money.

However, behind her, two space psychics followed closely, and with a wave of their hands, the entire row of shelves was gone.

Xia Yan was shocked to find that half of the things were missing when she turned around.

"Why are you following me?!"

The space psychic laughed and pretended to be stupid, his hands did not slow down at all, but his eyes were honestly looking back.

There is a perpetrator for every grievance.

We are just soldiers~

Outside the door, a roar suddenly sounded on the front deck:

"Brothers, grab your weapons! These bastards are rebelling!!"

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