[Trigger the side quest]

[Go to the main cabin and answer the incoming call]

[Complete the quest reward: three kinds of fruit (permanent reward)]

Xia Yan, who was rushing to collect supplies, suddenly stopped for a second. 6̳̳

This book is first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar to provide you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

‘System, are you back? ’


[Updated to the latest version and fixed potential BUGs]

‘Good. ’

Xia Yan didn’t have time to greet and put away a box of canned dace before the two of them.

Seeing that the storm was getting closer and closer.

The two little soldiers following her began to hesitate when they saw that she had no intention of leaving.

“Boss Xia, the hurricane is coming, why don’t you go back first?”

Xia Yan smiled: “No hurry.”

For the permanent fruit, she can still fight!

The two soldiers heard the broken roar of ‘Quickly retreat, return to the base! ’ and were unsure of their decision.

The sky outside was already as dark as it could be, and the rumbling thunder seemed to be right above our heads.

The strong wind was so strong that it was difficult to walk.

If we didn't leave now, we might not be able to leave.

The soldiers decided to retreat!

Before leaving, they were still thinking about the possibility of knocking people unconscious and taking them away.

After all, General Chu said that the lives of the masses should be put first.

"Boss Xia, we must retreat!"

Xia Yan looked up, and the two soldiers looked nervous and worried. Did they look at her with a bit of apology?

After thinking about it, she decided to be honest so that the two young men could rest assured.

"Didn't General Chu tell you that I could be directly transferred back to the hotel?"

Looking at the confused looks of the two, she suddenly remembered.

"Oh, he doesn't know either. Let's go quickly, you won't be able to leave in a while."

Xia Yan waved her hand and put an oversized desk into the system grid.

This thing just happened to be used in the office in the future.

When the two young soldiers heard it, they saw that she didn't seem to be lying, and gritted their teeth and left against the wind.

After getting off the boat, the sea level had risen a lot. The turbulent and disorderly water flow rolled around and pulled them into the deep sea.

Fortunately, Chu Wanfu was always watching the big ship. When he saw someone getting off the ship, he quickly threw the rope with steel bars over.

He pulled the person back.

He glared: "What's wrong with you two? Why are you getting off now?!"

The young soldier stood at attention and told the story.

After listening, Chu Wanfu looked at the ship shaking violently in the turbulent sea.

It looked quite big, but now it was as small as an ant compared to the boundless sea.

Chu Wanfu: "Did she really say that?"

Soldier: "Yes!"

Chu Wanfu: "Get in the car and get ready to go back to the base!"

On the way back, Chu Wanfu looked at the heavy dark clouds that were about to fall behind the front windshield, and listened to the clanging sound of dead branches, stones and other debris hitting the car body.

The heavy car body still couldn't withstand the power of the hurricane, and it kept swaying in the wind, reminding him of the ship rising and falling in the sea.

How could it withstand the hurricane with only a few ropes?

What a pity, otherwise the planks could be lifted back.


A thick purple lightning flashed through the dark clouds, and it was densely split into spider webs, covering the entire sky.

On the sea, there were huge waves rushing straight up to the sky, rushing every three or four seconds, pushing the big ship high in one second, and the next second the bow was 60 degrees downward, piercing into the water.

Xia Yan stabilized his body, one foot real and one foot virtual, grabbing the railing and moving towards the main cabin.

"Boom boom!"

The thunder finally fell.

Xia Yan's internal organs trembled continuously.

Then heavy rain fell, instantly covering the entire sea.

Xia Yan was soaked like a drowned chicken.

The rain hit her so hard that she couldn't open her eyes, as if someone had poured a basin of water directly on her face.

In the haze, the sky and the earth turned into a terrifying blue-black color.

The cochlea was filled with thunder and the sound of waves hitting the hull.

It was really hard to find the location when the vision was unclear.

Xia Yan stopped, holding the railing tightly with one hand to stabilize her body, and searching in the system grid with the other hand.

She had to find a waterproof mask.

At this time, the bow of the ship was raised high again, and the door of the room behind her opened and closed in the wind. The iron cabinet inside slid with a harsh creaking sound and hit the wall with a bang.

The knives and forks that had not been taken away in the drawer made a clanging sound.

The bow of the ship went down.

The rain poured on the back of her head, and her eyes were temporarily clear. Through the water drops hanging upside down on her eyelashes, the endless black waves were rolling and surging.

From behind her, countless scattered items fell into the sea one after another, splashing small water, and then were deeply swept into the seabed and disappeared.



Something rushed out of the room door.

The alarm in Xia Yan's mind rang loudly. She didn't bother to look for something. She held the railing tightly with both hands. The muscles on her arms suddenly bulged upwards. She exerted force on her waist and abdomen, and swung her whole body in the air and jumped into the room next to her.

She rolled and hit the wall to release the force. As soon as she raised her head, she saw an iron cabinet with a lid violently opened and irregular and sharp edges on all four sides hit her just now with a duang sound.

Fortunately, she dodged in time.

Otherwise, her fingers would be cut off.

Although the system ensured that the outside world could not hurt her, she would still rely on her own reaction to avoid danger unconsciously.

She would not change this.

Vacation is only temporary.


The bow of the ship smashed the sea surface heavily——

Xia Yan instantly took out the old sofa that she had replaced from Dean Ji and put it under her body to isolate the hard impact.

It is still okay to use it appropriately.

Xia Yan was thrown into the soft sofa by the huge inertia. The super elasticity not only successfully relieved the force, but also left her unscathed.

At this moment, a pale body flashed past the door.

She was stunned for a moment.

In a blink of an eye, one after another rotten corpses fell into the sea like dumplings.

One of them was blown by the strong wind and hit the door frame straight, with a stiff arm raised, and the cardamom-colored nails scraped on the wood, and fell into the sea again.

The hull gradually stabilized, and the backflowing water flowed in.

Xia Yan jumped up from the sofa. Taking advantage of the few seconds when the wind and waves subsided, she had to rush to the main cabin as soon as possible!

Following the sound of splashing water and passing strange-looking fish, she found her destination and before the waves pushed up again, she was the first to enter the main cabin and slam the door shut.

"Ring, ring, ring."

She turned back suddenly.

The phone call came so quickly?

Before she could walk over to answer it, the other party hung up first.

He was really impatient.

Recall the task: answer the phone.

Then she couldn't take the initiative to call, otherwise the task would be considered a failure.

Don't, after all the hardships, just for the freedom of those three fruits.

Xia Yan took out the absorbent towel, wiped her face, and wrung out her hair.

She was wet all over, her clothes were clinging to her body, cold and damp.

The point is that there was a fishy smell of fish.

Even if she changed into clean clothes, she couldn't resist it, and it was a waste of a good set of clothes.

Xia Yan rubbed her nose and stared at the phone without a good temper.

You'd better call me quickly.

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