I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 310 Don’t Tell Lies

Don't let her count to three!


"Ring, ring, ring!"

The phone rang again in an urgent tone.

Xia Yan dropped the towel.

This was a strange-looking phone.

It looked a bit like a banana, arc-shaped, and only about half the length of a palm.

There was no LCD screen, only a round ball that could move along the arc.

The ringing sound came from the lip shape at the bottom.


Xia Yan tried to move the ball until it slid to the bottom.

"Hello? Hello!"

She actually answered the phone.

"How's the matter going? Have you handed the person over?"

It was a relatively young male voice.

But the tone was not very good.

Xia Yan: "I have received the people. They have done a good job. Send more people next time. I am not afraid of too many people."

Other side: "......"

"Who are you?!"

Xia Yan: "I am your ancestor."

The system only told her to answer the phone, but it didn't say how to communicate, right?

A gasp came from the phone.

Other side: "... Ru Yongnan is dead?"

Xia Yan: "Smart. You are that Mr. Bin? What's your full name?"

Mr. Bin: "Before asking others, you should first report your name, right?"

Xia Yan: "Boss Xia, nice to meet you."

Mr. Bin: "Mr. Bin, I am gay."

Xia Yan: "You are gay?! Although I don't discriminate, why are you telling me this? I don't know you well!"

Mr. Bin clenched his fist: "... Are you mentally ill? I mean, I am gay!"

Xia Yan narrowed his eyes dangerously: "β€”β€”I advise you to speak properly."

A few breaths of suppressed emotions came from the back of the phone.

President Bin: "All my people are dead?"

Xia Yan: "Almost."

The other end of the phone - "Bang!"

"President Bin! President Bin, your hand!"

"Doctor, come and bandage it!"

Xia Yan watched the person in front of her fall from a high altitude into the deep sea. The solid glass window could not withstand multiple high-intensity impacts and had begun to have tiny cracks.

"What else do you have to say? Hurry up, I have to go back to the store."

She made a random guess. The other party had to hang up the phone first, and she would complete her mission here.

President Bin angrily scolded everyone and picked up the phone again.

"When did you arrive at Waber Island? Why didn't Ru Yongnan mention you before?"

Xia Yan looked at the small fish swimming on the deck with its fangs bared, and said lightly:

"I've been here for several months. Speaking of which, I'm quite grateful to Ru Yongnan for sending me so many resources."

Boss Bin was so angry that he calmed down and asked, "What's the name of your store?"

"Vacation Hotel."

[Task Completed]

[Reward: Dragon Fruit, Apple, Blueberry, Mango, Strawberry]

[Please choose three of the above products]

Xia Yan hung up the phone happily: "The last three."

[Reward has been sent to the fruit basket, please check it]

The task is completed, and I can finally go back.

I threw the phone down casually, but found that it had turned into an ear.

She raised her eyebrows, and didn't expect there was such a supernatural power.

The next second, the glass broke into small pieces with a click, and the vast sea water poured in with the broken limbs and debris.


This time Xia Yan appeared in the empty safe zone.

Only one step away from the gate.

The lobby was lit with soft and bright lights, and the leisure area was full of customers chatting.

Xia Yan stepped in.

There was a sound of car horns in the distance, and the staff on the watchtower confirmed that someone had passed through the rain curtain before opening the gate to allow passage.

The base had not yet been built on the ground, and it was washed by the heavy rain at this moment, and there was mud everywhere, and the low-lying areas were full of water.

Bubbles were bubbling from the sewer.

Several staff members wearing rain gear took tools and cleaned the mud-blocked passages along the street.

Seeing this, the car slowed down, but the puddles were hit by the wheels, and black mud spots were splashed everywhere.

Chu Wanfu swept past the rows of locked residential houses and knew that these people had run to the hotel to keep warm.

As long as everyone didn't catch a cold, it would be fine.

Sitting in the truck bed, the two little soldiers holding their raincoats tilted their heads and looked at the hotel.

Sure enough, the familiar figure of Boss Xia disappeared in the store.

The two little soldiers looked at each other.

I was worried all the way in vain.

The boss really didn't lie.

The vehicle stopped at the door of the hospital.

The doctors standing in the wide-open door were holding life-saving equipment and ready to fight.

Seeing the car stop.

"Quick, get the cart ready! Get the syringe ready!"

Doctor Sang waved her arms and bent her shoulders to prepare for running.

Behind her, several students were also serious.

What is a doctor?

A warrior who fights the god of death for people!

The soldiers in the truck jumped off one after another, grabbed the survivors and ran over on their shoulders.

Put the person on the bed, and the nurses standing by without the doctor's instructions, first hung up a bottle of glucose to replenish energy.

The anxious sound of the wheels rolling over the ground sounded again in the hospital.

The pregnant women who had recovered a lot of shock stood up and looked at the people running in the room with panic.

Not long after, one or two new beds were placed in each ward.

When looking at the patient who was just as pale and thin as when he first arrived, lying in bed unable to move.

The pregnant women looked at their flat bellies and actually wanted to comfort them.

"You are lucky, better than me."

Seeing the empty eyes floating over, the pregnant woman seemed to see her former self.

She struggled to find a well-packaged candy under the pillow.

She shook it in front of the patient next to her, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

"Look, this is what the nurses gave me. I have one every day. It's so sweet."

"I couldn't bear to eat it today, and it happened that you came. Let's have half each."

As she said, the pregnant woman carefully opened the package, and a milky smell overflowed.

She pinched a mark in the middle with her fingernails and bit it with her teeth.

It was just half.

She struggled to move her thin legs to get out of bed, holding her big belly, and walked a little bit to the next bed one meter away, and stuffed the other half into the mouth of the eighteen or nineteen-year-old girl.

"Eat it, this is candy, which can make you recall the good things in the past. Eat it, and there will be more tomorrow after you finish it. Eat it quickly, I will eat it too."

The pregnant woman smiled.

The little girl licked it with the tip of her tongue.

It was so sweet.


The wind outside was getting louder and the raindrops were tilted.

The raindrops hit the wooden windows and soon turned dark brown.

There were quick and hurried footsteps outside the door.

A little nurse wearing Nightingale's clothes and hat walked in quickly.

She nailed the newly cut plastic film to the window frame to block the cool breeze passing through the gap.

The water drops dripped down the plastic film and gathered into a small puddle.

The nurse looked at it and frowned, but couldn't think of a good solution.

Suddenly, there was a rustling sound.

The nurse was startled and thought that a mouse had entered the room.

Looking back, it turned out that the pregnant woman was smoothing the candy wrapper, putting it together with the one she was reluctant to throw away, and hiding it in the pillow.

"I thought it was something else." The nurse smiled and approached, "Since you like it so much, I'll give you an extra piece of candy tomorrow!"

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