Xia Yan took a long hot bath to dispel the coldness in her body.

After the bath, she took a nap before appearing in the hotel lobby.

All the customers in the rest area had left, leaving only some children, who were well-behaved and tried not to make loud noises, playing poker.

If all the children were so well-behaved, Xia Yan would still welcome them.

"Ding Ding."


The elevator door opened.

Qi Hua's team came out with shovels.

"Boss Xia."

Xia Yan: "Well, going out?"

Although the rain outside was a little lighter, it was not suitable to go out.

Qi Hua shook his head, "Not going outside the base. I just saw them busy dealing with the bugs crawling out of the ground upstairs, so I thought I would go over to help."

After that, they put on raincoats and went out with shovels.

Xia Yan followed them to the safe area.

A dozen people who were afraid of insects kept gasping for air and stamping their feet in the dry safety zone, as if the insects had crawled onto their legs.

"I'm most afraid of insects with many legs, they're numb and super disgusting!"

"Woo woo, I'm afraid of soft things."

"It's okay, there are no rats here--"

Everyone said angrily in unison: "Then why don't you go out?!"

"--I, I'm afraid too..."

Xia Yan walked around the crowd and walked to a place with a wide view.

Just one glance.

Goose bumps all over the body!

My scalp stood up!

What's wrong with this place?

When it was drenched by rain, it was like hair was sizzled, and there were dense insects on the ground, scurrying from one end to the other, and there was no good place.

And they would also entangle various things that could be climbed.

When people passed by, it seemed like they had probes, and they instantly got close and climbed up around.

All the soldiers tightened their trouser legs and belts, and even their necks and hands were wrapped in thick strips of cloth.

They were afraid that this unknown mutant creature would bite through the skin and infect the virus.

They desperately swung the shovel in their hands and cut the nematode-like creature in half.

The cut end was eroded by the rain and twisted violently. In less than three seconds, it became a dead branch.

But the end still in the soil was still moving out frantically.

Basically, this end was killed, and the one behind it grew again, winding around and around until it wrapped around the soldier's leg.

It was only when Qi Hua and his team swung the shovel that they rescued the man from the pile of insects.

Near the hospital, fire-type superpowers stood outside the door, constantly releasing flames from their palms.

This kind of heavy rain weather had already deeply suppressed their superpowers, and the insects kept coming one after another, with no end.

They persisted in releasing flames for two hours without interruption, and at this moment they were sweating profusely and their lips were pale.

The door behind them opened, and Dr. Sang rushed out with all the staff, as well as Sang Zhengyi and his group who rushed over at the first time.

"After defeating the zombies, there are still bugs! Do you want to let people live!"

"Damn, we haven't had a few days of good life, and this heavy rain has ruined it!"

Feng Erzi raised his head and cried miserably: "I just dried the potato slices!!"

Sang Yu laughed secretly and stuck out his tongue, sweeping everything with a long stick without blinking.

Sang Zhengyi said: "It's lost, it's lost, I'll dry them in the future. No one will steal yours, just playing tricks every day!"

No matter what, it's too late now.

Feng Erzi looked at the countless bugs whooshing into the locked door with tears in his eyes.

Wow, this time there are no chestnuts or anything.

Chu Wanfu stood on the second floor and frowned.

What's going on? I clearly explored the composition of the soil before and confirmed that there was no major problem before deciding to build.

Now there is a heavy rain, and so many bugs have emerged from the ground? !

Intensive rustling sounds sounded behind him.

Looking back, he immediately picked up the flamethrower.

The bright and hot flames burned through the centipedes and money strings that covered the wall.

As soon as the ultra-high temperature outer flames touched the tiny bugs, most of them were burned into charcoal on the spot, and more of them shrank into a ball and fell from the wall, then stretched out their bodies, stepped on countless legs, and crawled around.

Falling from the wall, falling from the ceiling.

This is the most terrifying dream for anyone who is afraid of bugs.

"General Chu, I'll lead it - fuck!!"

As soon as his men opened the door of the room, they saw a black mass of something falling from the sky.

He unconsciously reached out to catch it.

"Ah! Bugs!!!"

The mass of things exploded and crawled wildly along his arms and clothes!

The dense insect legs simultaneously moved his sweat hairs, allowing him to clearly feel the movement of the insects.

"Fuck fuck fuck!!!"

"Save me!!"

In extreme fear, he felt the bug crawling up his neck to his face. After shouting, he closed his mouth tightly, pinched his nose, blocked his right ear with his elbow, and blocked the other ear hole with his hand around the back of his head.

Then he started breakdancing on the spot.

He came here to get the flamethrower he had just taken out for points. He only had space power! !

"Stand still!" Chu Wanfu held up the nozzle and pressed the switch beside him.

The orange outer flame gradually approached, keeping a distance that forced the bug to fall but did not burn him.

From the hair, all the way to the feet.

There was a crackling sound of burning along the way, and the smell of burnt meat was floating in the nose.

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The man covered with bugs thought that he would never eat barbecue again.

Never again!


"General Chu! There are so many bugs crawling into the hospital! The wounded need to be transferred immediately! ! "

A soldier who was killing bugs in front ran back and reported loudly.

The floor of the office was also full of bug corpses, and he knew that this place was also inevitably attacked by bugs indiscriminately.

When Chu Wanfu heard this, he slapped his subordinate who was still screaming, "No more, go to work!"

He pointed to the thirty flamethrowers on the ground, "Take them all, protect the people in the hospital and transfer them to the hotel first!"

The subordinate hesitated: "Do I need to tell Boss Xia?"

"I already know, just do what your General Chu said. "

The three of them looked back at the same time.

At some point, Boss Xia was already standing behind them.

Chu Wanfu frowned: "Go quickly!"

After the others left, he looked at Xia Yan, "Thank you for your help."

Xia Yan smiled and waved.

"It's a small matter. Let's arrange for them to stay on Lidai Island tonight. The price is negotiable. We won't raise the price on the spot. It's still 20 points per person. Isn't it a good deal?"

Chu Wanfu nodded, opened the drawer, ignored the countless reptiles that came out of it, flicked away the insects that wanted to lay eggs on the cover of the document, sorted and packed them, and handed them to his men to put them into the space.

"Let's go to the hospital to see the situation. "

Outside the building, the rain intensified again. On the ground, various red line-like insects were already 30 centimeters high, shaking around like tentacles.

The high-temperature flame gun led the way in front, and Chu Wanfu followed and walked quickly.

He looked back.

I saw Boss Xia holding an umbrella, walking leisurely step by step like she was strolling in her own back garden.

Beside her, the long insect tentacles that people could not avoid were all avoided from a distance.

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