Damn it.

Not a human.

Chu Wanfu couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Not only did the zombies not attack her, but even the bugs went around her.

Is there any justice?

Xia Yan raised her eyes and met Chu Wanfu's rare anger.

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"General Chu, what's that look in your eyes?"

For some reason, she always sensed something was wrong at the first time.

Chu Wanfu covered up his cough.

Since he couldn't figure it out, he might as well ask directly.

He pointed his finger, "Why are these bugs going around you?"

Unexpectedly, Xia Yan looked at him as if he was looking at a fool.

"I have insecticide."

She took out a bottle the length of her forearm.

There was a black skull painted on it, and it said special insecticide.

She saw it in a room on the ship and took it away.

Speaking of which——

"Didn't your people take away several boxes? Why didn't they use them?"

Here it comes again.

That's the look of looking at a fool!

Chu Wanfu stepped onto the steps of the hospital.

Two space-powered little warriors who were killing insects with iron rods at the hospital gate looked at each other.

Then he shuddered.

Wow, so many things were taken away at once.

How could they care to see what they had? !

Seeing Chu Wanfu looking at them coldly, he searched for the two people in the crowd.

The little soldier hurriedly lowered his head and quickly searched in the space.

Insecticide, insecticide.

Where are you? !

"Where are the people? Stand up!" Chu Wanfu shouted.

Holding wealth but not knowing how to use it.

He swallowed his throat with such cowardice!

Scanning the crowd, Chu Wanfu's eyes were sharp and he saw two little soldiers who wanted to hide at a glance.

He ordered people to drag the two people out directly.

If I didn't know these two people well, I'm afraid I would think that they were undercover agents in the team!

The latter rummaged around and finally took out the cardboard box, holding it in his hands pitifully.

"General, I just found it."

Chu Wanfu: "...Hurry up and distribute it, there are more and more insects."

Now is not the time to care about it.

Besides, who hasn't made mistakes?

Ah, Xiba.

As soon as the insecticide was in hand, the vanguard team tried it first to see if the insects would regenerate and how fast they would regenerate.

Based on this, a plan for personnel transfer was made.

A faint gas was sprayed out, and everyone held their breath to prevent accidental inhalation into the lungs and poisoning.

The long insects on the ground, which were originally like a tangled ball of wool, wilted the moment they came into contact with the spray, and gradually turned gray from head to tail.

The rain broke them into small pieces.

After waiting for five minutes, a few sparse insects sprang out from the area where the pesticide had been sprayed.

On the other hand, many of them appeared on the remaining unsprayed land.

"It worked!"

Everyone was delighted.

Chu Wanfu made a prompt decision and ordered two members of the vanguard team to lead the way in front, and all the patients who could walk in the hospital followed behind, followed by pregnant women who walked slower, who were supported by hospital staff to speed up and keep up.

Finally, the soldiers carried the remaining weak injured people.

All space ability users stayed to collect supplies -

to avoid being crawled by insects and leaving eggs that could not be cleaned.

Clear instructions were issued one by one.

The transfer was orderly.

Everyone closed their mouths tightly, stepped on the muddy path, tried to avoid being entangled by the twisting and twisting insects outside, and rushed to the safe zone quickly and anxiously.

Chu Wanfu looked back at the base that his soldiers had worked so hard to build, which was now occupied by half-meter-long insects, and the walls of the house were covered with long-legged insects.

He was very depressed.

"General, it's time to go."


Wait until the weather clears up, and then make plans.

Just as they passed a road that they had to take to get to the hotel, a wooden door on the side suddenly opened from the inside.

A furry human figure came out from behind the door.

"Help! Help!!"

"It hurts! It hurts so much!"

There was no good flesh on the man's body, and worms were growing everywhere!

When the rain poured on the worms, they seemed to be stimulated by something, and their exposed bodies twisted wildly!


"Ah! My eyes can't see, my nose is itchy, my body is itchy! Help me scratch it!"

This place is not far from the hotel. All the people gathered in the safe zone saw red worms coming out of the man's eyes, nose, and ears like they were drilling out of the ground! !

It's so scary!

It's so disgusting!

Seeing that the man was blown up like a ball of hair, he still wanted to get close.

Chu Wanfu's men acted decisively and pressed the insecticide directly!

That's not a human!

That was the donor parasitized by the worms!



"Ahhhh, it hurts! They, take, me, ah!!"

More and more red thread worms emerged from his body, and he was forced to stand up.

Deep in the red thread, his limbs twisted unnaturally, and in a few seconds, he was sucked dry!

Under the thin layer of skin, you can still see the tail of the worm tightly hooked on the bone!

And without the source of nutrient supply, coupled with being sprayed with insecticide, all the worms struggled a few times in the end, and gradually drooped gray.

Everyone gasped.

This is all too scary.

Why did he become parasitized by insects?

"Everyone, please check if there are any wounds on your body, especially those who have just been out! Check yourself quickly!"

Someone suddenly shouted from the crowd.

Everyone was already panicked. When they heard this, they didn't care about distinguishing the authenticity from the fake, and hurriedly started to take off their clothes to check.

Others, who had never been out before, stared closely at all the people who bent down, getting farther away little by little.

Don't dare to get close to anyone.

Chu Wanfu walked in and frowned.

The route of transmission is still unclear, and wounds are indeed susceptible to infection.

Dr. Sang is checking the number of patients with a record book.

"He has wounds on his body!"

The sound exploded among the crowd.

Suddenly everyone felt as if they were being scalded by boiling hot water and couldn't wait to get out of the way.

Only a little soldier was left looking at the wound on the palm of his hand with confused eyes.

"I don't feel anything wrong with my body, and this wound was accidentally cut while collecting things on the boat."

As he spoke, he stretched his hands in front of everyone, trying to persuade everyone.

"Don't come over here!"

"Get up and drive!"

"You're infected!"

Everyone couldn't avoid it and retreated again and again.

His face was full of fear.

Either bitten by zombies or parasitized by insects.

It's so hard to live.

The little soldier felt aggrieved, but he didn't know if he was really infected.

Chu Wanfu believed in his people, but he didn't know whether the human body could be parasitized or whether it could be parasitized from wounds.

"Doctor, can we see the results of the blood test?"

The doctor lowered his head: "We are missing instruments."


The crowd was confused.

"Get out! He must be infected!"

"Get out of here!!"

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