Amidst the hysterical rejection and resistance from everyone.

There seemed to be a deep and fast river in the middle, and no one dared to stretch their legs to test it, for fear that the turbulent water would break through the river embankment and drown people.

The little soldier clenched his fists.

"Okay," he said, "I can go out. I'll go out right now."

The person who first said the wound would become infected shouted:


"Go away! You are definitely infected! I guarantee it! Don't kill normal people like us! Just like the first person bitten by a zombie, he said it was fine, but in the end? He was bitten in a few seconds The infection bit someone else!”

The little soldier suddenly raised his head and shouted angrily:

"You're such a fart! I want your guarantee ticket to be of no use! I told you that the wound was made on the boat!"

Anger ignited everyone's tense nerves.

The horrific scenes of zombie outbreaks in the past are like coming back again.

His reason collapsed, and the volcano in his heart instantly erupted, spewing out endless malice and panic.

"Get out of here!"

"Get out of here quickly!"

"If you don't leave, I'll kick you out!!"

"We have just lived a good life for a few days, ancestors, please let us live a few more days!"

"Please, please leave us a way to survive. I will kneel down and kowtow to you!"

An old man with gray hair put his palms together, knelt on the floor of the safe area, banged his head three times.

He raised it again, his forehead was bruised.

The other older men were also infected by the 'sadness' atmosphere, and they all knelt down with a few thuds.


all! !

"Let's go, kid. From now on, I will burn some more pieces of paper money for you! Every year!"

Chu Wanfu gritted his teeth and shouted angrily: "Hel them up!!"

Turning around, Chu Wanfu gasped, stared sternly, and glanced at the group of people who were making trouble without knowing what they were talking about.

What a ridiculous farce!

His fierce eyes made everyone lower their heads!

The tiger's roaring voice was filled with thick anger, and roared into everyone's ears.

"What do you want to do?! People who threaten me! No one can tell whether they are infected or not! Who just used words to convict my people? Stand up! Let me remember your appearance!"

Seeing that the man lowered his head deeply, Chu Wanfu was so angry that he could not let go, so he pointed his hand directly.

"Bring me that person! And those who just scolded me! Those who knelt down and kowtowed to the juniors and engaged in feudal superstition! Catch them all!"


The soldiers took a few big steps and carried everyone to the front.

Chu Wanfu took long steps and glared at the man who was most inciting the trouble.

"Is it you? Just patting your chest and making a pledge? You are quite capable. You can convict my people with just a few words?!"

The man scratched his neck, "That's how zombies were spread back then -"

"Fuck your mother!!"

Xia Yan suddenly raised his head and looked over. What kind of general brought out what kind of soldiers? He even cursed!

Chu Wanfu coughed excitedly to cover up his overly angry mood.

"Bring out the evidence. Bring out the evidence that you said my soldiers were infected! Speak with facts, don't tβ€”β€”"

The man's eyes widened, "Let him go out into the rain! You'll know when he gets there!"

There was dead silence in the safe zone.

It was as if even the air was frozen.

The residents looked at Chu Wanfu in silence.


Having said all that, as long as you go for a walk in the rain and you don’t feel infected, don’t you know everything?

That insect is afraid of rain, everyone can see it.

Chu Wanfu clenched his fists.

Behind him, the little soldier's eyes were already red.

He felt it when General Chu argued for him and protected him just now.

Following General Chu, this life has been worth it!

"General Chu, you don't need to say any more. I'm going out!"

The little soldier straightened his clothes, stood at attention with his chest raised, and gave a standard salute.

Then he glanced at his comrades one by one who had experienced life and death.

"Live well, I'm leaving!"

After that, he dove into the rain curtain!


"He went out!"

Everyone rushed to the protective shield and stared at the tall figure in the rain curtain.

Will something happen?

Was he infected?

Will the red bugs break through the skin at the next moment, like a ball of yarn that has been cut into pieces, twisting densely?

In front of everyone, the little soldier assumed the classic pose of the protagonist in the classic movie.

call out:

"Let the storm come more violently!!!"

In front of the protective shield, the soldiers gathered in a group, their eyes full of reluctance, anger and sadness before leaving, as well as a hint of resentment.

The end of all evil!

What a special second grader!

On the other side, Dr. Sang called another counting person, and the two of them made a list, and his scalp was numb.

When Chu Wanfu saw someone going out, he clenched his back teeth and looked very sternly.

Suddenly there was a sweet scent of tea beside him, and he turned his head.

It was Boss Xia who was sipping tea with his eyes narrowed while doing nothing.

This person really loves to watch the fun!

Chu Wanfu blew out a large cloud of air from his nose to express his deep dissatisfaction.

Xia Yan said lightly: "You are still young and energetic."

Chu Wanfu didn’t sound right.

Unexpectedly, Xia Yan smiled at him and turned back to the hall.

He took another look at the little soldier who was singing the most unconvincing conquest in the most angry tone.

The spirit of not admitting defeat is like him!

On the other side, Doctor Sang rushed over with a list of names.

"General Chu, we found that person!"


Doctor Sang: "The person who was infected just now!"

Her voice was loud, and the residents not far away turned around after hearing it.

Chu Wanfu: "What's going on? Speak slowly."

Dr. Sang swallowed his saliva, "It's like this. This morning she kept muttering that it was going to rain, her body was itchy, and she wanted to leave quickly.

We gave her a full body check-of course, it wasn't that strict, after all, we were short of things-but we didn't find any problems, and she insisted on leaving. There was a shortage of beds, and she could walk and take care of herself, so we let her leave.

I watched her leave, but after turning a corner, I couldn't see anyone. There were many patients, so I went to do other things. The woman had red hair, which was very easy to recognize, but I looked for her several times in the crowd just now, but I didn't see her."

When I thought about the person who was covered with bugs just now, I was too scared, and the bugs were also red, so I really didn't pay attention to the color of her hair.

Now that I think about it, how could there be tens of millions of red bugs on the scalp?

It must be the woman who was discharged this morning!

Chu Wanfu waved to the employee who managed the rental and asked him if anyone had rented a house today.

The latter shook his head, indicating that no one had.

Chu Wanfu looked at the house close to the hotel.

This was the first batch of residents. Logically, every house was locked. How could she get in?

Moreover, she was a newcomer. Would she know anyone here?

Realizing that there was a problem, Chu Wanfu continued to ask:

"Who lives in this house?"

A resident next to him replied: "I know, it's the person who just shouted infected!"

It's him again!

Chu Wanfu's eyes flashed with a fierce light, "Bring the person here!"

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