The safe area is not particularly large, and there is a protective cover to filter out noisy external sounds. Basically, you can hear it clearly without having to make a particularly loud sound.

Not to mention that some people who were taken out alone were closely guarded by soldiers.

People are such strange things.

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When you are among the crowd, your courage is infinite.

When he was dragged out alone, his courage was like an exploding balloon. It exploded with a bang.

When the man who started the trouble saw the incident unfolding, his legs were so weak that he could no longer walk.

He just walked over with the iron arms of the soldiers.

When Chu Wanfu saw his coward look, he was angry and funny at the same time.

He has so little courage and dares to tell lies about how to organize his troops?

But what's in your heart won't show on your face.

He had a serious face and looked businesslike and serious.

"Tell me, why did you drag that woman into the house? Rape her under my nose? If you have any accomplices, please tell me!"

Arrangement, right?

Conviction, right?

Who wouldn't? !

The man shivered and did not dare to say a word.

He quietly looked up and saw that the residents who were led by him were looking at him with anger and hatred.

Chu Wanfu winked.

The soldier standing behind the man immediately locked his arms, grabbed his hair and pulled him back, forcing him to raise his head, and shouted in his ear: "General Chu asked you, can't you hear me? Don't act like a mute!" "

The man panicked: "I, I said. Well, that woman begged me to take her in, right! She said she had no place to go and was afraid that there were many zombies outside the base. She begged me and said she volunteered to be my woman, so I let her into the house. Ah. General Chu, you must be aware of this! I am wronged!"

Dr. Sang couldn't stand it and was deeply disgusted by the man's behavior of talking nonsense and throwing feces on people at will.

"Stop talking nonsense there. I am her attending doctor. She keeps saying she wants to leave the base. How can she beg to live in your house?"

Dr. Sang is a civilized person with a higher education. She really can't say dirty words. Pointing her finger at the other person's nose and scolding him is the most excessive thing for her.

But men are not.

After falling and rolling in the quagmire, he was already dirty.

"You damn woman know nothing! She's as skinny as a stick. She must be depriving her of food at your hospital!" The man stretched his neck and cursed. He glanced aside and saw Chu Wanfu, whose face turned dark again. He hurriedly tried to please him, "Chu Wanfu General, you must have distributed supplies, and these doctors must have stolen them. You have to investigate carefully, and don’t let a mouse poop——"

The soldier behind him received the order and went up with a heavy uppercut.

The man who was beaten bent over and his face turned the color of pig liver.

"I, I want to sue you for abuse of lynching."

Chu Wanfu's veins twitched at being threatened: "Just beat him here! When will a dog's mouth spit out ivory? When will it stop!"

The soldiers who had been gearing up for a long time cracked their knuckles on the ground and beat him to death.

The man in the middle was holding his head and shouting for help.

Chu Wanfu was really angry this time, and he took big steps while teaching the residents a lesson.

"I led people deep into the zombie lair many times, and many soldiers died before I rescued you safely. In order to give you a place to live, my people worked day and night to build fortifications. Once the house is built, it will be given to you. Come on, I have to pay you for your work. Go ask the soldiers behind me, which one is paid? Which one is not allowed to work from morning to night?

Are you on every patrol in the base? There are zombies outside. Are you going out to kill them? Everything is important to you first, and you have to confess your ancestors, right? ! Just because you are human beings, aren’t my soldiers human beings? ! "

The group of residents opposite were all silent.

It’s not that they don’t know or understand.

As long as you look up every day, you can see the soldiers guarding the watchtower. After nightfall, there will always be the sound of patrols walking lightly outside the door.

All collected materials do not need to be handed over, and accommodation will be arranged at the base.

Just... a habit of feeling at ease.

Chu Wanfu also realized this, and became angrier as he spoke, his thick eyebrows rising.

"Beat me hard! Beat me up as well as the troublemakers we just arrested!"

If the general is not ruthless, he cannot be stable!

Remember a little thought? Strangling him to death in the cradle!

Several other troublemakers were brought over, their faces pale and they kept begging for mercy.

"I was wrong, don't hit me."

"I will never talk nonsense again, please let me go."

"I'm old and frail, so I can't help it!"

The man who had just been beaten had his face swollen like a pig's head and was lying on the ground unable to speak a word.

The old man who was still kneeling down and begging for death at that time was now posing as if he would fall apart in the next second.

The soldiers paused.

It's okay to hit a young man, but beating an old man is really unbearable. Secondly, it won't look good when you go out, and it will discredit General Chu.

Seeing the soldiers hesitate, the elderly men swayed even more, and their hands instantly contracted severe Parkinson's disease.

They begged General Chu to let them go.

For the sake of being older.

But they forgot.

People who hold high positions usually don't relent easily.

Chu Wanfu was determined after eating the weight, and he must deal with them today!

"Whose old man is this? Come out and claim it!"

The old man's eyes burst out with light, "Thank you, General Chu. The general will live a long life."

Just listening to these words makes people think that this matter has really been begged for mercy.

The ‘pig’ lying on the ground and the person being beaten were all unconvinced.

One moved his sausage mouth, and the other shouted through his fingers: “Why? They are more vicious! Elders kneel down and kowtow to the younger generation, which shortens the life of the younger generation!”

“We just moved our lips, and we were beaten up. He wants to kill the younger generation! Why is it okay?!”

Shorten life!

These two words are like a depth charge, which makes everyone dizzy.

Young people may not understand.

But anyone of older age knows.

This is the most vicious practice.

Believe it or not, anyone who has been maliciously treated by their elders will be deeply traumatized in their hearts and spirits.

Chu Wanfu moved sideways to avoid it, as if he did not see the old men with ugly faces, and looked at the family members who squeezed out of the crowd and were ready to take people back.

He waved his hand.

His men immediately understood and stepped forward to arrest the young man directly.

The old men were startled, "What are you doing? Let my son go!"

Chu Wanfu: "Since the old man can't fight, let your young man take it! Beat him up!"

As soon as the words fell, the soldiers beat him up again.

The old men's legs and hands stopped shaking, and they had endless strength in their bodies. They pushed away the arms in front of them and tried to protect the people.

The soldiers standing by were quick-witted and used a grappling technique to control him firmly.

Several people struggled desperately, but they could only watch the young man being beaten and bleeding from the mouth and nose.

"My son!"

"What a sin!"

"Hurry up and help me!"

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