Who dared to say anything?

Everyone felt that they were lucky not to join in the fun.

Look at those people who were beaten, their faces were swollen.

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This is not over yet.

Chu Wanfu asked his men to move an Optimus Prime treasured by a space power user and stand it on the east side of the safe zone.

He said to the old men:

"Don't you like kneeling? I found a god for you. Come here to kowtow and worship. Kowtow 100 times a day for a full month."

The old men looked at the strange thing in shock.

You can't worship gods randomly! Something will go wrong!

Just after shaking his hands a few times, I heard General Chu continue:

"From today on, these young people will form a vanguard team to be responsible for the security work outside the base. When you finish kowtow, they will be considered to have completed their mission."

What a thunder!

Upon hearing this, the old men fell to the ground, their mouths wide open for a long time.

They looked like they were severely hit.

"No, no, my youngest son is weak--"

Chu Wanfu: "Take those people away and recruit them. When the rain stops, go out and shovel insects first!"

Then he lowered his head and looked at the old men who still wanted to take advantage of their age, and said without mercy:

"If you don't want to, leave the base."

This is to drive them away!

The old man was dumbfounded, as if he didn't expect him to say this.

Chu Wanfu's voice was not small, and he also intended to say it to others.

He straightened his back, with a height of 1.9 meters and strong muscles, and his fierce eyes would bow his head wherever he looked.

"Starting tomorrow, everyone will have to participate in the task of building and defending the base. Moreover, the base implements a contribution system. Houses and resources are no longer free to use. You can exchange the items you need according to the contribution value of the base.

For the specific system arrangements, I will introduce policies later."

Today's incident made Chu Wanfu understand that this place is completely different from the Yinshanling Base.

The residents there have long been accustomed to military management and live their own lives behind closed doors. This place is different. It is completely a mess.

In addition, there are many different races. If a set of management policies are not introduced, I am afraid that there will be more troubles in the future.

Chu Wanfu looked at the poor little soldier who was still washed by the rain.

No one called him, and the safe zone was still lively.

The little soldier wiped the rain off his face and watched the excitement without blinking.

Good fight.

My God, the captain's punch is so handsome and manly. I love it!

Woo, I knew the captain was a good guy——


"Call him back." Chu Wanfu looked at the man lying on the ground and crying in pain, and asked calmly: "Can you speak properly now?"

The man: "...Yes, yes."

Chu Wanfu: "Tell me what happened in detail."

The man was scared by the beating, and dared not miss a word:

"I was just obsessed for a while. Everyone has a wife, but I don't. She looked strange and seemed to have just arrived, so I had other thoughts. But I didn't have time to do anything, so I just touched her."

He remembered the touch of his hands and shuddered in fear.

"She, I just remembered now, she had bumps under her skin at that time! I thought she had too many needles and the blood was not absorbed. But she also had bumps on her chest! On her neck! It was numb!"

He was emotional when he said this.

He stretched out his hands and moved them under the swollen eye slits, trying to see if there were any terrible bugs crawling inside.

When he thought that those were not bumps, but red worms, his scalp tingled!

"What else? Keep going!"

"I really didn't do anything except touching her. She had too many bumps on her body! I thought she was sick, so I knocked her out and put her on the bed. I was planning to buy something here. That's it. As soon as I turned around, the rain started to fall. I was busy collecting the dried vegetables. How could I have the energy to do that?"

He knew that some things couldn't be said.

But the residents who were watching around him showed disgust in their eyes.

No one here is a fool.

Do you really think that others don't know what he did?

What else can happen between men and women?

Looking at his evasive eyes.

Chu Wanfu stepped forward and kicked her hard, "Keep talking!" The man felt the pain, covered his stomach and dared not hide it anymore, crying and shouting: "When I opened the door, the ground was full of those red worms! There were too many! A hundred times more than what we can see now! I was scared, I have never seen so many worms. That woman, that woman kept spitting out of her mouth! The worms burrowed into the soil as soon as they fell, and I couldn't find them at all! I was afraid of being parasitized, so I closed the door and ran away..." Now everything was clear. Doctor Sang and several nurses who had taken care of the woman suddenly realized. No wonder she was in a hurry to leave the city! It turned out that she knew she had worm eggs on her body, and she was afraid of causing trouble to the people here! But she was kidnapped by this black-hearted man before she took a few steps. All this was caused by him! The residents surrounding her now wanted to kill. "The beating was too light!"

"He is the culprit of all this!"

"Beat him to death!"

"All the dried fruits I dried were knocked down by bugs, you have to compensate me!"

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"My child was almost entangled by bugs, it's all your fault!"

The residents were unable to control their excitement, and the more they talked, the closer they came.

In the chaos, no one knew who started the fight first, but they all started to fight.

In the crowd, a young man who was implicated for no reason and beaten for his father, pushed his legs away in front of him, tried to crawl out, and muttered:

"Don't hit me..."

The next second——

"You bastard, turn my legs around, and lock your feet! Ah! Aw~

How could the angry people have any reason at all.

This man has a wound on his face, right?

Beat him up again!

No matter who you are, even if your father comes——

"Let my son go! You bastards! They are going to beat my son to death! ! "

A man with gray hair and wrinkles on his face broke free from his hands that bound his arms and ran over to beat the group of people who wanted to kill him.

The man who was beaten felt pain.

The eyes that turned back were red, and his face was also wrinkled, and his hands were strong.

He pulled him to the ground and punched him with his fists raised.

-Even if he is your father, he has to be beaten!

The shivering little soldier who was changing clothes behind his comrades heard the screams and couldn't help but look sideways.

Tsk tsk.

I didn't expect that they would be so fierce in the fight!

Why pretend to be weak at ordinary times!

Seeing that it was almost over, Chu Wanfu waved his hand for people to stop the fight, and by the way, he registered the names and residences of the strongest fighters.

"Since your fists are so strong, go to the base together to shovel insects tomorrow, and the task of patrolling outside will also be counted as one of yours. "

As soon as these words came out, everyone's face suddenly turned ugly.

How come the punishment finally fell on me?

"General Chu, we--"

"No need to explain, just do as I say."

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