Chu Wanfu looked around with a blank expression.

Who dared to disobey?

First, to make trouble, second, to hit people, and third, to despise his authority as the head of the base?

Everyone retreated in dismay, not daring to really confront him.

This book was first published on πŸ”πŸ— Book Bar β†’πŸ‘πŸžπ•€π•™π•¦.π•Ÿπ•–π•₯, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

In this unfamiliar environment, there are many people of different colors around.

The leader and themselves are of the same skin color, which comforted their hearts to a great extent.

How could they really refute their own face at this moment?

The person in charge of registering information came closer with a pen and a notebook and asked: "Where do you live? What's your name? Tell me everything."

"I live in room A-13, called..."

Chu Wanfu moved his eyes away and fell on the few people who were beaten to a pulp, and finally locked on the man who could be said to be the fuse of this incident.

The other person's body was bruised and swollen.

Like an angry frog.

His eyelids were so swollen that he couldn't open them at all.

I don't know which sinister person was the one who specifically targeted the face.

The man trembled all over, and a cry of pain came out of his throat.

Chu Wanfu frowned.

Just now, he seemed to see something wriggling under his eyelids.

Just when he was suspicious, the man suddenly floated up from the ground.

The safety shield, which had always been only for protection, now surged inward, passed through the crowd, accurately found the man and wrapped him up, and operated outward.

The man in front of him couldn't see clearly and thought someone helped him up, and his swollen lips also bulged.

"Thank you, kind-hearted Yin."

He seemed to be a little itchy, and raised his hand to scratch it.


The split nails hooked off a piece of dead skin, and then a fat fat worm crawled out.


"He's infected!"

"There's a bug! There's a bug!"

Everyone in the safe zone was frightened again. The hands that were pointing out were retracted as if they were burned. While touching their lips, they retreated quickly.

They stayed away from the man, fearing that they would be infected too.

Originally it was just a suspicion, but now it was really confirmed that the bug could be contagious!

The man didn't know, but felt that his mouth was getting more and more itchy, so he reached out to scratch it again.

The tip of his finger just touched the round thing.

It was a little soft.

It moved.

It wrapped around his fingers and his scalp was numb.

At the same time, the protective shield threw people outside.

The rain fell from the sky.


The man who was drenched screamed and rolled wildly on the ground.

His fingers scratched everywhere on his body, leaving blood marks.

"It hurts! Let me in!!!"

His eyes were swollen and he couldn't see anything. He stretched out a hand in extreme panic and probed around, trying to find a place to hide from the wind and rain.

"It's so itchy! My body is so itchy!"

"Someone come to save me!"

"It's all that woman! It's all her!"

"She made me like this, ah ah ah ah!"

The man couldn't bear the severe pain in his body and rolled on the ground in pain.

Countless red worms easily drilled out from the broken skin and swayed in the wind and rain.

The women in the safe zone hugged their children tightly, covering their eyes, and closed their eyes themselves, not daring to look at this horrible scene.

It was just the screams that came from the ears that made people tremble all over and terrified.

Several people who had just fought were shaking all over. Looking at the bright red on their hands, they screamed and fell to the ground with pale faces and eyes rolling back.

Bump, bump.

More than a dozen people fainted in succession.

People nearby retreated more than ten steps. Even relatives did not dare to step forward this time.

Suppressed crying sounded in the safe zone.

Doctor Sang took out the mask and disposable gloves from the medical box, wrapped them tightly, and waved to call people.

"Hurry up and save people!"

She took a few steps quickly, but only heard a few voices following her.

Turning back.

Some doctors and nurses were afraid and hesitated to go over. Seeing her coming, they smiled reluctantly and said:

"... Doctor Sang, the route of infection has not been determined yet. It is best not to go forward. If it is infected, all efforts will be wasted."

Not only them.

Even those family members who fainted did not dare to approach?

Doctors are to save people, but they must also ensure their own safety as a prerequisite.

To put it more bluntly, this is just a job. They are also human beings, not real angels, and do not have eternal life.

Doctor Sang was stunned.

Behind her, in addition to the students she brought with her, there were only two nieces who did not know any medical skills.

Looking around, countless people have an unconscious numbness in their eyes.

A numbness that other people's lives and deaths have nothing to do with oneself!

Doctor Sang suddenly laughed.

"I have been a doctor for 30 years. I have traveled to countless poor areas with my medicine box on my back. I have seen too many different eyes and saved countless people. Whether I was distrusted or questioned about my medical skills, scolded by patients or scolded by leaders, there has never been a moment when I hated myself for studying medicine like I do now!"

She looked at her two nieces and said softly: "Aunt has already embarked on this path, so she must stick to it, right? You still have to find something you like.

No matter how the world changes, you must have something you love to support you through the difficult second half. Go back, I can do this little thing myself. "

After saying that, she looked at her students again, "You all go back, I can do it myself."

She turned and left, not caring about anyone's eyes, and hurried to the person who fainted and began to treat him.

The Sang sisters have different personalities. One leaned over with red eyes, and the other muttered: People die with dicks up to the sky, fuck it.

Sang Yu pulled her sister up and ran to her side.

"Aunt, we are where you are, and we will always support you!"

Not far behind him, Sang Zhengyi hugged his wife who was crying and comforted her carefully.

Looking at his two daughters, his eyes were full of pride.

My daughter has grown up.

My daughter can also stand up to the sky.

Following her, her students ran over.

"Teacher, we will always follow your steps."

"Where the teacher goes, we go. "

"You are always our role model. You don't say much and start treating patients immediately!"

Dr. Sang's emotions are also delicate.

She lowered her head to adjust the equipment, but her nose twitched.

Chu Wanfu seemed to be busy and silent, but he actually saw everything.

He also had his own judgment on the nature of some people.

Xia Yan watched the excitement for a long time and finally set off at this moment.

She first walked to Dr. Sang who was busy.

She whispered: "Don't worry, they are just too frightened, and they are not actually infected. If there is a problem, they will be thrown out by the protective shield like the previous person."

Ignoring the surprise of several people, he walked to Chu Wanfu.

Said with a smile: "General Chu, I have a store rule here, I wonder if you have read it?"

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