Article 1 of the resort hotel rules:

It is strictly forbidden to fight or cause trouble in the store.

Why doesn't the safe area count as inside the store?

Xia Yan smiled normally.

Chu Wanfu and his men beside him were stunned.

Does this count?

Chu Wanfu swore that he smelled the long-lost scent of profiteers from her body.

But he was confident, so he waved his hand to arrange the accommodation of the personnel.

Turning to look at her.


"Of course I remember. I still remember that the first time was a warning, the second time was to remove the blacklist, and the third time was to directly wipe it out."

It was raining continuously, and the sky and the earth were dark.

When Chu Wanfu tilts his head, his slightly thin jawline is sharp and confident.

"Did I remember correctly, Boss Xia?"

Xia Yan: "...I have a very good memory."

Chu Wanfu: "Thank you very much."

Seeing her depressed for the first time, Chu Wanfu felt very happy.

Behind him, his staff had already lined up everyone, looking eagerly at Xia Yan.

After all, the boss still has the final say when it comes to checking into a hotel.

At this time, Dr. Sang and others had also pinched the unconscious people to wake them up.

Get up wobbly.

"Am I in heaven? Or in hell?"

One look.

"Why did you all come down with me?!"

"Are they all dead?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu It's better if we all die, and we can still be neighbors."

‘Underground Neighbors’:…

Otherwise, he'd still be in a coma.

After all, such inhuman words make people angry.

Xia Yan patted the non-existent dust on his hands and said leisurely:

"Oh, arrange a place to stay."

Chu Wanfu felt that he was happy too early.

But he didn't expect Xia Yan to just look at him with a smile, a frank and selfless look on his face.

"General Chu, why are you panicking? I won't charge you anything, trust me."


There is indeed no arbitrary charge.


Chu Wanfu looked at his group being arranged on the far side, the side infinitely close to the mountain, and raised his forehead.

"Is this a good location? Because you don't have enough beds, I specially arranged you here."

Xia Yan pressed the hammock.

Pretty solid.

"You can't let them sleep on the ground, right? This hammock is so nice. When the breeze blows, you can still look at the sea view and stars when you can't sleep. 20 points a night is really a discount."

What else could Chu Wanfu say?

Look at the group of soldiers, which one is not happily setting up a hammock?

Not bad actually.

Soldiers have never lived anywhere.

You can still spend the night in places with worse conditions than this.

At least it's safe here.

"Thank you."


Sleeping until midnight, Chu Wanfu suddenly sensed something.

When I looked up, I saw that the sky on Lidai Island was still bright and the stars were shining.

But there was still a faint sound of "boom - boom" in my ears.

In Lidai Island, which is very quiet and has no insect chirping, the sound is actually not too quiet.

Soon, the soldiers who were sleeping peacefully nearby opened their eyes one after another.

He silently rolled down the hammock, grabbed the supernatural gun, and looked around cautiously.

Chu Wanfu: "It's not the movement here."

In the distance, in the central square, all their inhabitants were sleeping quietly.

The entire Lidai Island has a quiet and peaceful atmosphere.

So where does this sound come from?

A soldier suddenly said: "Boss Xia is here!"

Chu Wanfu looked over.

I saw Boss Xia yawning, still wearing a nightgown and slippers, and his eyes were bleary.

It was as if someone had suddenly pulled him out of bed.

The scene switches to ten minutes ago.

Xia Yan slept soundly.

【Red warning! ! ! 】

[The hurricane is approaching Ridai Island, and a large amount of raw materials are about to arrive]

[Ask the shopkeeper to handle it]

[This is only a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, please don’t miss it because of snooze! 】

In addition to several bright red interfaces, there are also passionate explanations of the system.

Xia Yan woke up from his sleep instantly.

Mainly, she had never seen the system so excited.

【Given for free! For free! 】

[Hurry, hurry, they are coming! 】

【! ! ! 】

Seeing a series of exclamation points, Xia Yan completely lost the last trace of sleepiness.


For free?

Then love it!

Whatever you want to sleep on, wake up and be happy!

Xia Yan casually put on a long coat and went straight to Lidai Island without even bothering to change his shoes.

As soon as I stepped on the soft gravel, I heard a rumble in the distance.

Take out the ultra-high-power telescope and take a look.

Xia Yan clicked his tongue excitedly.

In the mirror, the waves were as high as dozens of stories, approaching in darkness.

At the same moment, Chu Wanfu and his men also showed expressions of disbelief.

"Look over there! The waves! Super high waves are coming!"

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger.

One glance is enough to make you lose your soul!

I saw rows of huge waves rushing forward on the farthest seashore, rushing towards all obstacles in front.

24 small islands surround the main island and are the ones closest to the dark ocean.

Chu Wanfu looked around and suddenly found that huge waves like mountains were rumbling from all directions!

What I just heard was the sound of waves!


A hurricane is actually here? !

"General Chu, what should we do? Transfer now?"

The men were slightly panicked as they looked at the coming tsunami.

Should all residents be moved to the Inyama Castle base?

Although it is winter there, it is a plain and far away from the sea.

No matter how rough the waves are, it can't run to the grassland!

Chu Wanfu said, "Pick up your telescope and take a closer look. Do you see that Boss Xia looks a little worried?"

Subordinate: "..."

In the camera, I saw Boss Xia smiling "crazy".

General Chu, from such a long distance, she can't hear you even if you speak loudly...

Not so subtle!

"Let's go over and have a look."

Before he even got close, Boss Xia had already boarded the speedboat, pressed the switch, and rushed out.

All that was left to them was clear water.

The men were cautious: "...General, let's... go back?"

Chu Wanfu looked at the only clear moon above his head and said, "No, follow me back to the villa."


Xia Yan galloped all the way and reached the first contact point shining with azure light.

Then she pressed her hand up.

Thin blue lines flashed across her palm, and after confirming her identity, a giant filter that only she could see appeared under the water.

This is a sea passage that leads directly to the bottom of Ridai Island.

It is roughly estimated that the length and width are 30 meters each. It is completely transparent and has a hint of golden color. It extends from the protective cover to the center of the bottom of Lidai Island.

She pulled back.

Then it was time for her to move on to the next touchpoint.

Xia Yan glanced at the approaching waves, twisted his right hand hard, and the speedboat rushed out like a bullet.

There are a total of eight blue contacts near Ridai Island, and she needs to go to them one by one to unlock them.

Compared to the hard work of her and her staff carrying seafood.

Where can nature's generous gifts come so quickly?

Xia Yan leaned down, her hair dancing wildly behind her, and the high waves approaching in the distance were overwhelming and powerful.

There was only a little blue light in her eyes.

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