"What is she doing?"

Chu Wanfu held a telescope and stood at the top of the villa, following Xia Yan's figure. 6̾̾

When the men saw her driving for a while, they stopped for a while and made strange gestures with their hands.

After blindly guessing for a long time, he murmured: "Maybe it's running a superpower?"

When the leader asks questions, he has to reply, so he can just fool him.

Don't ask, ask is answered.


Chu Wanfu's hand holding the telescope was as steady as an old dog's, so he treated it as if he farted randomly.

After Xia Yan made a circle around Lidai Island, the wind and waves on the sea were approaching.

It was so dark that it was dozens of meters high.

The speedboat is like an ant falling into the sea, and it can be submerged easily.

Along with the huge waves came dark clouds that were broken up by the storm.

During the collision, thick purple lightning flashed out, almost bursting the entire sky.

Xia Yan drove the speedboat back to Lidai Island and looked up.

The dark clouds in the distance are gradually swallowing up the last stars and moon, and the sky and earth are pitch black.

Thunder boomed seconds after seeing the light.

It directly woke up the residents who were sleeping deeply.

They rubbed their eyes and sat up, not knowing what was happening nearby.

The moment they looked up, they saw huge mountain-like waves crashing down with a loud crash.

His face turned pale instantly.

When a person encounters extreme fright, his whole body becomes limp and weak, his neck feels as if someone is strangling him tightly, and he is unable to say a word.

When your chest hurts so much that you can't hold back your breath and you're about to scream.

They saw Boss Xia on the opposite side, putting his index finger between his lips.


"be quiet."

Behind her, the protective shield guarding Lidai Island flashed brightly and caught the roaring waves.

"Don't worry, it's okay."

Xia Yan controlled the background and turned all the street lights back on.

Lidai Island suddenly lit up with a warm glowing light, illuminating the panic-stricken residents.

Seeing that Boss Xia was so calm and there was no sign of the protective shield being broken, everyone calmed down and looked at the huge waves coming up in the distance.

There were waves of fear in my heart.

From Xia Yan's perspective, every time a wave hits the protective shield, it sends a pile of seafood into the channel below.

There are all kinds of things, teeth and claws showing, very lively.

The entire Ridai Island was shrouded in sky blue, and the originally clear sea water was clearly revealed. The passage was filled with seafood that was slowly being purified.

At the same time, some attentive customers discovered.

Not far away, there is an official detox shop, and all entrances have prohibition seals.

But it shows the working status.

The red progress bar at the top is long, deep, and folded in half. If it weren't for the numerical prompts next to it, it would be impossible to tell that the progress is increasing.

If someone dives into the central lake of the island to take a look at this time, they will find a few petite shrimps and crabs in the deepest place, as if their black shells have faded, revealing the transparent soft shells inside.

Then he jumped and disappeared behind the rugged rocks at the bottom of the lake.

A panel appeared in front of Xia Yan, which displayed:

The progress of purifying seafood is 0.0001%.

Seeing that everything was on track, she yawned and didn't want to stay here and stand guard any longer.

"Boss Xia, is this really okay?"

After all, the rumbling tsunamis kept hitting the protective shield, and the momentum alone was scary enough.

Moreover, they have never heard of anything that can withstand the power of nature.

Someone has already picked up the quilt and plans to rest in the safe area for a night.

You can sleep anywhere anyway, but the tsunami can't go there, right?

Xia Yan looked at the doubtful faces and comforted them.

"It's no problem. Don't worry, everyone. The protective shield can withstand a lot of pressure. The storm is not enough, so don't worry."

After saying that, Xia Yan didn't care whether everyone could understand or not. He turned around and returned to his villa, took off his coat, got into the quilt and closed his eyes to sleep comfortably.

This group of customers looked at the newly lit private island in the vast sea.

Under the waves tens of meters high, light like fireflies swayed.

Everyone was doubtful and spread out their quilts and lay down again.

"Is it really okay?"

"Boss Xia has gone back to sleep, he should be fine."

"This TN feels like a dream every day. Have any of you ever heard of glass that can withstand hurricanes?"

"It's not called glass, it's a protective shield!"

"Whatever it is, have you ever seen something so awesome?"

"...That's not the case."

"Good boy, incredible."


At nine o'clock in the morning, the weather in Lidai Island was gloomy and dark, and the sea was still windy and rough.

With the light from the street lamp next to them, customers found a place to sit down, slowly ate their breakfast, and looked at the storm that had not stopped in the distance.

During the day, although everything on the sea is not clear yet, it can be seen clearly.

Compared to what I saw hazily last night, the scene in front of me now is even more shocking!

Looking at the mountain-like waves slamming against the protective shield, they all felt very insignificant even though they were far away.

Like a pebble on the beach, unable to struggle in the face of the incoming waves.

The power of nature is both terrifying and fierce.

The sound is much smaller after being filtered by the protective cover.

The residents, who were half asleep and half awake, were sleepy at the moment, but they also wanted to open their eyes and take a closer look at the rare scene in front of them.

After all, it was a super close-up, high-definition, real-name viewing.

Chu Wanfu had previously sent people to the safe zone to check the situation - there was also continuous rain there.

It was estimated that the wind had been blowing all night, and some unbuilt, light-textured roofs were lifted up and blown away.

It seems that after the rain stops, the houses have to be reinforced.

Chu Wanfu ate something simple, led the people to change into heavy clothes, passed through the holiday gate, and returned to the Yinshanling base to prepare for the transfer of personnel.

Doctor Sang was explaining the wound cleaning and disinfection matters to her two nieces.

Since the two children decided to study hard, she, as an aunt, would naturally not hide anything.

The three of them wandered among the crowd. After what happened yesterday, everyone knew this kind-hearted doctor Sang. When he saw them coming, although he didn't say anything, he took the initiative to retract his legs and feet to facilitate their passage.

After dinner, there is a rare leisure time.

People who are used to being busy all the time can't stay still at all.

Some people went back to the safe area to take a look, and when they came back, their faces turned gray and they had no energy at all.

Someone asked him what happened?

He said dejectedly: "It's all gone, the roof was blown away, and the food I hid inside was probably blown away by the wind."

"Ah? I also put all the dried food in the cabinet, could it be blown away by the wind?"

"I don't know, many houses have no roofs. It's still raining over there, and although there are fewer insects on the ground, I didn't dare to go over to take a closer look."

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