Xia Yan threw the finished lunch box into the trash can nearby.

Stepping on the hard floor, she walked towards the storage area while looking at the newly rebuilt Ridai Island.

Since street lights are installed every 50 meters on the island, in the dim weather at this moment, the street lights are all turned on, and the entire Ridai Island is brightly lit.

The supermarket's light signs are even more eye-catching.

In the center of the island is the dazzling rental department, which leads to the roof of the building and the boss's office area. She can stand there and look out at the island.

๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Bar

The island owner is Xia Yan.

That was the absolute supreme right visible to the naked eye, and everyone would stand downstairs and look up at her.

Worship, admiration, surrender to the strong and crazy passion.

It's like looking at God.

Xia Yan had goosebumps on her arms.

This stuff is poisonous and will make you want to stop eating.

Xia Yan shook his head, shaking all the emotions he shouldn't have out of his head.

Don't have too many desires, or you will lose control.

Especially since she has the ability to take the lives of living people at will, she must stick to her heart.

Xia Yan came to the location marked with the storage area and stood there.

This area was the first area she stayed in.

Ridai Island has an area of โ€‹โ€‹430,000 square meters. According to background data, the mountain area has 80,000 square meters, the residential and commercial areas have an area of โ€‹โ€‹100,000 square meters, the leisure area has 30,000 square meters, and the storage area has 120,000 square meters.

On the road she just walked, she had already thought about how to plan.

According to the different needs of different customers, the storage area is also divided into different areas of storage space.

For example, starting from the smallest grid cabinet, the usable space inside is one square meter.

Further up, there are 10 square meters, 50 square meters, 100 square meters, 500 square meters, 1,000 square meters and 10,000 square meters.

The rent is calculated based on time and area.

The standard is that the minimum rent is one month, and the corresponding points are charged according to the area multiplied by 10.

30 points for a lattice cabinet, 300 points for ten square meters, 500 points for fifty square meters, one thousand points, five thousand points, ten thousand points and one hundred thousand points.

In order to provide visual comfort, Xia Yan decided to build the largest storage space of 10,000 square meters near the mountain.

The ones in front are those with one thousand square meters, those with five hundred square meters, and so on.

The area of โ€‹โ€‹the storage area is 3*40,000 square meters. 4 storage spaces can be built vertically for 10,000 square meters, and 40 storage spaces can be built for 1,000 square meters.

For the very large storage space, she has only built one for display and promotion.

However, the price of small square meters is low and easy to rent, so there are not so many worries.

200 units of 100 square meters will be built in rows, 400 units of 50 square meters, 2,000 units of 10 square meters, and 20,000 units of 1 square meter.

The grid cabinet has only two layers, upper and lower, making it easier for customers to access things.

Xia Yan still installed warning fences around the storage area.

In order to ensure the efficiency of customers getting materials, customers who rent storage space can choose to walk or teleport to their destination at the entrance. During the walk, they can also choose to teleport back to the destination at any time.

Otherwise, with a huge area of โ€‹โ€‹120,000 square meters, it wonโ€™t be a problem to walk around for a whole day.

The group of people sitting in the center of the square watched the area change silently.

Large express boxes were pulled up from the ground one after another, like bamboo shoots springing up after the rain. They took shape just like a blink of an eye.

"What it is?"

"I don't know, it looks like a express locker."

"Boss Xia is going to do logistics?"

"Who is the partner? Is there anyone still open for business on this land?"

A group of people looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes, but they just couldn't figure out what she wanted to do.

Xia Yan finally installed a self-service check-in machine at the entrance and it was complete.

She returned to the center of the square, faced the very curious customers, and introduced the function of the storage space and the rental fee:

"Today I heard a customer say that all the fruits and vegetables she had dried were blown away by the strong wind, and her hard work for more than half a month was in vain."

"Indeed, not everyone has space powers, and food is the most urgently needed material in all bases. If you don't have food, you will starve to death. No matter how many crystal cores you have, you can't buy too muchโ€”โ€” I believe everyone has seen traders raise prices at the same price.โ€

"In order to solve everyone's urgent needs, I have built a new storage area. The area can be rented starting from one square meter. The fee is a minimum of 30 points per month, and only the renter can open the storage space."

"Here at my place, you don't have to worry about someone snatching your things, or your supplies being swallowed up - I believe that no one has more supplies than me."

When Xia Yan said this, he placed the sign with the conditions and instructions for renting the storage area that he had made in advance in front of everyone.

"The specific prices are explained here. If there are interested customers, they can go to the front to find out."

The crowd suddenly bubbled out of nowhere like boiling water and began to boil.

Wu Yangyang got up from the ground and surrounded Xia Yan, so excited that his eyes lit up!

Sang Yu widened his eyes and asked, "Is it real or fake? Is it like a space superpower?"

Xia Yan: "It's different. The space of space superpowers is portable. The storage space here is fixed in Lidai Island. Only when you come here can you access the materials inside."

An aunt rubbed her hands together excitedly: "Boss Xia, if I want to put live animals in it, can it? Chickens, ducks, seafood, etc.!"

Xia Yan shook his head: "The storage space is airtight, similar to the existence of a vacuum, and can only remain the same as when it came in. Like your dried fruits and vegetables, they can be kept for a long time."

Sang Zhengyi touched his chin and asked the key question: "Then is there a limit on who can rent it?"

Xia Yan shook his head again: "No."

No limit!!

Everyone can afford it!

The crowd clapped their hands excitedly and cheered: "It's so awesome!"

"Even if I'm a woman, I can afford to rent it by killing a zombie!"

"No need to worry about having no place to hide the food in your hand!"

A little girl with two pigtails lifted up, jumped up and shouted: "Sister Xia, why are you like Doraemon, you have everything you want?!"

The other children happily circled around her, and their faces flushed as they repeated:

"Dinger! Dinger! Sister Xia is Doraemon~"

In the crowd, the aunt who cried the most sadly before laughed with red eyes and nose.

"Finally I have my own independent space. I won't have to worry about having no place to put my things, or having them blown away by the wind or stolen by some thieves!"

But when she thought of the lost things, her heart ached.

The same emotion caused several women around her to feel sad.

"Hey, who said it wasn't true? But there is hope as long as people are alive. When the rain stops, let's rent a team and go out to dig 'wild vegetables' together!"

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