I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 321 Rent! Rent all!

Seeing someone inviting her to form a team, the woman finally burst into laughter and nodded heavily.

"What's going on? So lively?"

Chu Wanfu led a group of soldiers to arrive belatedly.

Stepping on the soft and delicate beach, he calmly looked around, taking in all the changes in Lidai Island.

Finally, he turned his attention to the group of crying and laughing residents.

Could it be related to the express cabinets behind them?

Chu Wanfu couldn't think of any other reasons.

The residents turned around and saw him very kindly, eager to tell the whole world the good news.

That is - they also have space to store things!

As the saying goes, three women make a play, and there are more than three here.

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Coupled with the excited men and children, they all spoke at the same time, and their chirping voices instantly drowned out the sound of the huge waves crashing hard on the safety cover!

Chu Wanfu smiled perfunctorily and his eyes fell on the explanation sign next to Xia Yan.

Explaining at the speed of one glance and ten lines with the enthusiastic crowd, his eyes quickly widened in shock.

"Boss Xia, because we have cooperated many times, 10,000 square meters of storage space must be rented to me!! I will rent as many as there are!!!"

Xia Yan on the side was so frightened that his branches trembled.

"Don't you usually keep it in the villa?"

Chu Wanfu waved his hand proudly, "There is no other way. I just used the villa as a warehouse. Now that I have the conditions, who will waste the natural resources!"

The men were shocked: "General! How arrogant!"

His subordinates flattered him: "General Chu, as soon as you said these words, you are so heroic! Your image is extremely tall! You are the god in my heart!"

Residents around them were counting the rent on their fingers.

“Oh my god, I’ll get 400,000 points a month!!”

"General Chu, you are too talented!"

"General Chu, I wonder if you still need an accountant from Tuan Nucleus. I used to be a CPA and led countless bankruptcies. If you need -"

"Hey, the one in front is too much! If you say that, then I won't be polite - I am a master's degree from Niu Jing University, a experienced senior lawyer, we don't have a business card, shaking hands is considered a friend! You are so I’m determined to be my friend!”

"Well, I used to work as a housekeeper. Do you need cleaning in General Chu's villa? No salary is required, just a place to live!"

Suddenly, the trend in the crowd changed and it turned into a large-scale talent recruitment fair.

Crowds of people came forward, raising their arms high and shaking them vigorously under Chu Wanfu's eyes.

"General, look at me, I'm strong and can do anything!"

"If you don't want to test the poison, I, the thief, can eat it!"

The men guarding Chu Wanfu were unlucky. Before he could open his mouth, he was slapped on the face. Who knew who had a bad heart? They thought he was in the way and pinched the soft flesh of his waist!

It hurts!

"Queue up and register! Someone will be sent to contact you if necessary!"

Xia Yan didn't expect to be able to rent out the four largest storage spaces right away. Seeing Chu Wanfu, he found it much more pleasing to the eye, squinting and waving to him with a smile.

Chu Wanfu pushed through the crowded crowd and walked over.

Xia Yan said: "I will take you to see the storage warehouse first. If you rent it all, I can also open it up according to your requirements and make it into a very large warehouse."

Without further ado, Chu Wanfu was afraid that the duck he had obtained would fly away again, so he casually pulled out a soldier from the crowd and shouted in his ear:

"Hurry up and call the brothers with space powers, and arrange for them to offload their responsibilities immediately!"

Over the years, I have accumulated a lot of wealth.

Chu Wanfu excitedly arranged the follow-up work tasks in his heart:

The first step is to transfer the residents from the Yinshan Ridge base.

Second, you must seize the time to collect vegetables and fruits to fill the granary.

Article 3: Continue to expand the search scope and rescue more survivors.

Article 4: Once experimental data from soil samples are obtained, if planting can be realized, land can be distributed to residents and seeds can be distributed, truly achieving food freedom!

The last thing is to completely eradicate the local forces and bring the local area under your own control!

Chu Wanfu looked at the low-hanging dark clouds, his sharp eyesight seemed to penetrate through the thick clouds, and he could see the colorful rainbow hidden behind at a glance.

He clenched his fist to his lips, firm and strong, and very confident.

In less than a minute, all the space users under him came over panting, and lined up in order.

When Xia Yan saw everyone gathered, he led the team towards the storage area.

While waiting for someone, she set up a new door in the backstage - a gate every 500 meters in the storage area. All customers who rent storage space can choose to move to their destination instantly through the nearest gate.

Following the team were all the residents of the base.

They looked at the low fence and wondered why they had to go through that door when they could step over it with their feet.

"What's the difference?" someone asked in a low voice.

The aunt shook her head: "I don't know. Could it be that it looks better when you walk in?"

‘CPA’ said: “Quality! This is called quality!”

The ‘lawyer’ snorted coldly: “You’re just pretending.”

‘CPA’ fumed: “How did you say that? What kind of level are you, and you’re worthy of me?! Boss Xia! This person is damaging—Uh-huh!”

Xia Yan turned around.

I saw the 'lawyer' covering someone's mouth and laughing at her.

"Don't listen to his nonsense. I just can't stand people pretending to be stupid. I always want to confront him. Go ahead! Don't pay attention to him."

Xia Yan pretended to understand and nodded, and said:

"There is a protective shield on the fence. No one can cross it. The protective shield will absorb the attack and bounce it back. For your own safety, it is recommended to enter from the door."

As she said, she took the lead in crossing the door of the storage area.

But nothing happened. She stood behind the door, turned her head and looked at everyone through the small fence.

Even the wind blowing the delicate hair on her face was very clear.

This made people who were excited to expect the visual explosion effect very disappointed.

"I thought it was very cool, alas."

"Boss Xia said it before. He only rented the space to us. Why do we need a bicycle?"

"That being said, I always feel that Boss Xia is very powerful. Whatever he does is earth-shattering. This time is so calm..."

Chu Wanfu turned a deaf ear to the chattering behind him and walked in.

The space ability user followed in.

At this time, they found something wrong.

"Eh? Where are they?!"

"How come they disappeared in the blink of an eye?"

"Did they teleport away?"

"So fast? Come on, let's go in and take a look!"

"Yes, I still have to rent a locker."

"Are you crazy? The rent will start charging now, and we don't know when the rain will stop. Let's rent it after the rain stops!"

"...That's right, then let's go in and take a look!"

"Let's go, let's go and watch the fun."

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