As they spoke, the onlookers tugged at their clothes, adjusted their cuffs, and looked around.

When someone stepped into the door, they counted to three seconds and still were not "kicked out", and then they breathed a sigh of relief.

They called the people around them: "Let's go, go in and open your eyes."

They stepped into the door.

Then everyone was stunned on the spot, saying in disbelief:

"No way? What's going on?!"

Sang Yu squeezed in the crowd, holding her aunt's arm and letting it go unconsciously, pointing forward, extremely shocked!

"How is this possible!"

They appeared in an extremely wide independent space, with countless doors on the four white walls. Behind the door they just entered, they could still see the beach scenery outside.


There were 300 self-service machines on the site, and the screens were shining with white light.

Opposite is a large-screen virtual display interface, with the remaining number of storage spaces on the top and pictures of various areas below, plus fees and rental instructions.

The entire space is designed without lights, but it is extremely bright, making people feel as if they are at the scene of cutting-edge technology.

General Chu and his men who came in first have completed the formalities.

Chu Wanfu only heard an electronic sound in his ear-

"Processing successful, do you want to transfer to the destination?"

He looked at the display screen again, and the inventory of ten thousand square meters on it was zero.


There was no adverse reaction. As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes blurred and several people appeared at the end of the storage area.

The soldiers would not swear easily, but at this moment they finally couldn't help but sighed in a low voice.


Chu Wanfu looked at the only square blue wave space in front of him, similar to the Water Cube, and his name gradually appeared on it.

This space belongs to Chu **!

No strangers are allowed to approach!

Chu Wanfu felt his blood rushing to his head, his eyes sparkling, and he almost blurted out words of emotion!

The soldiers around him blushed, their chests puffed out, and their palms clasped tightly at the seams of their pants.

With bright eyes, they looked at the storage space that belonged to them, and they were full of energy!

Go back and take back everything that can be used on this island!

Yes, everything!!

We must revitalize our Dahua!

Xia Yan pointed his finger in the void, and within three seconds, three identical blue water cubes appeared out of thin air next to each other and next to each other.

Looking along, it was a long line with no end in sight, very spectacular.

Xia Yan looked up at the upper space, and suddenly thought of something, and smiled at Chu Wanfu: "Congratulations, these storage spaces are all yours."

"Go in and take a look? If you have any special requirements, I can help adjust them."

Chu Wanfu turned his head from this side to that side, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise, not hiding his great mood.

He was about to reach out and push the door, and suddenly found that it was a wavy wall with nothing on it.

Where is the door?

It stands to reason that such a smart transmission would not be transmitted to the back of the storage space.

Could it be another high-tech technology?

The soldiers behind him also looked around. Although they wanted to help, they could not disband without the order of General Chu.

Xia Yan, who was standing aside, found the usage introduction in the background.

"General Chu, for the first time, you need to put your palm on the wall to confirm the opening. You don't need to do that in the future. As long as you get close, the door will open automatically."

In fact, the instructions for using the storage space were very detailed in the hall just now, but they left too quickly and didn't have time to read it carefully, so this embarrassing scene appeared in front of them.

This was also the first time Xia Yan encountered it, but she could find it accurately in the background.

Chu Wanfu gently put his right hand close to the wall.

I saw circles of ripples appearing at the place where he touched, as if there was substance, rising above the wall and surging continuously.

I suddenly felt a warm heat in my palm, which climbed along the meridians to my wrist and disappeared at the position of the score card. Then the score card was slightly hot.

He lifted his sleeves and saw that the score card was flashing constantly, prompting him that there was a new function-storage space.

Clicking it, there was a floor plan of the space, and the usage was 0%.

The extra information was not displayed for the time being.

Chu Wanfu thought it was not that simple.

The wall had been expanded to a large door that could accommodate several people walking side by side, and the inside was empty.

"Throw something in and see."

A soldier walked out from behind him, took out a ballpoint pen from the space, and threw it in casually. The ballpoint pen rolled several times and stopped.

Chu Wanfu raised his wrist, and the floor plan changed at this moment, adding two new options.

The first one can rename the storage space, the second one can choose whether to publish personal name information to the public, and the third one is the black and white list of people allowed to enter.

There is also a note at the back: In the presence of the person, everyone can stay for a maximum of 3 hours at a time, and the daily limit is three times.

At the bottom of the floor plan, there is a very small item lying, and the usage of the side has increased slightly.

He tried it a little.

The floor plan was reduced to one side, and the item instantly became larger, revealing its original appearance. Even the worn font on it was very clear, and the information on its right was explained.

[1. Ballpoint pen, quantity: 1, storage time: November 23, *** 11:34:47]

\u003ctt_keyword_ad data-title="Tools app" data-tag="Recommended products" data-type="1" data-value="1keyword_ad\u003e

This information can only be seen by the person who rented it.

Only he can control and modify it.

Very private, very considerate.

Chu Wanfu exited to the main interface and then rolled down his sleeves.

"Let's go in and take a look."

They were wearing thick-soled military boots, which made a crisp sound when they knocked on the slate tiles when they walked.

But after walking into the storage space, this sound was like stepping on sound-absorbing cotton, very quiet, but there was no soft touch on the soles of the feet, and it was still hard.

Looking around the huge space, Xia Yan said:

"If you think the space here is too long and it's too strenuous to walk every time, I can also turn the space into a building and put it up vertically. Don't worry, the upper and lower spaces are connected, and a freight elevator can be installed. You only need to pay a little more points. ”

She saw this when she was looking for the owner's special instructions.

Chu Wanfu shook his head, "No need, I have a car, this is fine."

Xia Yan shrugged, not forcing him.

"It's up to you, once it's confirmed, it can't be changed. Do you have any other questions? If not, I'll leave first."

Seeing him shake his head again, Xia Yan said goodbye and returned to the storage area hall.

In total, she had not been away for a long time, but she saw that there was a countdown time above everyone's head. When there was one minute left, the font turned red.

These times were visible to everyone. At first, they were a little panicked, after all, everyone was afraid of blood-red things.

It always makes people think of bad things.

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