Everyone thought it was a bomb and stood there without daring to move.

Looking at the decreasing numbers above each other's heads, their hearts were about to jump out.

(Please remember πŸ”πŸ— book bar β†’ 96𝔰π”₯𝔲.𝔫𝔒𝔱 website, watch the fastest chapter update)

"What is going on?"

"Why did this thing suddenly appear without any signs?"

"Where is Boss Xia, come out quickly, I'm going to die..."

Just when everyone was panicking, the top of the big screen in the front appeared with a continuous scrolling word, accompanied by an electronic sound in the hall:

"Please note that customers who have not handled any business will be driven away after three minutes. If they enter three times in a row without handling any tasks, they will be punished with a one-minute electric shock.

Please read and listen to this explanation carefully, and do not break the rules."

So that's it!

As long as they are not asked to die, everything is fine!

Sang Yu wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked at her father: "Are we still renting a locker?"

I don't think so. A place as big as a villa is much better than here.

Sang Zhengyi looked at the countdown with one minute left above her head, pulled his people and walked outside.

"What's the point of renting? Isn't the villa good? Just come in and learn about the situation. The crystal core is in your pocket, so of course you have to save money."

"Let's go outside and take a look. If it doesn't rain, we'll hurry up and go out to pick fruits!"

Some customers who wanted to experience everything shook their legs and found someone whose time was only two seconds different. They looked at each other, looked at the number that gradually returned to zero, and shouted:

"Time's up!"

Instantly attracted the attention of the people around them.

The two were seen floating in the air, as if they were lifted up by something, and a large hole appeared on the wall.

The two people's bodies retreated one meter uncontrollably in the air, and then they were thrown out.

While the cave entrance was not closed yet, the customers inside could see the two people sliding and sitting on the beach intact, looking back with excitement.

"It's so fun!"

"It reminds me of the death swing!"

Xia Yan was very upset.

There were quite a few customers who applied for rental, and they were teleported away immediately, stuffing all their belongings hidden on their bodies into the storage space.

The points card on their wrists also had a new function.

[In the storage space: 20 crystal cores]

Looking at this number, they smiled secretly.

Finally, they didn't have to hide it on their bodies and always worry about it. They also had a space to store things. In the future, they could finally hunt zombies without worries!

Just like the numbers on the bank card, the longer the better! More sense of security!

But at the same time, there were still many customers waiting and watching.

They were waiting for the rain to stop outside and for the first batch of dry goods to be dried before they were ready to come and rent a storage space.

Otherwise, wouldn't they have paid points for nothing during this period?

As for the crystal core in the pocket, don't worry, everyone dares to come and snatch the crystal core from a team of powerful people with various superpowers.

When the time was about to return to zero, these people turned around and left.

Xia Yan looked at the panel in the center of the hall. The maximum number of spaces at the top was increased to 4.

Just now, she suddenly thought.

Why must Chu Wanfu's storage space be placed vertically?

When someone comes to rent it later, can't she install it in the upper space?

The area on the ground is limited, but the space upward is unlimited.

Keep adding upwards, add to the top, and then install an elevator or something else later, isn't it?


The heavy rain has been going on for a week.

This morning, Xia Yan opened the curtains and found that the clouds outside were very thin and transparent. The white halo behind the clouds could be seen with the naked eye. The heavy rain gradually turned smaller as early as midnight.

At this moment, only thin rain lines were blown sideways by the wind, splashing circles of ripples on the puddles.

"The rain is going to stop." She muttered.

After changing into a suit with thin cotton, she first walked into Lidai Island and looked around.

The clear sea water was still blue, and the eight huge pipes deep into the seabed were full of shrimps, crabs and seafood, and golden halos swept across them.

Because the number was too large, the purification speed was very slow.

Xia Yan roughly estimated that it would take another week to completely purify it.

It doesn't matter, she has the most time.

Wait slowly, don't rush.

There are not many customers in Lidai Island at the moment. It is estimated that the rain outside is about to stop, and the customers are always thinking about their own houses. They are no longer in the mood to sit here.

Xia Yan walked through the resort gate, returned to the hall, and looked out along the transparent floor-to-ceiling windows.

The safe zone was indeed crowded with people standing or sitting.

From time to time, there was a sound of sucking in cold air.

"What are they looking at?"

Xia Yan asked Zhikang who was cleaning on the side.

Xiongxiong has been working in the grocery store at the branch store for a while, and the cleaning of the main store hall basically falls on Zhikang.

In fact, he doesn't have to do it himself, after all, Xia Yan has arranged two or three employees.

But Zhikang said: "I'm used to being guided by Xiongxiong every day. I always feel that they don't clean the sanitation carefully enough, and the corners are not cleaned properly. Anyway, I'm idle anyway, and I won't be tired from doing some work."

Seeing him like this, Xia Yan had to say: "Take a rest after you finish the work. It's raining today, how can there be so much dust."

Zhikang smiled and nodded, and replied to her previous question: "General Chu led people to clean up the bugs early in the morning. I guess the customers feel disgusted by the bugs."

"Did you see what kind of worm they dug out?"

"Hmm...it looks a bit like a wireworm, a larger version."

Xia Yan found the animated picture she had seen before in her mind. The worm's body was twisting and twisting, which was indeed a bit disgusting.

She didn't want to be abused, but the movement in the crowd was too attractive to a person with a strong curiosity.

Speaking of which, she was sometimes so weird. She knew that it would cause physical discomfort, but her mind was full of urgings to go and see.

She hypnotized herself.

Who else? !

Her reason told her not to go, but her legs had their own ideas.

When she came to her senses, she was already standing in front of the protective shield.

She saw a group of tightly wrapped pioneers, two people in a group, one holding an insecticide and a flamethrower, and the other holding a shovel and shoveling the ground heavily.

She stepped hard on the shovel, as if she wanted to cut the worm in two.

Her powerful hands held the shovel handle and pressed down, digging out the fresh, muddy black soil.

Another person swept over the soil block and looked into the pit after confirming that there were no insects.

The puddle on the side slowly flowed down to the lower place, along the pit wall.

The bottom of the pit, which was originally empty, was flooded by rainwater, and a long red worm suddenly emerged!


The man quickly pressed the insecticide, and saw the red worm twisting its body more violently, looking very scary.

At this time, a shovel fell from the sky and directly cut the worm in half.

Looking at the worm body twisting wildly on the ground, a steady voice came from behind the isolation cover:

"Don't waste insecticide, I'll do it."

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