I run a resort hotel in the end times

Chapter 325 Reconstruction

Jing Yimai picked up the shovel again and continued working silently.

After a while, footsteps came from beside me again.

Kick, kick, kick.

Step through the puddles to get closer.

Jing Yimai felt a little annoyed and simply turned his back.

"Brother Jing, let me help you."

The visitor is Little Lilac.

Jing Yimai's movements froze, what was she doing here?

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"No, you go back to Uncle Liu."

He always felt helpless towards this savior.

The other party is naturally very clear about his feelings, but he always feels that this is a kind of greedy mentality. After all, he has had it before...

"Uncle is here too, boy, don't be too moved." Uncle Liu was wearing rain boots, with his back to his daughter and winking at him.

Forced, involuntary, casual...

Jing Yimai sighed silently, picked up the shovel and continued working.

By basically one or two o'clock in the afternoon, the base was completely cleaned up.

Every corner has been turned over several times.

The plant-type superpower planted insect-repellent plants next to the wall, and planted a row of vines with super strangulating power five meters outside the wall.

Chu Wanfu took out various insecticides that he had saved before and asked people to sprinkle them in while digging the soil.

I looked at the shelf life on it and wondered:

I wonder if poison will become more poisonous after it expires?

"Let's make some arrangements. Send a few teams out to look for supplies. It's best to bring back a few mixers. The ground in the base needs to be rebuilt, and they have to look for cement, sand and the like."

Chu Wanfu frowned and looked at the black mud road full of puddles in the base, and decided to put road construction on the agenda.

After several days of strong winds, the base was in a mess. Several houses were even blown away, including the wooden windows and doors of the simple hospital. Everything inside that could not be taken away was blown away by the wind.

Not to mention the house without a roof, furniture, bedding, and daily utensils were all swept up into the sky.

At this moment, the rain stopped, and the residents in the safety zone put on their rain boots, rushed back to their houses to take inventory, and then ran to the base of the base wall——

There are still some surviving items there that I don’t know whose home they belong to.

"Don't move! That's my stool!"

"That's my quilt! Little blue floral flowers! Put it down quickly!"

"You can't compete with me for this roof, right? Can your house have two roofs?"

There was a lot of noise, and people were holding on to the same object in twos and threes, and they all said it belonged to their own family.

A four-piece set of blue and red noodles, a large flower thermos, army green cotton clothes, etc. These things all come from holiday hotels. There are only a few varieties for sale. Who can tell who belongs to them?

Even if they argued all the way to Xia Yan, she could only spread her hands and couldn't explain clearly.

When a strong wind blows, it is not just one or two families who lose their things. There is no way of knowing whose belongings are blown away and whose belongings are left behind.

In the end, without fighting, everyone unanimously agreed: Whoever picks it up first belongs to whomever.

Chu Wanfu couldn't tell who owned the things, but he could send someone to help rebuild the roof.

There is too much work to do in the base, including sentry duty, going out to search for supplies, building roads, repairing houses, repairing hospitals, repairing office areas, and rebuilding residential areas...

Due to the shortage of manpower, he simply transferred all the remaining troops from Yinshanling Base.

In order to save time, just enter and exit through Xia Yanna's portal.

The soldiers who arrived here for the first time were packed very tightly. When they stepped out of the portal, they were shocked by the heat on their faces and the lush green scene in front of them, which had obviously just rained.

Is this still the same planet?

Are you sure they didn't travel directly to other places?

"Get dressed and tidy up on the spot, hurry up and get to work!"

When the soldiers heard this, they unbuttoned their buttons - no wonder the leader asked them to wear half-sleeves underneath to save time and effort.

Xia Yan angrily earned a wave of points, happily returned to the private room, turned on the TV, and found a rebirth revenge drama.

Then in the food court, order cold turkey noodles, fried vermicelli, 999 large strawberries, fresh and delicious mangosteen, and finally a glass of Scumbag Green.

A sumptuous ‘afternoon tea’ is in place.

Since the hotel was on the right track, she has never looked at the price when shopping. She can eat whatever she wants and buy whatever she wants with just a few clicks of her fingers.

Just one word, cool!


The base was rebuilt intensively for two weeks, and Xia Yan also disappeared for two weeks.

When she stepped on the spot and appeared in the hotel lobby, she found that the original muddy trail outside had been replaced by a smooth cement road from beginning to end.

The entire base has leapt from a 'poor household' to a 'new town'.

I haven't seen it for a few days. The building that was originally full of bungalows has turned into a three-story building, and houses are still being built upwards.

Xia Yan walked to the safe area and looked up.

It turns out that it was built so quickly only because of the cooperation of people with special powers.

There's no need for a crane, and there's no need to wait for the cement to dry - as long as the water superpower is there, everything is no problem.

I saw the space superpower taking out the twisted steel bars from somewhere, giving them to the fire superpower to melt at ultra-high temperatures, and then transferring them to the metal superpower to remake them into straight bars with spiral patterns.

Remote control, directly move to the predetermined position, control the intersection to blend, and finally control the thick wire to tie it for secondary fixation.

The rest of the work was left to the mud and water psychics.

It was like an assembly line, very fast.

Compared to the conventional house construction in peacetime, the psychics in the apocalypse were much faster.

Since there was no electricity in the base, when night fell, apart from gathering at the doorstep to use the lights on the roof of the hotel, they went to bed early.

This time when they were building the house, they left various clean glass pieces on the wall, and each household had a small solar sheet, connected to a small light bulb below, and stuffed in a plastic bottle.

When it was night, the small piece that absorbed the energy all day released energy at this moment, and the small light bulb lit up, illuminating the room, and there was finally light in the house.

The simple hospital was no longer simple, and all the wooden windows were installed with glass.

(Looking at the thickness, Xia Yan estimated that they had directly removed the bulletproof glass from a bank and moved it back to use)

The walls inside were no longer gray roughcast, but were painted with putty, and even the ground was covered with brand new floors moved back from the furniture store.

Although the floor colors of each room may be different, they are much better than the ground.

Since the space power users put all their inventory in the storage space, they want everything they see.

Originally, they thought the oversized counters, three-meter-long luxurious desks, European-style padded round stools, etc., which took up too much space, now they take whatever they see, and everything they see is a treasure!

"There is an office building in front, shall we go?"

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