The soldiers thought about how pitiful General Chu was. He used the crappiest table. Sometimes his four legs were unstable and he had to add something underneath to maintain balance.

Not to mention that the drawer was unlocked and crumbs fell out when pulled.

How can he be worthy of the status of a general? !

The office building they had looked down upon before was now shining with golden light in their eyes, guiding them forward like a signpost.

The interior of this office building has been raided countless times.

The windows in the building were broken, and the wooden door covered with aluminum lay on the dusty floor tiles.

Office desks, chairs, and various filing cabinets were scattered all over the place. The documents inside were scattered in a messy manner and were blown to the corners by the wind and piled up into a hill.

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Dozens of employment application forms are also pasted with one-inch photos. The photos have long been tarnished by years of wind and rain, and the black and white eyes look upside down and look blankly at the intruders.

The few people who walked cautiously passed by from above, without any emotion.

After many consecutive days of heavy rain, the ground here has become muddy, and when you step on it, it actually leaves a white markโ€”โ€”

The soles of the shoes lifted up the mud, revealing the milky white tiles underneath.

Among the swaying things, the space superpower noticed the luxurious boss table at the front at a glance.

found it!

It's spacious, calm, and the color is low-key and luxurious, just in line with the general's solemn temperament!

You must choose the best table to use!

In fact, they had a little thought that they didn't say out loud.

That is - Boss Xia's front desk is ten times better than the general's desk. Isn't this a slap in the face?

Anyway, now that there is enough space, itโ€™s time to improve the generalโ€™s quality of life!


After Xia Yan finished explaining, he turned over and got into the RV.

"Boss Xia, are you going out too?"

She put on her seat belt, lowered the window, nodded, and looked at Sang Zhengyi who greeted her.

After not seeing each other for a while, Sang Zhengyi has gained a lot of flesh and looks good.

"Where are Sang Yu and her sister?"

Sang Zhengyi smiled: "I went to study medicine with her aunt. I left early and came back late. I don't have to follow them when I go out to find supplies in the future. I feel relieved."

Xia Yan poked his head out and saw that there was a body with a missing head attached to the back of the luxury car rented to Sang Zhengyi.

Inside were the disabled survivors who had come here with him.

Seeing her looking over, they all waved.

"Just you? Be careful out there." Xia Yan said more.

Mainly, most of these people are old and weak, not to mention the ability to attack, it is good to be able to protect themselves.

There are zombies and mutated creatures everywhere outside.

Compared with other teams, they are more risky when going out.

Sang Zhengyi: "Don't worry, Boss Xia, we have added a new partner."

As he spoke, he tilted his head and waved: "Here! Get in the car directly!"

A group of people walked out of Xia Yan's blind spot. They jumped onto the carriage and stood guard at the four corners.

The movements are very skillful.

Xia Yan put his arms on the car window and asked Qi Hua and the others curiously, "When did you get together?"

Judging from that posture, it was no longer a matter of a day or two.

Before Qi Hua could say anything, Wang Xuewei on the side was the first to speak with a smile.

"Boss Xia, you are too busy to pay attention to so many details. We joined Uncle Sang's team a month ago."

Qi Hua then nodded and told the truth: "After the heavy rain, the zombies outside began to leave the city and kept wandering to the periphery. The risk of going out to search for supplies became greater. Various large and small groups also appeared in the base. Uncle Sang and the others were anxious Those who lack offensive abilities will be together as soon as we join together.โ€

There were some incentives that he didn't say. Except for people in his own team and his parents, he rarely trusted outsiders.

There are many people in the hotel, and those who have survived to this day have more or less strength and power, so help will not be extended casually.

When Sang Zhengyi and his group appeared in the safe zone, Qi Hua was shocked to see that he had taken in a group of old, weak, sick and disabled people.

Later, I saw him leading his wife and daughter to work without fear of getting dirty, and trying their best to share the resources equally with everyone. A group of people sat on the floor, eating hard-earned watermelon in small bites. Qi Hua, who was standing at the window, watched silently and said Unexplainable emotions surged in my heart.

"It's really not easy for them." Qi's mother sighed deeply.

Who will have it easy in the last days?

Qi Hua looked away and closed the window, "Mom, go to bed early."

In the following days, he always secretly observed this group of people and silently graded Sang Zhengyi according to his own standards in his heart.

Then when they went out to kill zombies, they were surrounded by more than a dozen zombies. They struggled to resist on crutches, so they deliberately raised their voices to attract the zombies away.

Who would have thought that in the evening, Sang Zhengyi would avoid the crowd and come over, stuffing a small bag of something into his arms.

"Brother, thank you for your help this afternoon. I'll give you a small token of thanks and take it home to eat."

After the others left, Qi Hua opened his cloth bag, which contained more than a dozen round, golden apples.

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inside the room.

"He is a good person." Qi's mother took the purified fruit handed over by her son, rubbed the outer skin, and was reluctant to take a bite.

Qi Hua divided all the fruits, leaving only two for his family.

Qi Hua handed the other one to Qi's father.

Qi's mother sighed heavily and put the fruit on the bedside table, "Alas, in this world, it's not that good people can have a good life."

Qi's father broke half of the apple and gave it to his son, biting into it without saying anything.

Qi's mother knew that she was being too soft-hearted again. She couldn't really think that she had no worries just because she was living a good life now.

Even when she thought of asking her son to help them more when they were in trouble in the future, she shuddered all over.

Her son has grown up and has been working hard to support the family.

But every day, as soon as he opened his eyes, even if he did nothing, the points would flow out.

Whoever's child, he would feel sorry for him. She really couldn't say the words of helping others.

She hurriedly picked up the apple and ate it. The sound of her teeth biting barely dissipated the solemn atmosphere in the room.

After a long time, Qi Hua still followed his heart and reached out to help.

The base is like a class, and General Chu is like a class teacher. He can never stop the large and small groups from appearing in the base.

Powerful superpowers are the most urgently needed in all teams.

Some people may have been on the sidelines at first, but since the base was hit by a storm and the supplies were blown away, and after Boss Xia's inexpensive storage space appeared, they all took the initiative to request to join the most powerful team in the base.

Even the residents in the hotel received various invitations.

Qi Hua knew that the stronger the team, the smaller the casualties and gains when going out, and he should accept the invitation.

But he didn't reply for a long time.

Finally, he waited for the invitation from Sang Zhengyi.

He asked: "How do you distribute the supplies?"

Sang Zhengyi: "Everyone will share it equally. You just need to ensure safety, and leave the picking of fruits and vegetables to us."

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