He continued to ask: "What about the crystal core?"

Sang Zhengyi seemed to have thought about it long ago, and blurted out: "You take six of the total, and we take four. 6⃞ 9⃞ s⃞ h⃞ u⃞ x⃞ .⃞ c⃞ o⃞ m⃞"

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

Qi Hua did not answer, but turned to look at his teammates: "What do you think?"

Everyone looked at each other and said nothing.

The crystal core is higher than the conditions offered by other teams, but most of the people in Sang Zhengyi's team are disabled.

When encountering zombies, their resistance is limited, and it is difficult to escape.

If they agree, they will be under great pressure.

This is why Sang Zhengyi has not absorbed many superpowers until now.

They feel embarrassed, but they still have conscience in their hearts. They have seen Sang Zhengyi and his team's efforts to survive, and they really can't say that you will hold them back.

Sang Zhengyi looked at the faces of several people one by one. As a former base commander, how could he not see their concerns?

He said: "Don't look at their disabilities. They are all smart. When they work, their ears stand up like rabbits. When there is a little disturbance, they get up and run. There are thousands of zombies who died at their hands."

"You should have seen it too. Have you seen them infected or disappeared in such a long time? Physical defects will become another kind of sensitivity. They cherish their lives more than anyone else, and they are more sincere. Helping each other is not just talk here..."

Sang Zhengyi is like a salesman who is trying hard to sell products, talking endlessly about the advantages.

He tried to package this group of people beautifully and tried to find a strong protective shield for them.

This is what he has been doing, whether before or after the end of the world.

He is not only a husband, father, and elder brother, but also the base commander of the survivors who follow closely behind him.

As long as there is one person following, he will try his best to take care of them and keep them alive.

This is his nature. He has already stepped halfway into the coffin, and he can't change it.

Under the infectious language, is there a deep worry and powerlessness about the end of the world?

Qi Hua looked at the man in front of him who was ready for battle, looked at the white at the root of his eyebrows, looked at the deep ravines at the end of his eyes, and his heart suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Disability was not their own will, but it became the most fatal injury in the end of the world.

They were obviously victims, but they lowered their heads like children who made mistakes.

Is it really so difficult for people to live?

Damn the end of the world!

Qi Hua said: "Uncle Sang, we join. The crystal core is divided equally."


The wild grass outside the base grew more vigorously after being irrigated by rain.

The grass that was originally crushed has grown again at this moment, and it only looks a little lower than the side.

The road to the city center can still be recognized.

The jagged grass leaves hit the half-open car window in unison, making a rustling sound.

Xia Yan glanced at the rearview mirror, and was followed by Sang Zhengyi and his group.

They heard that there were many zombies wandering around the outskirts of the city, so they planned to go there to collect some crystal cores and buy some food with a long shelf life in the supermarket.

Most people in the base had no place to store supplies before, and they were worried that they would be stolen if they bought too much. Anyway, it was close to the hotel, so they had food and drinks. They usually went out to kill zombies and grab some free fruits and vegetables without spending crystal cores.

Every household had them, but no one came to steal them.

But this time they had a place to store things, and their sense of crisis rose.

They ran to the supermarket and bought a bunch of instant noodles, biscuits and other things that could be stored for a long time.

A wave of stockpiling swept the entire base in an instant.

Now basically every household went out in a group, and they were not in a hurry to pick up fruits and vegetables. They killed zombies desperately and collected crystal cores, so that they could shop in the supermarket and move supplies to their own "warehouse".

When they got close to the outskirts of the city, Xia Yan saw several teams of people chasing and hacking zombies.

That overly excited state...

For a moment, it was hard to tell who was the prey...

Qi Hua's eyes turned red, and he stepped on the gas pedal and rushed over.

"Boss Xia, we're leaving first!"

Then he left with a deafening roar, and several zombies on the street corners ran over.

"There are zombies over there!"

The people who were 'hunting' nearby ran over with their legs.

First come, first served.

Qi Hua braked, and several people jumped off the bucket behind him, holding shovels and running towards the zombies.

So fierce.

Seeing this, Xia Yan had to bypass everyone and drive onto another path.

The purpose of her coming today was to collect some transportation tools such as bicycles and electric vehicles.

Lida Island is too big, and walking alone can make people tired to death.

It would be better to provide some transportation tools to facilitate everyone's travel.

Not long after walking along the street, she saw a bicycle shop without doors or windows.

Although the ground was full of mud stains, rows of bicycles covered with dust and black mud fell on the ground, one on top of the other.

In the end times, few people come to shops like this.

Basically, they come in to search for food, and no one would think of carrying the bicycles back to use.

All of them are cheap for Xia Yan.

She put on disposable shoe covers (mainly because she was too lazy to wash them, and she could just throw them away after use), walked into the store, and put all the bicycles into the system grid.

There is also a small door in the store, which seems to be connected to the warehouse.

Xia Yan walked in and rushed towards a horrible zombie with a face full of rotten flesh. Its blue-black right eye popped out of its socket as it moved. There was a nerve behind the sphere, which fell a few times in the air and broke.

Then it bounced twice on the ground in free fall and was crushed by its foot.


A pool of black rotten water splashed.

The zombie, who had no sense of pain, did not stop and rushed to the door in a hurry like an angry black bull.

Xia Yan dodged sideways, holding her breath, took out a mask from the system grid and put it on, pressing the edge.

When the zombie wandered to the front, she looked around the warehouse of more than 100 square meters.

As she thought, the bicycles placed inside were much cleaner than those outside, but they were also tripped by the survivors who came in to search for supplies and piled up in a mess.

What Xide, SAV, Amei, Meili, all kinds of brands were mixed together.

Xia Yan couldn't tell the good from the bad.

In her eyes, anything that is free is good.

Including bicycle baskets, inner tubes, pumps, oil, chains and other tools.

And various tools for repairing bicycles.

Just take them all.

I think there is no one else in the world who can put these things to good use like her.

Finally, she clapped her hands, and the originally crowded space was now left with only traces of bicycle frames in black, white and gray.

The geese pass by without leaving any traces, next one!

Thanks to the clustering of stores of the same type on the same street, she didn't have to drive back and forth to look for them.

Next door is an electric car shop covering an area of ​​300 square meters, with a total of two floors. The window glass on the second floor was completely destroyed, and the new electric cars used as exhibits were hanging on the edge.

Shaking, it may fall at any time.

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