A not-so-small breeze blew.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

Only the front wheel of the pink electric bike was stuck on the iron bar of the window, and it was swaying even more violently.

Within two seconds, the electric bike really lost its center of gravity and fell from the second floor with a clang.

It just hit Xia Yan's feet.

Even the basket was flattened.

This bike was scrapped, and there was no need to take it back.

Xia Yan retracted his gaze and stepped in.

There were only a few electric bikes left in the lobby on the first floor, but fortunately the body was intact, and the basket still had the original charger, which was put away.

Electric bikes are not like bicycles, they are usually charged in advance for customers to try out.

When the end of the world comes, the staff in the store and the people who are escaping behind may ride one away.

It doesn't matter, she will go to the second floor to take a look.

Going up the stairs, she saw four black walls, covering the black and red splattered blood and handprints below.

There are still traces of the tragic scene when the end of the world happened.


When Xia Yan walked, the disposable shoe covers on his feet rubbed against each other, making a not-so-loud sound.

But in this extremely silent space, it seemed deafening.


Half a zombie suddenly emerged from the parts piled in the corner, like a monkey pressed under the Five Fingers Mountain, with only a head exposed.

It was covered in dirt and rotten flesh, and its lips had long disappeared, revealing only gaps in its gums.

It opened and closed, interlaced up and down, making a creaking friction sound.

The people who heard it were all nauseous.

Xia Yan picked up a screwdriver and stuffed it directly into the zombie's mouth to block the noise.

After a few years of the apocalypse, all the buildings that lost human maintenance gradually fell into disorder under the influence of nature.

Everything was returning to its original state and being swallowed by nature.

The weed seeds that had blown in at some point took root on the second floor and grew vigorously.

After a few days of heavy rain, red flowers bloomed on the top, with petals close to the size of a palm.

Xia Yan walked over and took away the electric car under it.

The system is mandatory to collect items - as soon as the electric bike disappeared, dense and tiny roots fell freely from the air like a spider web.

Xia Yan clearly saw the roots moving like tentacles, crawling forward on the floor, and then touching the zombie head next door.

As if receiving some signal, all the remaining roots rushed over, directly inserted into the zombie's rotten face, and continued to surge inward.

The black matter visible to the naked eye returned to the main body along the roots.

After a while, the entire zombie head was wrapped up by the roots.

Xia Yan then took away the remaining electric bikes.

Clusters of roots fell to the ground and crawled around. The main body lost its fixings and fell to the left.

The stamens that were hit instantly emitted a black mist. When the sun shone, thousands of fine pollen could be seen inside.

Before the roots crawled over, Xia Yan went to collect all the electric bikes in the corner.

She turned and went downstairs.

Just as she was about to step out of the door, there was a tiny cracking sound from the ceiling of the first floor, and waves of white ash fell.

Then a small tentacle emerged.

"It's a spirit." Xia Yan muttered.


The undisguised sound of a whistle rang out on the street, and she turned back to look.

On the green military vehicle, a group of people waved at her desperately with bright eyes.

The passenger window was lowered, half of the body was stretched out, and the big smiling face was very dazzling in the eyes.

"Boss Xia! What a coincidence! We are here to protect you!"

Xia Yan:...

The military vehicle stopped in front of her with a creak, and a group of young girls jumped out.

The short hair that reached her ears rose behind her head with the movement, and she bent her knees slightly to relieve the force, and stood up again, holding the superpower gun in front of her, her eyes were as bright as stars.

The camouflage military pants tightly hugged her thin waist that could not be grasped, and two straight long legs were inserted into military boots, walking with a sonorous and powerful voice.

"Electric bikes? Sisters, help Boss Xia collect the bikes!"

The tall girl who led the team raised her chin and pointed at the empty space.

The female soldier who entered first drew a dagger from her waist, and with a flash of cold light, the hanging roots were cut off in unison.

Xia Yan stopped them from going up to the second floor, "I have already collected everything here, have you completed your mission today?"

The tall girl smiled: "Yes, I have exceeded the mission!"

"Then you——"

"Zombies are coming! Sisters, go, go!"

The soldier standing on the top of the military vehicle shouted, his tone was very excited.

Jumping out of the car and drawing a knife, a group of people rushed forward.

The tall girl smiled cunningly, "Anyway, we have to kill zombies to save crystal cores, and help you collect things by the way, it's a win-win~"

Xia Yan: "...Okay, thank you for your hard work."

If she refuses again, she will seem unkind, right?

Besides, she has always been single, and occasionally among young girls, listening to them talking and fighting freely.

Unconsciously, Xia Yan also laughed.

It seems that this is not bad.

Like friends.


Xia Yan lowered her eyelashes.

If she knew clearly that they would die one day, she would leave this world after completing the mission.

The two sides would never meet again...

It was like a handful of colorless and tasteless dust. After a long time, she would even forget the faces of her former friends...

What's the point.

After giving her true heart, how can she accept the death of these people? How can she accept her own departure?


Xia Yan seemed to be out of the matter, hanging outside the body, silently watching the colorful bubbles surging in her heart.


There is indeed strength in numbers.

Within two hours, all the shops on the entire street were cleaned up.

During the period of collecting supplies, military vehicles would honk from time to time to attract nearby zombies.

After completing the mission that day, the crystal cores killed by the zombies belonged to the private property of the team and did not need to be handed in.

The female soldiers came over from the end of the street excitedly.

After seeing Xia Yan, the space ability user began to take things out of the space.

"Boss Xia, we don't know what you need. Anyway, we have collected all the things that can be disassembled. Can you use them?"

How could Xia Yan take advantage of others and still be ungrateful? People work for free, so why would he complain?

She smiled and said, "They can all be used. Take a look and see if there is anything you can use. The rest is for me."

The female soldiers did not hide anything and said with a smile, "They are all electric cars, tools and so on. They are really useless. Just take them all. Anyway, they are for you."

Hearing this, Xia Yan did not refuse and put away all the things.

"Thank you for your hard work. I ordered a glass of mango sago with a little ice for you. Don't be polite. You have helped me a lot. It is my duty to treat you to a drink."

As she said, she walked to the back of the truck and put the drinks and five boxes of exquisite snacks on it.

"Let's go."

Xia Yan got on the RV, started the car and walked in front.

The military vehicle followed.

A loud and joyful singing sounded from the truck:

"Today is a good day~Everything you want can come true~"

Then, the female soldiers held up their milk teas and shouted to the car in front with a big laugh, "Thank you, Boss Xia! It's so delicious!"

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